FR++  Fr++: Need to get over the top


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2016
whats up everyone,

This weeks has been pretty eventful. For this Fr I met up with this girl i had been trying to meet up with for like 2 months. Shes about 5'6 very pettite frame with glasses. Shes pretty but not a stunner or super cute in my opinion. I met her at my job, I call people to try to sell them shoe product and it often ends up with me getting girls #'s along the way. I met her with her cousin and I could tell she was interested but I didnt set anything up. About a week later she came back to my job and was lingering around so I knew she wanted me and I got her #.

We first planned to meet up but our schedules were really shitty. She still lives with her parents, she just turned 18, so her schedule is really limited and on top of that i'm always busy so I can only chill at times on my terms. It's actually pretty funny b/c i just about next'd her earlier. I was telling her to come to the mall i work at so we can chill, but she was saying maybe she has shit to do. Feeling annoyed at having constantly tried and failed to get her out I told her this:
ME: come at a time where you buy your outfit then we meet up
Me: yes or no
her: I dont know b/c im not the one driving up there
Me: lets just take a break right now and meet up in the future
Her: what do you mean by that
ME: we'll just link up in the future when we have more time
Her: okay

Figuring i wouldnt talk to her for awhile I went about my business. Then about two hours later she sent me a text asking if i was at work lol. I thought should i fuck with her or would this be a waste of my time. I decided I would go but take my sweet as time to get there b/c i dint want to tag along with her and her friend while they shop, fuck that. I get there and she's trying to get me to meet her at certain stores and i'm not listening to her. I tell her meet me at X location to which she does. When I see her i say "finally were actauly hanging out" and then I tell her to give me a hug. Her friend is kind of trailing behind while me and her talk and connect.
Now over the past month my seduction style has shaped into me being an asshole with cocky humor to build up my sexual vibe. This is what i believe hurts me later on.
So as we chit chat shes growing more comfortable, grabbing my arms touching me. I can tell she's into me b/c through my peripherals i see her staring at me from time to time lol. Shit is going good when she says she's looking for a boyfriend. I use chase's answer saying "i'm at that point in my life where I dont know what I want right now." She throws an objection saying she dated someone who did that and it didn't work out blah blah blah. Then i ask her to buy me a lemonade near this food cart. She obliges we sit down next to each other and eat. She tells me how her friend is about to leave so she'll have to go soon. I sense she wants to hang with me and I suggest she stay till 9:30 (it was around 8ish) and i'll drive her home.
She's contemplating because she knows what that means ;) were going to fuck. Then she tries saying at 9 but I hold my frame and eventually she agrees. We walk outside to get her stuff from her friends car and head to my car. She has this nervous expression like she might regret what she's about to do so i try to comfort her and keep the mood up by talking about light topics. Then I go in for a kiss before i drive off and she kisses me back. Then she backs up with a cute little smile on her face. As i'm backing up she asks me:
Her: where are we going?
ME: shit, uhmm actually i don't know
Her:Let's go to a park by my house.
Me: or we could go to a park close to her. So what do you say stay her or go to the one by your house
Her: nah, the one by my house is good.
(this was bad leadership by my part. I should've took control and have her follow my lead)

On the drive i can tell she's in her head. Her arms are crossed and her moods changed from happy and excited to nervous. I try to lighten her mood up asking her about school and shit similar to the sorts. Unfortunately she's still dwelling on negative topics. We eventually get to the park after about 25 minutes of driving. I kiss her in my car again and then tell her to get out. She says some bullshit about there is coyotes in the park lmao. I don't let that stop me and i get out and she follows my lead. I take her hand and lead her towards the restroom b/c i had to pee real bad. I come out and she's still there. She's nervous i can tell so I hold her close to me giving her light kisses. I could tell she was pretty inexperienced from how she kissed me. It was this awkward ass pec but i move from htis. After a few minutes i pull her close to my body and then kiss her neck abit, licking her neck. She says I'm going to give her hickey so i say well ill kiss her chest. I'm leaned up against the bathroom wall with her on me and I start to scratch her back abit while kissing her. I know she's really enjoying it, but she stops me.
Enters the bitch called LMR
Her: I don't want to do this
ME: what? kissing?
Her: I don't know it feels to soon
ME: i say we don't have to do anything you don't want us too

I continue kissing her and start licking her neck again. Then I star kissing her chest area close to her boobs. I'm moving my hands up and down her body getting her comfortable then I caress her tits. I push down her bra and tease her nipples before sucking them abit. Then she stops me again pulls back and continues throwing objections. "it's too soon." "we're moving to fast." "I don't know you." I'm addressing them by saying "it's natural", "we're getting to know each other right now. We've had this great connection all night." This continues abit but i dont think i pulled back enough. Then she says " I don't want to do this and then get too attached." I dont know how I responed to this. Then i did a fuck up saying something like " i like to make my girls feel happy" (pretty stupid i know haha.) She goes in on me saying "your girls" and i make some excuse like " i mean the girls ive been with in my past." try to escalate one more time but the presedence had been set. My mind went blank about any more strategies or tactics I could've used. Eventually time runs out, it's 9:30 and she says "we should go. I say fuck it and go but i'm not defeated in anyway. My demeanor is still the same as before unlike my past failed escalations.

I drop her off give her a kiss and hug then head back home. She tells me to text her when I make it home. I do that and she replies but not very enthusiastically. Looking back I think I did much better now than in my past escalations. I kept that upbeat vibe while dealing with her objections. One thing that really hurt me was attainability. MY value was really high in her thinking im a player and her investment in me was also good. But i think i fucked up my attainability since she's younger, inexperienced and abit insecure.
A few things I could've tried:
-Moving her somewhere else
-Using a yes ladder
-Not saying dumb shit lol
Escalating while she was still in a good mood/vibe

I plan to meet up with her next friday unless she goes into auto-rejection by then. I will get past this shitty as LMR and get more lays tho. Tracking my progress over the last few months i know i've gotten much better overall. Let me know if you guys have any pointers and suggestions.
