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Friday and Saturday, Handling State Management, Drunk vs Sober


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Started going out after a long time. Both outtings were solo.


I just smashed half a bottle of red wine, it's almost 11 pm, it's time to go out. I put on my boots, and my white fur coat (peacock) and I head out solo.

I live pretty close to city center (<5 min) and where the bars are so my logistics are looking good. However, before I head straight to the bars I stop by this kebab place that has one of those punch machines which I have been eyeing for some time. I figure I do it now, to pump my state and grease the wheels by talking to some people.

After that I head straight to this bar, say hi to the bouncers, walk in and b-line to the bar to fix another drink. I sort of stand there, leaning on the bar stool and build a little base while I get accostumed to the envivroment.

So I am sipping my glass of white wine, and I figured I need to start talking soon, otherwise I am gonna get pushed in my head and get self-concious about being there by myself.

I see this girl on the dancefloor, like 2-steps away, and immediatly approach her:

"Hey, I need to talk to someone otherwise I am just going to stand here and get BORED" -delivered in a vibey, friendly manner

"Haha, that's ok, that's ok, nice coat."

"Thank you, anyways, what's your name."

Exchange some pleasantries and her friend walks over who imo is better looking so I switch over to her. The vibe is so much better, but I finish my drink and decide to go back to the bar for a refil and scout if I can find something better and I tell her:

"I am gonna go get another glass of wine, I will be right back."

But instead I go back to the bar, refill it, and just stand there, she can clearly see me btw. but she is talking to her friend and some dudes approach them the moment I left. I can't tell if they know each other already.

So I am looking around, can't find anything better. So I decide fuck it, the bar has a crane game in the corner migth as well do something than just stand around. Maybe if I win a fluffy animal I can use it as a prop to start conversations.

...Those games are a scam I had 10 tries, and they always slip out.

I talk to some more people, befriend some dudes and make a base, but at this point I am getting way to drunk... my game is getting sloppy and I am about to have a state crash.

Hopp a few more bars, go in and out. And that's prety much it.


This time I will be dammed If my state crashed so I decided I am going out solo - but this time completely sober!

Boots. Coat. Head out.

I go straight to the bar, b-line for the bar stool but this time I order a coke-zero.

I am sipping my coke-zero, but I immediately notice how much more self-concious I get about being there by myself. Also, my energy is just not there.

I try to make small talk to a few people, just to get the gears going (even if I befriend some dudes I will be less self-concious about standing there by myself), but no dice, no conversation really sticks.

I hopp over to another place. It is one of those two-stories bars so I can cirlce around a bit.

Find a nice corner next to three girls dancing.

At this point I am not feeling it at all.

Some dude walks up and trie to dance with one of the girls.

I immediately use that as an open, kinda felt like going direct on this one and the girl was fitt.

"Hey that dude's got some moves, huh?"

"..." -smiles, but is listening to what I am about to say next.

"Anyway, I told myself I have to say something to this girl, otherwise I am going to feel so bad later about it."

kinda pauses, then smiles and says:

"I know."

And she walks off two steps forward back to her friends.

Little ego bruise, I think to myself, but now the challenge was not to be a pussy about it and walk off.

So, I stay there even though it was very uncomfortable to stand there in the corner, and good thing I did.

Her friend drops her lipstick right at my feet in the most obvious way imaginabel.

I lol and I hug her.

"Heh, that was pretty obvious."

I don't think she heard me. But she walks back and starts grinding on me lol. That really made my night.

I keep talking to her/touching her but she is unresponsive. Wasn't quite my type anyway (auto-rejection), but might use the situation.

She walks back to her friend, I open my phone, next thing I know she falls down I only realised this when I put my phone away, I couldn't see from the light.

So I circle around a bit more. Decided, I am REALLY not feeling it tonight (I am pushed in my head).

Head out, on my way out approach this one girl I eyed that is my type. She had one of those beauty queen sashes, figured I use that for an open.

"Wow, that is so cool, can I see that?" -delivered in the most positvie vibe I could muster.

"I am with her, I am with her." -points to her girlfriend.

I figured, damn she's not into guys (lol), so I just head out.

Sit a bit on a concrete bech in front of the bars, and decide to head home.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I got a lot of compliments on the pimp coat from girls on both outtings, but those interactions didn't seem to go anywhere, other than them genuienly wanting to compliment me/feel it and leave. So, I just used it to pump my state. One girl actually wanted to try it on, but I got a strong feeling she would disapear with it, so I said 'No'.


Lessons and sticking points:

My number 1 sticking point: State management/emotional regulation/energy management. I get super self-concious about being there solo and I am deatlhy affraid of building up a reputation as a 'weird guy that goes out by himself'. I try to push my own buttons, and get the gears going with micro-contact, small conversations, just so I can get comfortable enough to think about running some advanced stuff. Also, when I drink I tend to get overly social and when I talk to girls I am way to friendly and not enough sexual. But then when I don't drink, I am more reclusive and picky. It's drunk and sloppy or sober and timid. I really want to do this sober because I am actually able to think about game, instead of being in a drunken haze and buzzing around left and right, even though that can be fun sometimes, the crash isn't.

Any advice from advanced guys on how to manage your state better and how to push your own buttons when you go out sober? How do I stop being so self-concious?

My number 2 sticking point: I am stingy on the approaches, beacuse I don't want to spam approach and wreck my reputation. So what I will do is I will go to bars and just do proximity approaches. Position myself so I am standing next to the girl, and just start talking, instead of very VISUALLY and clearly walking over from one place of the bar to the next to approach her. I also, sometimes can't decide if I don't like the girl so I don't apprach her or if I do approach her I eject to look for something better, or is it just the case of where I am coping. It is not the case like talk = instant sex, so I am leaning towards it being more of a case of me coping. But let's not kid ourselves, if we don't find a girl attractive it is not like we are motivated to stay there.

This one ties into point number one, but how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?

My number 3 sticking point: Immersion/Hook point. I was so consumed with myself and my own feelings, besides the first girl on Friday, I never even reached the hook point. It was all a bunch of (meaningless) opens. I figured If I just talked long enough open enough, with the right sub-comms and verbals, I would reach it. But I think in this case, I just didn't open enough, or properly enough.

Is there any better approach in a loud, crowded drunk envivroment for more consistent opens/hooks? So that I could actually proceed to isolate at least to smoking area. It is kind of hard to do all the verbals I read about here, when I can barely hear the girl and she can bearly hear me. How to actually go from point A ==> open, to B ==> hook, when she can't even hear me enough, and it's too chaotic so that I can even hook on verbals?
Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Started going out after a long time. Both outtings were solo.


I just smashed half a bottle of red wine, it's almost 11 pm, it's time to go out. I put on my boots, and my white fur coat (peacock) and I head out solo.

I live pretty close to city center (<5 min) and where the bars are so my logistics are looking good. However, before I head straight to the bars I stop by this kebab place that has one of those punch machines which I have been eyeing for some time. I figure I do it now, to pump my state and grease the wheels by talking to some people.

After that I head straight to this bar, say hi to the bouncers, walk in and b-line to the bar to fix another drink. I sort of stand there, leaning on the bar stool and build a little base while I get accostumed to the envivroment.

So I am sipping my glass of white wine, and I figured I need to start talking soon, otherwise I am gonna get pushed in my head and get self-concious about being there by myself.

I see this girl on the dancefloor, like 2-steps away, and immediatly approach her:

"Hey, I need to talk to someone otherwise I am just going to stand here and get BORED" -delivered in a vibey, friendly manner

"Haha, that's ok, that's ok, nice coat."

"Thank you, anyways, what's your name."

Exchange some pleasantries and her friend walks over who imo is better looking so I switch over to her. The vibe is so much better, but I finish my drink and decide to go back to the bar for a refil and scout if I can find something better and I tell her:

"I am gonna go get another glass of wine, I will be right back."

But instead I go back to the bar, refill it, and just stand there, she can clearly see me btw. but she is talking to her friend and some dudes approach them the moment I left. I can't tell if they know each other already.

So I am looking around, can't find anything better. So I decide fuck it, the bar has a crane game in the corner migth as well do something than just stand around. Maybe if I win a fluffy animal I can use it as a prop to start conversations.

...Those games are a scam I had 10 tries, and they always slip out.

I talk to some more people, befriend some dudes and make a base, but at this point I am getting way to drunk... my game is getting sloppy and I am about to have a state crash.

Hopp a few more bars, go in and out. And that's prety much it.


This time I will be dammed If my state crashed so I decided I am going out solo - but this time completely sober!

Boots. Coat. Head out.

I go straight to the bar, b-line for the bar stool but this time I order a coke-zero.

I am sipping my coke-zero, but I immediately notice how much more self-concious I get about being there by myself. Also, my energy is just not there.

I try to make small talk to a few people, just to get the gears going (even if I befriend some dudes I will be less self-concious about standing there by myself), but no dice, no conversation really sticks.

I hopp over to another place. It is one of those two-stories bars so I can cirlce around a bit.

Find a nice corner next to three girls dancing.

At this point I am not feeling it at all.

Some dude walks up and trie to dance with one of the girls.

I immediately use that as an open, kinda felt like going direct on this one and the girl was fitt.

"Hey that dude's got some moves, huh?"

"..." -smiles, but is listening to what I am about to say next.

"Anyway, I told myself I have to say something to this girl, otherwise I am going to feel so bad later about it."

kinda pauses, then smiles and says:

"I know."

And she walks off two steps forward back to her friends.

Little ego bruise, I think to myself, but now the challenge was not to be a pussy about it and walk off.

So, I stay there even though it was very uncomfortable to stand there in the corner, and good thing I did.

Her friend drops her lipstick right at my feet in the most obvious way imaginabel.

I lol and I hug her.

"Heh, that was pretty obvious."

I don't think she heard me. But she walks back and starts grinding on me lol. That really made my night.

I keep talking to her/touching her but she is unresponsive. Wasn't quite my type anyway (auto-rejection), but might use the situation.

She walks back to her friend, I open my phone, next thing I know she falls down I only realised this when I put my phone away, I couldn't see from the light.

So I circle around a bit more. Decided, I am REALLY not feeling it tonight (I am pushed in my head).

Head out, on my way out approach this one girl I eyed that is my type. She had one of those beauty queen sashes, figured I use that for an open.

"Wow, that is so cool, can I see that?" -delivered in the most positvie vibe I could muster.

"I am with her, I am with her." -points to her girlfriend.

I figured, damn she's not into guys (lol), so I just head out.

Sit a bit on a concrete bech in front of the bars, and decide to head home.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I got a lot of compliments on the pimp coat from girls on both outtings, but those interactions didn't seem to go anywhere, other than them genuienly wanting to compliment me/feel it and leave. So, I just used it to pump my state. One girl actually wanted to try it on, but I got a strong feeling she would disapear with it, so I said 'No'.


Lessons and sticking points:

My number 1 sticking point: State management/emotional regulation/energy management. I get super self-concious about being there solo and I am deatlhy affraid of building up a reputation as a 'weird guy that goes out by himself'. I try to push my own buttons, and get the gears going with micro-contact, small conversations, just so I can get comfortable enough to think about running some advanced stuff. Also, when I drink I tend to get overly social and when I talk to girls I am way to friendly and not enough sexual. But then when I don't drink, I am more reclusive and picky. It's drunk and sloppy or sober and timid. I really want to do this sober because I am actually able to think about game, instead of being in a drunken haze and buzzing around left and right, even though that can be fun sometimes, the crash isn't.

Any advice from advanced guys on how to manage your state better and how to push your own buttons when you go out sober? How do I stop being so self-concious?

My number 2 sticking point: I am stingy on the approaches, beacuse I don't want to spam approach and wreck my reputation. So what I will do is I will go to bars and just do proximity approaches. Position myself so I am standing next to the girl, and just start talking, instead of very VISUALLY and clearly walking over from one place of the bar to the next to approach her. I also, sometimes can't decide if I don't like the girl so I don't apprach her or if I do approach her I eject to look for something better, or is it just the case of where I am coping. It is not the case like talk = instant sex, so I am leaning towards it being more of a case of me coping. But let's not kid ourselves, if we don't find a girl attractive it is not like we are motivated to stay there.

This one ties into point number one, but how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?

My number 3 sticking point: Immersion/Hook point. I was so consumed with myself and my own feelings, besides the first girl on Friday, I never even reached the hook point. It was all a bunch of (meaningless) opens. I figured If I just talked long enough open enough, with the right sub-comms and verbals, I would reach it. But I think in this case, I just didn't open enough, or properly enough.

Is there any better approach in a loud, crowded drunk envivroment for more consistent opens/hooks? So that I could actually proceed to isolate at least to smoking area. It is kind of hard to do all the verbals I read about here, when I can barely hear the girl and she can bearly hear me. How to actually go from point A ==> open, to B ==> hook, when she can't even hear me enough, and it's too chaotic so that I can even hook on verbals?
Curious why you did not sticked with the girl whom you opened on the first day on dance floor or why you did not reopened her, when there was no good set. She was receptive right.

Also, liked the way opened.

I thought it would sound very clingy you know like I am alone please talk to me but made it sound cool I guess.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?
Rarely ever happens. Nobody cares about us as much as we think. And if you are already talking to a girl and someone saw you, how could they even tell the difference between whether it was an "approach" or whether you already knew her?

And in a bar/nightclub it is socially acceptable to approach so even if they see someone going up and talking to girls nobody would think its anything out of the ordinary.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Mystery's wingman Beckster will wave to the crowd as if it is to someone that he knows. If someone facing you turns around to look at who you're waving to, they will have no idea who it was.

Pretty sneaky!

I would rethink the opener about "needing to" talk to someone. That is literal neediness. Since you are wearing a white fur coat, I assume being kind of cocky would be congruent for you. Some ideas:

"I noticed you noticing me and wanted to let you know I appreciate a woman with good taste" - Rick H

More from Beckster:

"Those are the second best shoes I've seen tonight" (or use "outfit" etc). When she asks who has the best, point at yourself and say "this guy"

"Hey guys, who's got the best shoes on tonight" (circle point to whole group's feet) gets them discussing and showing off


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Curious why you did not sticked with the girl whom you opened on the first day on dance floor or why you did not reopened her, when there was no good set. She was receptive right.
I didn't find her attractive enough. But yeah, I still could have talked to her more use her to build momentum.
Rarely ever happens. Nobody cares about us as much as we think. And if you are already talking to a girl and someone saw you, how could they even tell the difference between whether it was an "approach" or whether you already knew her?
Girls talk between each other and the town is around 300,000 people. I know some guys who burned through their reputation by spam approaching and got accused of accosting. I prefer to play it safe.
And in a bar/nightclub it is socially acceptable to approach so even if they see someone going up and talking to girls nobody would think its anything out of the ordinary.
Yeah, this is why I only do night game these days. It's more acceptable, the girls are out, their pussies are already shaved and they are looking for the same thing. It's simply more efficient for ONS, ime. I still do day game, but like, when I am traveling or on vacation.
Mystery's wingman Beckster will wave to the crowd as if it is to someone that he knows. If someone facing you turns around to look at who you're waving to, they will have no idea who it was.
That's pretty good! Going to use that one occasionally.
"I noticed you noticing me and wanted to let you know I appreciate a woman with good taste" - Rick H
Haha, that's awesome! It's like Gunwitch's concept of the pre-opener stacked into an opener.
"Those are the second best shoes I've seen tonight" (or use "outfit" etc). When she asks who has the best, point at yourself and say "this guy"

"Hey guys, who's got the best shoes on tonight" (circle point to whole group's feet) gets them discussing and showing off
These are all very good and playful. Adding them to my arsenal. Thanks!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Started going out after a long time. Both outtings were solo.


I just smashed half a bottle of red wine, it's almost 11 pm, it's time to go out. I put on my boots, and my white fur coat (peacock) and I head out solo.

I live pretty close to city center (<5 min) and where the bars are so my logistics are looking good. However, before I head straight to the bars I stop by this kebab place that has one of those punch machines which I have been eyeing for some time. I figure I do it now, to pump my state and grease the wheels by talking to some people.

After that I head straight to this bar, say hi to the bouncers, walk in and b-line to the bar to fix another drink. I sort of stand there, leaning on the bar stool and build a little base while I get accostumed to the envivroment.

So I am sipping my glass of white wine, and I figured I need to start talking soon, otherwise I am gonna get pushed in my head and get self-concious about being there by myself.

I see this girl on the dancefloor, like 2-steps away, and immediatly approach her:

"Hey, I need to talk to someone otherwise I am just going to stand here and get BORED" -delivered in a vibey, friendly manner

"Haha, that's ok, that's ok, nice coat."

"Thank you, anyways, what's your name."

Exchange some pleasantries and her friend walks over who imo is better looking so I switch over to her. The vibe is so much better, but I finish my drink and decide to go back to the bar for a refil and scout if I can find something better and I tell her:

"I am gonna go get another glass of wine, I will be right back."

But instead I go back to the bar, refill it, and just stand there, she can clearly see me btw. but she is talking to her friend and some dudes approach them the moment I left. I can't tell if they know each other already.
Your opener was not bad, but the goal of the opener is really, to buy time to feel vibe and micro expressions and adjust accordingly... You don't need to drink, learn to game sober, has many advantages in the way of fitness, recovery, money, and even isolation (i pull driving vs ubber can help with car sex). Also in the dance floor if they are dancing i rather open dancing.... Higher odds, but your opener was good... Don't guesstimate when you see women with men again just re approach, re open verbally or none verbally again feeling vibe and ask the key questions "how you guys know each other done" read this https://www.theskillsmethod.com/sarging-alone-advantages-and-disadvantages/ also watch this video...

So I am looking around, can't find anything better. So I decide fuck it, the bar has a crane game in the corner migth as well do something than just stand around. Maybe if I win a fluffy animal I can use it as a prop to start conversations.

...Those games are a scam I had 10 tries, and they always slip out.

I talk to some more people, befriend some dudes and make a base, but at this point I am getting way to drunk... my game is getting sloppy and I am about to have a state crash.

Hopp a few more bars, go in and out. And that's prety much it.


This time I will be dammed If my state crashed so I decided I am going out solo - but this time completely sober!

Boots. Coat. Head out.

I go straight to the bar, b-line for the bar stool but this time I order a coke-zero.

I am sipping my coke-zero, but I immediately notice how much more self-concious I get about being there by myself. Also, my energy is just not there.

I try to make small talk to a few people, just to get the gears going (even if I befriend some dudes I will be less self-concious about standing there by myself), but no dice, no conversation really sticks.

I hopp over to another place. It is one of those two-stories bars so I can cirlce around a bit.

Find a nice corner next to three girls dancing.

At this point I am not feeling it at all.

Some dude walks up and trie to dance with one of the girls.

I immediately use that as an open, kinda felt like going direct on this one and the girl was fitt.

"Hey that dude's got some moves, huh?"

"..." -smiles, but is listening to what I am about to say next.

"Anyway, I told myself I have to say something to this girl, otherwise I am going to feel so bad later about it."

kinda pauses, then smiles and says:

"I know."

And she walks off two steps forward back to her friends.

Little ego bruise, I think to myself, but now the challenge was not to be a pussy about it and walk off.

So, I stay there even though it was very uncomfortable to stand there in the corner, and good thing I did.

Her friend drops her lipstick right at my feet in the most obvious way imaginabel.

I lol and I hug her.

"Heh, that was pretty obvious."

I don't think she heard me. But she walks back and starts grinding on me lol. That really made my night.

I keep talking to her/touching her but she is unresponsive. Wasn't quite my type anyway (auto-rejection), but might use the situation.

If you keep touching and she is neutral vs fuck off, you keep the seduction, gen z girls are afc at times...

She walks back to her friend, I open my phone, next thing I know she falls down I only realised this when I put my phone away, I couldn't see from the light.

So I circle around a bit more. Decided, I am REALLY not feeling it tonight (I am pushed in my head).

Head out, on my way out approach this one girl I eyed that is my type. She had one of those beauty queen sashes, figured I use that for an open.

"Wow, that is so cool, can I see that?" -delivered in the most positvie vibe I could muster.

"I am with her, I am with her." -points to her girlfriend.

I figured, damn she's not into guys (lol), so I just head out.
^ no she was rejecting you, did not like your approach, you came out too strong and kind of direct...
Sit a bit on a concrete bech in front of the bars, and decide to head home.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I got a lot of compliments on the pimp coat from girls on both outtings, but those interactions didn't seem to go anywhere, other than them genuienly wanting to compliment me/feel it and leave. So, I just used it to pump my state. One girl actually wanted to try it on, but I got a strong feeling she would disapear with it, so I said 'No'.


Lessons and sticking points:

My number 1 sticking point: State management/emotional regulation/energy management. I get super self-concious about being there solo and I am deatlhy affraid of building up a reputation as a 'weird guy that goes out by himself'. I try to push my own buttons, and get the gears going with micro-contact, small conversations, just so I can get comfortable enough to think about running some advanced stuff. Also, when I drink I tend to get overly social and when I talk to girls I am way to friendly and not enough sexual. But then when I don't drink, I am more reclusive and picky. It's drunk and sloppy or sober and timid. I really want to do this sober because I am actually able to think about game, instead of being in a drunken haze and buzzing around left and right, even though that can be fun sometimes, the crash isn't.

Total none sense, a lot of the best guys game solo.... again is in your head... you are projecting erroneous believes
Any advice from advanced guys on how to manage your state better and how to push your own buttons when you go out sober? How do I stop being so self-concious?

My number 2 sticking point: I am stingy on the approaches, beacuse I don't want to spam approach and wreck my reputation. So what I will do is I will go to bars and just do proximity approaches. Position myself so I am standing next to the girl, and just start talking, instead of very VISUALLY and clearly walking over from one place of the bar to the next to approach her. I also, sometimes can't decide if I don't like the girl so I don't apprach her or if I do approach her I eject to look for something better, or is it just the case of where I am coping. It is not the case like talk = instant sex, so I am leaning towards it being more of a case of me coping. But let's not kid ourselves, if we don't find a girl attractive it is not like we are motivated to stay there.
the trick is to go out a bit early get acclimated to environment and put in your head that the first 2 hours don't count... learn the club dynamics...
This one ties into point number one, but how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?

^total none sense... laid hundreds of girls solo, again hundreds and still now a days me and other get laid going out solo, total none sense borderline kj...

My number 3 sticking point: Immersion/Hook point. I was so consumed with myself and my own feelings, besides the first girl on Friday, I never even reached the hook point. It was all a bunch of (meaningless) opens. I figured If I just talked long enough open enough, with the right sub-comms and verbals, I would reach it. But I think in this case, I just didn't open enough, or properly enough.

Is there any better approach in a loud, crowded drunk envivroment for more consistent opens/hooks? So that I could actually proceed to isolate at least to smoking area. It is kind of hard to do all the verbals I read about here, when I can barely hear the girl and she can bearly hear me. How to actually go from point A ==> open, to B ==> hook, when she can't even hear me enough, and it's too chaotic so that I can even hook on verbals?
^ yes, learn a more physical style of game

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023

I just read one of your old blog posts about alcohol and drugs in club game.

My mind is blown right now. You do almost exclusively night game and yet you hardly ever drink alcohol? Man I have new levels of respect for you.

Also, going to borrow your line "I don’t drink since I teach/practice martial arts, but I don’t mind if you do" - a great way to explain to girls why I'm not drinking.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
the trick is to go out a bit early get acclimated to environment and put in your head that the first 2 hours don't count.
Hey Skills! So you don't even expect to pull before midnight? Do you typically leave girls you meet before midnight and then reengage them later on? Or on average meet totally new girls after midnight and start from scratch when the club vibe has shifted?

Assuming no long lines, I'm wondering is it better to stay at one club all night or go to one from 10-12 then change venues

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023

I just read one of your old blog posts about alcohol and drugs in club game.

My mind is blown right now. You do almost exclusively night game and yet you hardly ever drink alcohol? Man I have new levels of respect for you.

Also, going to borrow your line "I don’t drink since I teach/practice martial arts, but I don’t mind if you do" - a great way to explain to girls why I'm not drinking.
I think you can probably get away with non alcoholic drink like soda water with lime or diet coke etc and non one will notice.

A tip I got from a very very high level banker who used to work on wall street in late 80s early 90s (where there was drinking culture, peer pressure, etc.) was nurse one drink like an old fashioned or something, then keep returning to the bar for extra ice and tip the bartender. Something like a Jack and coke might be better to keep the color. Thats more for boys club type stuff where it may effect your reputation to not be drinking and you don't want to lie if they ask what you're having.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey Skills! So you don't even expect to pull before midnight? Do you typically leave girls you meet before midnight and then reengage them later on? Or on average meet totally new girls after midnight and start from scratch when the club vibe has shifted?

Assuming no long lines, I'm wondering is it better to stay at one club all night or go to one from 10-12 then change venues
i did not say that, I have pulled within 20 minutes of arriving to a club, as a matter of fact the first hours of arrival is much favorable usually the ratios are more women or even ratios(when they actually come out, now a days sometimes not even)... i said to put in your head the first 2 hours don't count so you can get acclimated with the environment, plus you are not likely to pull in the early stages of the night... Women and people in general need to get acclimated to the environment.... I was trying to use this as a "way of thinking" so guys can take all that pressure and anxiety off themselves...

here for context


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

I just read one of your old blog posts about alcohol and drugs in club game.

My mind is blown right now. You do almost exclusively night game and yet you hardly ever drink alcohol? Man I have new levels of respect for you.

Also, going to borrow your line "I don’t drink since I teach/practice martial arts, but I don’t mind if you do" - a great way to explain to girls why I'm not drinking.
Hardly is a slander, more like NEVER, lol.... If you read my post and videos, i am naturally drunk/drug behave, in other words i am naturally "life of the party" personality...

Lately i been using, "i don't drink i am driving" seems to work...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I think you can probably get away with non alcoholic drink like soda water with lime or diet coke etc and non one will notice.

A tip I got from a very very high level banker who used to work on wall street in late 80s early 90s (where there was drinking culture, peer pressure, etc.) was nurse one drink like an old fashioned or something, then keep returning to the bar for extra ice and tip the bartender. Something like a Jack and coke might be better to keep the color. Thats more for boys club type stuff where it may effect your reputation to not be drinking and you don't want to lie if they ask what you're having.
yes i think @DoWhatWorks does something like this... I personally don't even do any of that, i get water...

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
i did not say that, I have pulled within 20 minutes of arriving to a club, as a matter of fact the first hours of arrival is much favorable usually the ratios are more women or even ratios(when they actually come out, now a days sometimes not even)... i said to put in your head the first 2 hours don't count so you can get acclimated with the environment, plus you are not likely to pull in the early stages of the night... Women and people in general need to get acclimated to the environment.... I was trying to use this as a "way of thinking" so guys can take all that pressure and anxiety off themselves...

here for context
ohh ok yeah I was going off the link I read this morning, how it is separated from "warm up time" and "pick-up time". I didn't know if you would change strategies during the night (excluding end of night caveman time) and not even try to pull until later (not counting early on (I remember Chase said sometimes experienced dtf lone wolves will go early and be gone early), or just act the same throughout the night and just don't beat yourself up about lower pull success earlier on.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
ohh ok yeah I was going off the link I read this morning, how it is separated from "warm up time" and "pick-up time". I didn't know if you would change strategies during the night (excluding end of night caveman time) and not even try to pull until later (not counting early on (I remember Chase said sometimes experienced dtf lone wolves will go early and be gone early), or just act the same throughout the night and just don't beat yourself up about lower pull success earlier on.
You won't find... Lone wolves now a days... You can not count on lone wolves to feed on night game... Lone wolves will be usually women getting separated from group, or girls that want to stay and cont. Party...or women waiting ubber and walking to car.... You can't live or strategize night game on lone wolves...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
You won't find... Lone wolves now a days... You can not count on lone wolves to feed on night game... Lone wolves will be usually women getting separated from group, or girls that want to stay and cont. Party...or women waiting ubber and walking to car.... You can't live or strategize night game on lone wolves...
What's the solution man? Groups are tough as a beginner
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
What's the solution man? Groups are tough as a beginner
Brah! I said not alone... There are 2'sets and 3 sets etc... You can open her while with the group individually or you can wait for a distraction or break in the group... Again you can't depend on lone wolves... unless luck or a tourist area were she is alone etc... I am trying to make a point you can not depend on lone wolves for night game...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Your opener was not bad, but the goal of the opener is really, to buy time to feel vibe and micro expressions and adjust accordingly... You don't need to drink, learn to game sober, has many advantages in the way of fitness, recovery, money, and even isolation (i pull driving vs ubber can help with car sex). Also in the dance floor if they are dancing i rather open dancing.... Higher odds, but your opener was good... Don't guesstimate when you see women with men again just re approach, re open verbally or none verbally again feeling vibe and ask the key questions "how you guys know each other done" read this https://www.theskillsmethod.com/sarging-alone-advantages-and-disadvantages/ also watch this video...
Hello, Mr. Dancefloorseduction, I read the articles and watched the video you linked good stuff. Very likeable personality too. Has anyone ever told you you kinda look like Vin Diesel?

I would open dancing, but I think need to sign up for some lessons first, I am stiff as a board. Thinking back, I think I was avoiding three sets and mixed sets, which was a dumb move, cause those sets are best for night game. I just felt so in my head I didn't feel like I could run the whole group dynamic at that time. Yeah, I should probably calibrate after the fact instead of trying to guess.
If you keep touching and she is neutral vs fuck off, you keep the seduction, gen z girls are afc at times...
Yeah, that's a good rule, I kept talking to her, and hugging her from behind. Was hoping I could turn her around and K-close, but she just kept grinding on my dick instead. Now when I think about it... maybe I should have just grabbed one of her hands and put it one my dick.

I never thought of zoometts as average frustrated chumps, good one. That made me genuinely laugh.
^ no she was rejecting you, did not like your approach, you came out too strong and kind of direct...
You are probably right, I was just coping about it and chose to believe her lie. Maybe she saw me standing there on my own for way too long and that was a DLV? But not like she could see she was on the other end of the club... idk.
the trick is to go out a bit early get acclimated to environment and put in your head that the first 2 hours don't count... learn the club dynamics...
I find that it even takes time for my eyes to get adjusted. My eyes get watery from all the lights, this in turn affects confidence. Psychology follows physiology, I guess. Gonna try to go out next weekend around 9pm, and see the difference.
^total none sense... laid hundreds of girls solo, again hundreds and still now a days me and other get laid going out solo, total none sense borderline kj...
How is this borderline KJ, brah? I am literally asking a question.

Tbh. prefer going out solo. Unless with a wing that is really good and is gonna push me and help me level up fast. Otherwise, I don't feel like babysitting. Or getting stuck in a conversation with the wing you arrived with etc.
Dope thread.

Dance school time.
I think you can probably get away with non alcoholic drink like soda water with lime or diet coke etc and non one will notice.
On Saturday when I went out I was drinking coke-zero the entire time. They serve it in a glass with lots of ice and a straw, so it kinda looks like a cokctail drink. Sometimes I will jokingly say "It's against my religion to drink" (it's so obviously not), but most times I will just be honest and simply say "I am not drinking tonight", and usually there is no follow up question as to why, but if there is I just dismiss it with "I got work tomorrow".


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey Skills! So you don't even expect to pull before midnight? Do you typically leave girls you meet before midnight and then reengage them later on? Or on average meet totally new girls after midnight and start from scratch when the club vibe has shifted?
unlikely to pull before midnight people get to the club at 11 pm usually, again but it depends on city and venues...

Assuming no long lines, I'm wondering is it better to stay at one club all night or go to one from 10-12 then change venues
i like changing venues, but it depends on club and situation, but changing venues for me is what has worked for me the best (specially in this environment), but there are times were the club is really good, no need to change venue, depends on the situation/club... If the club is popping no need to change venues... But 98% of the time i change venues..


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hello, Mr. Dancefloorseduction, I read the articles and watched the video you linked good stuff. Very likeable personality too. Has anyone ever told you you kinda look like Vin Diesel?
thank you, yea nickname women gave me"latin diesel"... He looks like shit now though..
I would open dancing, but I think need to sign up for some lessons first, I am stiff as a board. Thinking back, I think I was avoiding three sets and mixed sets, which was a dumb move, cause those sets are best for night game. I just felt so in my head I didn't feel like I could run the whole group dynamic at that time. Yeah, I should probably calibrate after the fact instead of trying to guess.
^ you don't need to open dancing, i posted that in the context of "solo gaming" , if you don't know dancing don't open dancing...
Yeah, that's a good rule, I kept talking to her, and hugging her from behind. Was hoping I could turn her around and K-close, but she just kept grinding on my dick instead. Now when I think about it... maybe I should have just grabbed one of her hands and put it one my dick.
^ doesn't mean anything and not, grabbing the hands and put on your dick beyond horrible... She will just leave you creeped out.. d
I never thought of zoometts as average frustrated chumps, good one. That made me genuinely laugh.
a lot of the girls are and dudes...
You are probably right, I was just coping about it and chose to believe her lie. Maybe she saw me standing there on my own for way too long and that was a DLV? But not like she could see she was on the other end of the club... idk.

I find that it even takes time for my eyes to get adjusted. My eyes get watery from all the lights, this in turn affects confidence. Psychology follows physiology, I guess. Gonna try to go out next weekend around 9pm, and see the difference.
9 pm is tooo early maybe 10:30
How is this borderline KJ, brah? I am literally asking a question.
kj= none sense, not that you are a kj...
Tbh. prefer going out solo. Unless with a wing that is really good and is gonna push me and help me level up fast. Otherwise, I don't feel like babysitting. Or getting stuck in a conversation with the wing you arrived with etc.
^ correct
Dope thread.

Dance school time.
^ no the context was solo gaming, (no dance floor solo gaming)...... That video was about dance floor but it was context solo gaming... You don't need to dance to get women on the clubs, it does help..
On Saturday when I went out I was drinking coke-zero the entire time. They serve it in a glass with lots of ice and a straw, so it kinda looks like a cokctail drink. Sometimes I will jokingly say "It's against my religion to drink" (it's so obviously not), but most times I will just be honest and simply say "I am not drinking tonight", and usually there is no follow up question as to why, but if there is I just dismiss it with "I got work tomorrow".
^ don't say the "Against my religion" horrible... Say the work tomorrow stuff better...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2020
Any advice from advanced guys on how to manage your state better and how to push your own buttons when you go out sober? How do I stop being so self-concious?
I go out solo too and I don't drink alcohol when I sarge. I normally get the non-alcohol beers and most places around me seem to only carry Heineken Zero. Its actually a DHV if a chick hears you ordering a non-alcohol beer, I got opened by a hot chick because she overheard me asking the bartender which non-alcohol beers they have. Btw people won't be able to tell that ur drinking a non-alcohol beer as the bottles look almost identical to the normal versions.

To stop feeling uncomfortable you have to go to the place a few times or get there early. It usually takes me like 15 mins to relax. The first 2-3 times you are going to feel weird but it goes away. The only places I avoid are the ones where its not normal to be standing up (unless I get there early enough to snag a seat).

This one ties into point number one, but how do you avoid developing a reputation, of 'that weird guy I see on the weekends in bars by himself', and also how do you avoid of building a reputation of 'that guy who approaches a lot of girls' while still approaching enough to get results?
There is one bar I've been going to almost every Friday and Saturday for the past month and there's ALWAYS completely different people there. I have yet to encounter a single person I've seen more than once and that place gets packed. Also people usually mind their business so they probably aren't aware of your presence. This idea that your going to get a reputation is invalid.