Getting over oneitis and a big thank you


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 23, 2023
Hey all, this article is going to be about my own experience with oneitis.
Also, this isnt going to be a post about a huge win. Instead, I would like to describe a negative experience. Girlschase really has articles that described these situations like a prophecy.

First of all, Im happy that Im over my oneitis. She had to find some weird external excuse for me to f off and take the hint. Too bad I ended it with her like I did (long angry message where I told her that I didnt like the fact she didnt tell me that there could be nothing between us whenever I asked, and instead everytime she told me that she really liked me and other bullshit. I know, not the best last message to send to a girl). But Im actually glad it ended, and you know what makes me mad? that I kept her in high hopes for year and was blind to it all. Sure, I was dating other girls, but I really put them in a backpocket while she had me in hers backpocket, and it sadens me that I lost one good high value girl because of this bad oneitis. Even worse, there were many red flags, which seemed oblivious and cognitive dissonance made me not question them and see her in some kind of a madonna-whore complex saintly setting. She was taking many antidepressant pills on and off (Chase had a great article about it, too bad I didnt trust my intuition or what other people told me), cutting herself, ghosting, gaslighting, bipolar, etc... The only thing that caused me to chase her (and mind you, I dont chase women often) was her looks and the fact that one month she would flirt with me and tell me how she liked me, other month she would turn cold. But overall, Im happy it ended, because I always felt anxious whenever she wrote something. She didnt even want to meet up, blaming it on her being too self conscious, but I guess it was her way to tell me she didnt even want anything more. But people learn best from their mistakes.

I have learned that oneitis makes you believe in fairytales that wont happen, and lowers your own value. My own advice is to never attach yourself to a girl with issues or a girl that doesnt reciprocate the feelings you show to her. Cut things short if you experience that.

So, as a newbie, I would like to thank Chase and other guys who write these amazing articles, because from psychological standpoint, it really tells guys like me what needs to be done in order to win on the dating scene and avoid red flag girls. Also, article about Chase fighting negative thought processes really helped me battle my own depression.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Hey @VinM

Great of you to leave a girl like that. It must have been hard. But it must also be good to not feel that oneitis any longer and not walk on eggshells when she texts you, right?

She sounds like a girl with really low self-esteem and tons of psychological issues, and they can be tough to handle. And looks can be deceiving too... if you didn't see this video yet, I think it will be worth a look

Also read this and this when you have the time
