Going ALL IN in seduction


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I used to play a lot of poker back in the days and there is one interesting concept in poker which can be VERY USEFUL in other aspects of life.

It's called STAKING.

Staking is basically an area of the game concerned with deciding HOW MUCH RISK YOU WANT TO TAKE in each situation.

Poker is a great platform to teach this concept because staking is SIMPLIFIED into few possible decisions.

FOLD (0 risk)
CALL (1 portion of risk)
RAISE (3 portions of risk)
RE-RAISE (6 portions of risk)
ALL-IN (10+ portions of risk)

The idea is very simple. The more LIKELY you are about to win certain hand AND the higher POSSIBLE REWARD, the more risk you HAVE TO take.

If you are LIKELY TO WIN (because you have a great hand, which is dominant with the current board) and THE OPPONENT HAS A LARGE STAKE, you should BET LARGE. And if you don't, you are making A MASSIVE MISTAKE. Not betting large when betting large is JUSTIFIED will RESULT in you being a winner or loser in the long term.

I believe that, WE SEDUCERS, have the same decision to take on our paths. It's a very different context obviously, but I believe it makes a total sense to USE THE STAKING SKILL IN THE AREA OF LEARNING OR PERFORMING SEDUCTION.

In seduction OUR STACK is OUR TIME.

We have to decide how much time each of us should spend learning a specific AREA OF SEDUCTION (inner game, approaching, deep dive, sex talk, etc).

The common advice in the community I heard is: "Identify a list of bottlenecks or areas for improvement." and FOCUS FOR A WEEK OR TWO WEEKS EXCLUSIVELY on that area.

Even thought I believe it to be a good idea to focus on one or two things for some time, as it gets easier to learn, I don't buy the ONE OR TWO WEEKS PER SKILLS advice.

Spending a week or two per skill would be LIKE CALLING OR RAISING EVERY HAND IN POKER GAME. No fold, no re-raise, no all-ins? Why?

My personal experience showed me that certain skills/areas of seduction have 10x effect on your results. Eg. pre-selection or social proof is in my opinion 10x idea in the attraction phase.

What is your experience? Did you go ALL-IN on any of the skills which PAID OFF BIG TIME in your seduction path?

I'm currently designing a development plan for 2024, I have several topics to focus on, but I would like know which I should go ALL-IN?