LR  Halloween pull


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 8, 2022
Fresh of the confidence from my LR last week I headed out again

Open with the 'you look like you're having the most fun here here' opener. She just looks at me a bit confused lol. I laugh at her reaction and ask if she's from here.

Still looking like she's never spoke too a stranger (she possibly hasn't. Very young. Half my age and people rarely talk to strangers here lol). Sort of nods her head slowly like i've seen a few times.

I'm about to go into how where we live is 'judgemental' as the next part of the qualification stack, but she basically sidesteps behind another girl who it turns out is a friend (who previously had her back too us) like she needs saving.

The friend is like, 'can i help you?'. I joke that she's like a body guard and say I was just asking your friend something, and the friend tells me her friend isn't interested. The hot one (target) is still standing there next to her looking at me, so I say 'you're not shy are you?!' to the target but she doesn't reply. It's early and I take the L.

Open girl with the 'most fun' opener. She says 'I wasn't even smiling' and laughs. I ask if she's from here and she says she is I tell her that I feel like people from here can be judgemental and she says 'what have you done?!' haha. This makes me laugh. (like she's accusing me of having done something and i'm complaining to her about peoples judgemental reactions haha)

I elaborate and say that people can just be small minded from here and ask if she's like that. She's like 'why are you asking me that?'. I say 'i'm curious'. She says she's not small minded. I tell her that's good (reward) and that i like girls who are open minded.

I ask her name and age and stuff and what she's up too and who shes' with (has a few friends scattered about for after-work drinks). Tell her she must be a gemini and I guess right. She says 'good guess'. Tell her i have a love/hate relationship with them. She kinda shrugs.

I make a 'trouble' cold read. tell her she's one of them girls who thinks she's more badass than she is. Make a few observations. A few times so far i've felt the impression that she kinda wants to eject just based on body language, but I assume attraction and ask if she's adventurous. She says she is and mentions that she was recently travelling Europe by herself and we chat about that a little.

I ask if i can ask her something personal and she says yes. I tell her i feel like she loves dominant guys and she kinda went 'Ew'. I said 'am I wrong?' and she was like 'now I think you're hitting on me and it's not gonna happen. Sorry'. treat is as a shit test and that she's attracted and just laugh and accuse her of being big-headed as if people can't talk to her without being desperately in love with her.

She tries to flip it on me and says 'are you saying you're dominant? You don't look it. I'm probably only slightly shorter than you without heels'. Another shit test and I use the 'agree and amplify' method from rsd max and joke about not being tall like he does. I tease her for dodging the question and she says 'if you really care, they're ok, I guess?'. I say 'yeah, I could tell'. Need to go into the 'hair being pulled' qualification now. Ask her to come join me by the seat area and she says 'no thanks, 'im good here' and wishes me a good night. I accuse her of being boring (this is actually from a different poster who advises to punish lack of compliance like that) although she just sort of shrugs and says 'whatever. You're not my type. Sorry'. Shit test. I reframe it like how todd does and say about how we shouldn't define the parameters of our relationship YET by talking about types and that 'I don't even know you yet!' (as if I decide. Not her). I need to get her to keep qualifying (to get attraction) so need to go back a bit and ask things that she's more likely to agree too, although I don't really get off the ground here and I think she kind of awkwardly ejected mid question when she saw a friend. (I actually tried a re-approach later on which i never do, but it was a bit like talking too a wall so bailed) - also need more ideas for them 'easier' qualification questions for when i need to start over again to help get the qualification/attraction cycle restarted

I'm struggling to remember convo from the next set although I guess it was similar in that she was qualifying a little bit, although any compliance was denied. (refused to flirt or move with me etc. As if she's hiding her attraction kinda thing). I don't think she actually said 'you're not my type' in this set (that seems to be the equivilent of 'i have a boyfriend' here! Kinda common lol) although she was kinda behaving like the girls who DO say that to me. I think she qualified and agreed to being open minded and adventurous (can't remember about dominant one) but still wasn't able to get her to comply to any kind of escalation. Wouldn't move with me or let me build tension kinda thing (reject touch, not holding eye contact etc like the girls who i end up sleeping with always do)

I opened with the 'most fun' opener, and straight away she was asking me questions. This kind of threw off my 'plan' a bit as she was doing all the work. Very different to the other girls. I went through the judgemental - open minded - adventurous stack. She qualified, but To be honest her replies were a bit dulled as opposed to enthustiastically qualiying. A bit like she maybe wasn't sure how to answer them, or why i was asking or even maybe that she thought they're unusual things to ask? Dunno. (more so the judgemental and open minded and not so much the 'adventurous' which got a better reaction). Tell her I think she likes dominant guys and she doesn't reply but kisses me lol. It gets hazy here. We had a dance and spoke a little and I do'nt remember everything about it but I CAN tell you that at one point she asked me if I knew her name (at around the time i was seeding the pull) and I DIDN'T!!. (I have a bad memory). From that moment, it really went down hill. I tried to joke it off and tried a few other things to fix it, but she honestly went fairly cold. From that point, my compliance requests were generally rejected. Tried to get her to qualify on some smaller qualification hoops in order to get her attracted again (ps - think I need some more less demanding qualification questions for when girls don't qualify. Open to examples/idea) but she wasn't really playing, and at one point she blatantly hit on some good looking dude and honestly, I wasn't prepared to try to compete with him lol so I decided to eject.

I opened a girl at the bar with 'hey, who are you' and she hooked hard. She initiated touch on my arm straight away and was just firing questions at me and chatting away, that the interaction was just her gaming me. I threw in the qualification stack and she qualified about how she was adventurous etc. I moved her around a little to build compliance and we had a little dance where at one point we kissed. Went back to the bar to do shots. Her friend turned up, but luckily rather than being a cock block she massivly DHV'd for me and kept telling me in front of her that I was really good looking lol. Massive confidence boost because i'm not conventionally good looking, really. Like, I had really handsome friends who OBLITERATE me and any PUA i've ever seen and they don't even know about game but they get approached by girls non stop because of their looks. That does NOT happen to me so it was nice to get a rare compliment. Anyway, the girl was all over me at this point so I just lead her out of the bar into a cab and took her back to mine for sex. A fun seduction