FR  Hello, world!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
It's been a long time since I posted an FR. Trying out different things, having several breakdowns, taking a break, getting advice, coming back to it, and going back to basics have all occurred in the intervening time. From now on, my FRs will be a little different. Instead of listing every girl, I'll include conversation snippets of interactions and probably just summarize the others, if that.

My best convo:

Turning the wheels over in my head (after some failed attempts) as to why I seem unsure and nervous again and how can I get to the level I want to be at, I walk back to my car (in my new tailored blazer!) and see a cutie head out of the building in front of me. I walk forward not paying attention until I open her sort of from the side:
M: Oh. (walk up) You are very cute.
H: Oh! Uh, thanks!
M: I'm TG.
H: Beatrice.
M: What are you up to?
H: Just getting out of genetics class. Going to go study.
M: Oh, is that your major?
H: No, my major is biology?
M: What do you plan to do with that?
H: I want to be a dentist.
M: Man, everyone's a dentist today! (the girl I had just talked to was also being a dentist)
H: Yeah, no one was doing it before but now everyone wants to be a dentist.
M: So you’re a geneticist studying biology to be a dentist.
H: No, the genetics is just a class I take for the major.
M: So, you’re not going to breed little monsters? Island of Dr. Moreau stuff?
H: No, haha!
M: Why do you want to be a dentist?
H: Well, I don’t want to be a doctor because the way the medical system is now, it’s very impersonal. I want to be closer to people.
M: Yeah, it’s like “Well, you have cancer”
H: Yeah.
M: “Here’s a bill for 50,000 dollars”
H: Exactly. I’m heading here.
M: Studying in the library? That’s so old-fashioned. I like you more. (misstep, showing too much interest)
H: Yeah, haha.
M: So you are taking dentistry because you want to help people in a more intimate way.
H: Yup. What about you?
M: What about me?
H: What do you study?
M: Film.
H: Oh, that’s cool.
I think we talked a bit more.
M: Well, I can see that you have to study. Do you want to meet up for a coffee sometime, talk some more?
H: Sure. When?
M: Free this week?
H: No, I have three exams.
M: Next week?
H: Maybe.
M: Well, let’s trade numbers.
H: Okay.
Some more stuff then we hug goodbye.
Up until this girl, I was nervous and not understanding why I couldn’t approach, I had done it hundreds of times. With this girl, instead of beating around the bush (getting closer to see if she looked good, thinking better of it, etc…) I just decided to approach without overthinking it. The “just doing it” bit is probably what got me confident.
Summary: I was stressing on not being able to do all the things that a master does, but this stuff takes time and is step-by-step. Work on conversation now, then other stuff (while at the same time, improving fundamentals).
That’s that! Good to be back in the saddle, I’m gonna ride this horse till it bucks me off. Then I’ll get back on.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Great way to change the FR's, and glad to see ya back on the Journals side of things!

The conversation was good, actually. You decided on a particular topic to deep further into, and used statements sometimes, instead of questions, which is great to rid the "interview" feeling.

Sounds like you already know what to improve on, judging by your notes on the side. This part is similarly important:

TomGray said:
With this girl, instead of beating around the bush (getting closer to see if she looked good, thinking better of it, etc…) I just decided to approach without overthinking it. The “just doing it” bit is probably what got me confident.

Approaching no matter what will make you feel confident once you actually approach. When doing so, there isn't time to feel otherwise!
