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LR  Hinge Girl


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 7, 2018
Hey guys,

Matched with this girl on Hinge this morning. Texted back and forth just a few times and she suggested meeting either tonight or tomorrow -

so I cancelled my plans with my buddy to go out to a singles night (I told him I'd see him if the date turned out to not be what I expected, which has happened the past 3 dates I had), and made plans with this girl to meet for coffee.

So we met for coffee and my initial reaction was she was not what I expected physically. She looked like she did in her profile, but almost a bit... weaker is how I would put it.

Well after seeing her clothes off, I can confidently say her clothes were deceiving - she has a pretty nice body.

But Im getting ahead of myself.

So we meet up for coffee and I pay for the drinks and we go sit down and talk. Shes doing a lot of the talking and we're making good eye contact.

She starts off further away from me on the couch and has closed off body language, with arms crossed. So I just keep using light touch on high points, touching her upper arm and fingers and hand.

It was useful to build some tension, especially the first time I touched her thigh for a breif second. It really had a visual impact on her.

Eventually, throughout the conversation, she slowly got closer to me. I had her show me pictures on her phone and tell me stories.

I left to the bathroom at one point before a big cliffhanger to build some tension.

Anyways, eventually she was resting her head on my arm, which was wrapped around her on the couch we were sitting on.

Then there was a good lull in the conversation and we both sat up and she said she was hungry.

As I was also hungry (didnt really eat much after work n before the date as I was cleaning up my apartment a bit), I asked her what she was in the mood for.

The coffee shop is literally steps away from a fast food joint so I had her hop in my car with me and we pulled into one of the stalls and ordered. She paid for the food.

So then we talked another good bit before I asked her if she had any other plans tonight. She said no and I suggested we to watch a movie and she could meet my cat (shes obsessed with cats).

She said OK and followed me in my car to my apartment 5 minutes away. I gave my roommate a heads up I was bringing her over. He said wear protection n that he'd turn up his headphone music lol.

She followed me inside and I had her take off her shoes. I then showed her around the apartment a bit and kissed her right after showing her the room we were directly in. She kissed right back and then I continued the tour as normal.

When we got to my room, she seen the room then tried heading back out into the main area so I quickly opened up my bathroom door (directly connected to my room) and said "oh and here's the bathroom by the way -- and what movie did you want to watch?" while I got her a drink from the kitchen and shut off the main room lights.

She said she was open to whatever and we sat on my bed together after I closed the door.

We talked a bit more and I put on a movie. I kept doing my thing with touch and we kept talking a bit. She really wanted to play with the cat so she did that a bit.

Eventually I suggested I was really good at massages, and she said so was she. So I said OK challenge accepted, lets see what you can do.

So I gave her a bottle of lotion and she gave me a back and shoulder massage. She then found my ticklish point, at which point I ended the massage and said "OK youre done. Now its my turn" and I proceeded to give her a back massage.

I had her take off her shirt and eventually unbutton her bra, but she kept it on generally while on her stomach.

I then massaged her legs and thighs and grabbed her ass, to which she played with her hair before commenting about me grabbing her ass. I just made a general "yeah sure, I dont know Im a guy. Its a guy thing" comment before continuing the massage.

She then said she wanted to put her shirt back on and put back on her shirt and snapped on her bra.

We then sat and I had her cuddle with me a bit while we watched the movie.

She said "just so you know we're not doing anything tonight" and I said "oh I know, dont worry. I dont know what you were expecting but I just wanted to watch a movie" as I kept up my touch, making it more sensual and moving slightly to more sexual touch.

Eventually, I had my shirt off and I had moved her hands onto my body. She asked about some scars I have n I told her the story on them. She played with my chest hair and nipples and I eventually moved to rubbing her breasts with her shirt and bra on.

I heard her breathing get deeper and more intense as she was getting turned on, and she began wiggling a bit more.

I teased her about it and she asked if I was having fun. She said she likes playing with her boobs, so I teased her saying if she could play with them, why not me? She said she didnt mind and kept letting me have fun.

I moved around her body a lot, fractionating my touch. I also kissed her a few times throughout. If she resisted or said no to a kiss, I just removed my touch a bit or rolled over a bit n watched the movie, to which shed almost immediately touch me or get closer to me.

At one point she refused a kiss and I got up and went to the bathroom because she was being slightly difficult and when I came back, I sat by myself on the bed not touching her and put a blanket on myself.

She said "what?" and I shrugged saying "nothing". She then cuddled with me and was much more corporative.

So then I eventually moved her hand to over my crotch and I heard her let out a breath of relief while my hand went back to work touching her body other areas, leaving her hand there.

So then eventually, she started massaging my dick through my pants and I had her help me take my jeans off. She wanted me to leave my underwear on for the mystery and we spent probably 10-15 minutes like that, me massaging her breasts and body and her massaging and rubbing my dick through my underwear.

She said at one point "yeah we'll have fun next week when its inside me" and I said "well it looks like youre having a lot of fun right now. whats holding you back now?" I forgot what her response was but I teased her back at one point after she said "see I told you Im good at massage" that "guess you'll see how good I am at massage, massaging you from the inside".

She also at one point commented on how I was a grower and how she liked that.

Eventually, she couldnt stand it and stood up and took off her shirt and bra, showing off her boobs. I told her how nice they were as I kept massaging them and rubbing her tits. Shes proud of her boobs so it made her smile.

We continued like that until I eventually began sucking on her nipples and rubbing her tits, which she loved.

I then easily slid off her pants and panties, no issues and she asked if I could put on deodorant (I hadnt had time to shower after work so I quickly washed the pits n put on deodorant, which she thanked me for and got even closer to me physically), and if I had any tampons. I do usually shower/shave before a date so this normally isnt an issue.

I said I usually do but I currently dont. Anyways, normal back n forth and I eventually reassured her I didnt mind and that it wasn't an issue. We laid down a towel on my bed and my top blanket is all red, so I didnt mind if I had to wash it.

But I think it helped her feel better and I took off my underwear and had her suck me off until I was rock hard.

Then I sucked her tits a bit more and licked up and down her body, which she loved.

I then went to eat her out a bit and she said it wouldn't taste good to which I said "no you'll taste good" as I proceeded to eat her out a bit.

She loved it and I ate her out and fingered her a while, hearing her say "omg" and wriggling her hips around.

Then I rubbed my hard dick against her pussy for a while, teasing her until I stuck it inside her bit by bit until fully inside her raw. Then a few thrusts before I told her I was putting on a condom.

So I put on the condom and we went at it. She loved it and I mixed up the pace of the my thrusts and depth of them with eating/fingering her out.

I eventually started fingering the floor of her pelvis and she started cumming, her entire body getting super tense. So I quickly made sure to stick my dick inside her and I thrust away until I came with her.

After cumming together, she said she hadnt had sex like that in a very long time, which felt nice to hear.

So then I got us some water n we cleaned up a bit. She got into the bathroom first and then I went in second because I tossed the condom in the trash before she went in.

Well she took a bit, and I realized what I did. So when I went in right after, I realized she didnt mess with the condom but did exhange her tanpon. So I flushed the used condom down the toilet and called it good.

We then spent the next while cuddling and watching the show and playing with the cat.

Eventually she got up to leave and I followed her out to the front door, after we talked about her staying the night or heading home. We kissed a few times and we talked about how it was fun. She said "we should do this again" and I told her maybe later this weekend if Im not busy (because I do have actual plans) and that Id let her know. Shes free all weekend on weekends so she said OK.

And that was that. Out she went.

I'll send a follow up morning text in the morning.

Overall, we met at 6 for coffee and the date ended 4.5ish hours later with her heading home. We got through two movies lol.

So fun time. I look forward to converting her and seeing her again very soon this upcoming weekend (schedule permitting!)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake