How Do you handle girls that pop back after discovering something cool about you


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2022
So the title is pretty self explanatory. But here's a backstory

Ending of February I met two girls during day game cold approach. One of them (we'll call her Clara), I mentioned us going on a date which she agreed. The other (let's call her Jane) I couldn't propose a date cuz I was in rush.

Jane was more responsive via texts than Clara. Clara would give one word replies sometimes and other times she'd give better replies

Now my texting game & structure is shit. Haven't had time to practice as I use calls mostly. But for these two, I decided to text.

I hard closed Both of them for a date. Clara responded with "hmmmm" Tried again a few days later and this time she just said "Paulie Paulie" lmao Bruh

So I let two of them be.

Now, recently a video I did with someone kind of went viral in my city/area... and people are looking to do deals with me

Both of them see the video and hit me up (pretending like they didnt) by responding to my stories and WhatsApp status. I haven't replied to Jane.

But I replied to Clara... and she was more responsive than ever. She was texting way better. Faster replies, lengthier texts.

Some how the convo went to the viral video and deals around with. Then she asked how she could start something like that to make money

I told her stuffs to look up on Google. Then she all of a sudden gets aggressive and demanding. Saying "are you going to teach me or not "

I told her I can't cuz I don't have the time to mentor anyone. She then replies "Guide me and give me steps to take. Simple"

At this point I just told in a her half humor, half serious way to just calm down that she's being too demanding. And left it at that

I should also add that the initial approach for both girls weren't strong at all. So was the texting too

So my question is ... what's the best way to handle girls that pop back up when they discover something they perceive as cool about you?

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021

If you still want to lay them ,that could help😉

told her stuffs to look up on Google. Then she all of a sudden gets aggressive and demanding. Saying "are you going to teach me or not "

I told her I can't cuz I don't have the time to mentor anyone. She then replies "Guide me and give me steps to take. Simple"
But seems she wants to do things on her terms... you're only as valuable to her if you do what she asks you to have more cut out for you if you want to lay her still

That's for you to decide tho:

So my question is ... what's the best way to handle girls that pop back up when they discover something they perceive as cool about you?
If they are still interested in you and are complying to what you ask them for then whatever cool thing you have or possess makes you even more valuable.

Would game them as usual or use confusion game if they just want me for my cool stuff.

Ultimately,if I can't get her and she isn't offering any value that I find worthwhile,I won't bother anymore



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2022

If you still want to lay them ,that could help😉

But seems she wants to do things on her terms... you're only as valuable to her if you do what she asks you to have more cut out for you if you want to lay her still

That's for you to decide tho:

If they are still interested in you and are complying to what you ask them for then whatever cool thing you have or possess makes you even more valuable.

Would game them as usual or use confusion game if they just want me for my cool stuff.

Ultimately,if I can't get her and she isn't offering any value that I find worthwhile,I won't bother anymore

Thanks for the reply bro...

Sure, some of them I'd like to lay but not all. Will go through the links you provided

In the mean time, What do you suggest for the Clara chic I went a bit brash and dismissive on...

Do I treat it like she could be in auto-rejection and send a genuine text that could pull her out of it?

Or just game her as usual with a low investment ping

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Copied a draft...links don't look as cool lol but hope they work 😁

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Thanks for the reply bro...

Sure, some of them I'd like to lay but not all. Will go through the links you provided

In the mean time, What do you suggest for the Clara chic I went a bit brash and dismissive on...

Do I treat it like she could be in auto-rejection and send a genuine text that could pull her out of it?

Or just game her as usual with a low investment ping
Oops yeah glad you reminded me

Jane was more responsive via texts than Clara. Clara would give one word replies sometimes and other times she'd give better replies

Now my texting game & structure is shit. Haven't had time to practice as I use calls mostly. But for these two, I decided to text.

I hard closed Both of them for a date. Clara responded with "hmmmm" Tried again a few days later and this time she just said "Paulie Paulie" lmao Bruh
Yeah some girls at times may respond to your ask out texts with emojis or even "hmmh " as in your case .

Move things forward regardless.I have a gut feeling they are still skeptical and would want to feel like they are coming out for good reasons.

So what I'd normally do is oversell the date/meetup or downplay how long we are going to take.

As so ...

" Good thing we won't be long ...just a quick meet and greet...see if the vibe is there (thanks @Skills)

If problemo we don't have to see each other again

Besides you are free to leave if you find me boring 😏😂 no pressure

But one thing is for sure,Clara, you are going to love it 👌 guaranteed "

Have it working for me 6/ not bad

Basically making it easy for her to come out while still overselling it to make her more likely to come out.

If she's unsure of when she would be free ,I offer suggestions while still adding in that I might do later if those don't work (pretty much like Chase)

Anyways,just to talk of not bailing on girls who don't respond with a "yes or ok " to your date requests.Persist regardless and get her voicing those objections she has to which you'll address 😉

Would depend if she has moved on .Always best to use an auto-rejection turnaround before she sours out completely on you.It doesn't hurt to try tho if you are angling to lay her.

Again ,you have more cut out for you especially given her ultimatum and demand .Also ,it might look like you are chasing her since at first you aren't willing to teach her but now you do.

The party that's willing to revive things back herein is the chasing one.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I told her stuffs to look up on Google. Then she all of a sudden gets aggressive and demanding. Saying "are you going to teach me or not "

Well, if this kind of thing irks you, you just tell them, "What's in it for me?" and then they spin their wheels trying to pitch why you should do whatever it is they want you to do (but they never have anything to offer. The worst is the ones who try to dangle sex... "I'll go out with you" etc. Hard pass!).

But yeah dude, this is utility game, which you can totally run... I have a buddy who always used to run 100% of his game this way. He presents as this super knowledgeable dude about the corporate world who is going to help a girl get promotions, climb up the ranks, get into an industry she wants to break into, etc. He genuinely is that and does have good tips. But when she asks for details he never answers over the phone... he always tells her "Let's talk about it over dinner" or "Let's discuss over drinks" and then they do talk about it some over the meal/drinks but he also does a ton of flirting, teasing, talking about adventures, etc. Then invites them back to his place after.

The real meat of it though is you never offer help over the phone. She has to meet you to get any tips. And when you meet you need to put the focus on the flirtation. If she tries to get right to the point you need to be able to laugh about that and tell her slow down, we'll talk about that, relax! Don't be in such a hurry!

She'll either get with the program and get into the seduction or she'll just be weird and socially stunted the whole time, in which case you just give a few minor tips then bail (but you can screen those out with some flirtatious texts... if they never flirt back just skip the meet and be too busy until they get cooler again).

There's more to utility game, such as giving her homework she needs to do and report back to you on on a subsequent date... anyway, my article on this is probably overdue...



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2022

Well, if this kind of thing irks you, you just tell them, "What's in it for me?" and then they spin their wheels trying to pitch why you should do whatever it is they want you to do (but they never have anything to offer. The worst is the ones who try to dangle sex... "I'll go out with you" etc. Hard pass!).

But yeah dude, this is utility game, which you can totally run... I have a buddy who always used to run 100% of his game this way. He presents as this super knowledgeable dude about the corporate world who is going to help a girl get promotions, climb up the ranks, get into an industry she wants to break into, etc. He genuinely is that and does have good tips. But when she asks for details he never answers over the phone... he always tells her "Let's talk about it over dinner" or "Let's discuss over drinks" and then they do talk about it some over the meal/drinks but he also does a ton of flirting, teasing, talking about adventures, etc. Then invites them back to his place after.

The real meat of it though is you never offer help over the phone. She has to meet you to get any tips. And when you meet you need to put the focus on the flirtation. If she tries to get right to the point you need to be able to laugh about that and tell her slow down, we'll talk about that, relax! Don't be in such a hurry!

She'll either get with the program and get into the seduction or she'll just be weird and socially stunted the whole time, in which case you just give a few minor tips then bail (but you can screen those out with some flirtatious texts... if they never flirt back just skip the meet and be too busy until they get cooler again).

There's more to utility game, such as giving her homework she needs to do and report back to you on on a subsequent date... anyway, my article on this is probably overdue...

Thanks for the tip. I didn't of think the "what's In it for me?" Line.

I did think about inviting her in person to teach but due to her earlier flaking and her demanding... I felt she'd say something like "Why can't we do it here via whatsapp" or something

Also, I dismissed her in a brash way tho as I wrote earlier

Do you think she could probably be in autorejection and suggest a genuine auto rejection text?

Btw, love the idea of utility game... I used to feel like it's an opportunity for her to use me or something so that's why I didn't give it much thought. But it's interesting to hear your take and spin on it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2022
Oops yeah glad you reminded me

Yeah some girls at times may respond to your ask out texts with emojis or even "hmmh " as in your case .

Move things forward regardless.I have a gut feeling they are still skeptical and would want to feel like they are coming out for good reasons.

So what I'd normally do is oversell the date/meetup or downplay how long we are going to take.

As so ...

" Good thing we won't be long ...just a quick meet and greet...see if the vibe is there (thanks @Skills)

If problemo we don't have to see each other again

Besides you are free to leave if you find me boring 😏😂 no pressure

But one thing is for sure,Clara, you are going to love it 👌 guaranteed "

Have it working for me 6/ not bad

Basically making it easy for her to come out while still overselling it to make her more likely to come out.

If she's unsure of when she would be free ,I offer suggestions while still adding in that I might do later if those don't work (pretty much like Chase)

Anyways,just to talk of not bailing on girls who don't respond with a "yes or ok " to your date requests.Persist regardless and get her voicing those objections she has to which you'll address 😉

Would depend if she has moved on .Always best to use an auto-rejection turnaround before she sours out completely on you.It doesn't hurt to try tho if you are angling to lay her.

Again ,you have more cut out for you especially given her ultimatum and demand .Also ,it might look like you are chasing her since at first you aren't willing to teach her but now you do.

The party that's willing to revive things back herein is the chasing one.

Yeah... I get the same feeling about them being skeptical...

Giving that I am sometimes extra heavy on sexual vibes and frames and light on comfort, Connection and rapport

Totally agree on being persistent


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

What was the last text, "You're being too demanding, chill out"?

I mean, at this point, the dynamic is pretty fucked... it's not flirtatious at all. It's just her pushing for handouts and you trying to resist getting walked on.

My read at this point is you're into this girl, meanwhile she's into the lottery she thinks she can win if you just give her the magic tips (for free!).

It's an atrocious dynamic.

If it was me, I'd send her something like, "Hey, let's get food this weekend. We can talk about your viral project. But you've gotta make it fun for me. Can't be straight biz or I'm gonna bail, lol"

(I would do that very differently if I'd maintained control of the dynamic from the start here. But both her hands are firmly on the wheel so at this point all you can really do is negotiate to try and get some buy-in... this is the problem with a fucked dynamic)

If she agrees then you've got to get a little banter going with her between and see if she can flirt at all. Personally I'd bail if she was just all business. A business consult for a stranger where I'm not getting paid? What?

If she insists on NOT making it a fun, flirty date, then you just tell her okay, well we can do it another way then, if it's just a professional thing, I'll send you my rates and you can decide if you want to hire me to train you.

Make sure whatever rates you send her if you do that are something that'll be 100% worth your while without ever having anything romantic happen with her. e.g., if you were coaching some grotesquely ugly obese warpig to make a viral video, what would you charge her? Charge this entitled chick the same rate.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2022

What was the last text, "You're being too demanding, chill out"?

I mean, at this point, the dynamic is pretty fucked... it's not flirtatious at all. It's just her pushing for handouts and you trying to resist getting walked on.

My read at this point is you're into this girl, meanwhile she's into the lottery she thinks she can win if you just give her the magic tips (for free!).

It's an atrocious dynamic.

If it was me, I'd send her something like, "Hey, let's get food this weekend. We can talk about your viral project. But you've gotta make it fun for me. Can't be straight biz or I'm gonna bail, lol"

(I would do that very differently if I'd maintained control of the dynamic from the start here. But both her hands are firmly on the wheel so at this point all you can really do is negotiate to try and get some buy-in... this is the problem with a fucked dynamic)

If she agrees then you've got to get a little banter going with her between and see if she can flirt at all. Personally I'd bail if she was just all business. A business consult for a stranger where I'm not getting paid? What?

If she insists on NOT making it a fun, flirty date, then you just tell her okay, well we can do it another way then, if it's just a professional thing, I'll send you my rates and you can decide if you want to hire me to train you.

Make sure whatever rates you send her if you do that are something that'll be 100% worth your while without ever having anything romantic happen with her. e.g., if you were coaching some grotesquely ugly obese warpig to make a viral video, what would you charge her? Charge this entitled chick the same rate.

Yeah the text was something like that:

"we're having a conversation... and you're demanding things.. calm down😂"

The emoji was part of it to make it not too abrasive


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2022
Soo @Chad Tyrone @Chase Before I could send a text... she replies (after 3 days):

"So you don't want to teach me right ... you are now seeing it as throwing demands"

Guess I should just proceed with utility game: flirting, asking her what's in it for me and getting her to meet up one on one?

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Hey man there are better ways to ask someone to do something for you than this

Using ultimatums or threats isn't one

What is she going to do if you don't teach her.You don't owe her nothing.

It's important not to get attached to the outcome .As much as it may seem worthwhile to turn things around...sometimes you ought to realize it's a lost cause.

Careful you don't invest more and more into the courtship for much less.Yeah you might use utility game but girls are also game players and some of them are good at it if you don't know what you are doing.

Anyways,I'm not going to stop you.But you should always think of yourself as the prize,you are offering her a gift.To me ,she seems entitled and thinks of herself highly.

I don't know about you but that's not something I would invest my time on.I'd rather have chicks that it is going somewhere with,meet new ones or work on something else



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Anyways,I'm not going to stop you.But you should always think of yourself as the prize,you are offering her a gift.To me ,she seems entitled and thinks of herself highly.

I don't know about you but that's not something I would invest my time on.I'd rather have chicks that it is going somewhere with,meet new ones or work on something else
I highly agree with this.. I find this girl a bit too obnoxious which is a trait I really hate. Actually she did OP a favor by making it overtly clear what she wants. There is no submission in her messages only entitledness which is utter crap


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Soo @Chad Tyrone @Chase Before I could send a text... she replies (after 3 days):

"So you don't want to teach me right ... you are now seeing it as throwing demands"

Guess I should just proceed with utility game: flirting, asking her what's in it for me and getting her to meet up one on one?

HER: So you don't want to teach me right ... you are now seeing it as throwing demands​
YOU: I'll tell you what, let's get food this weekend. We can talk about your viral project. But you've gotta make it fun for me. Can't be straight biz or I'm gonna bail, lol​

Give her a chance to tell you if she's willing to make it a positive experience for you.

If she's totally unwilling to comply, next and move on.



Dec 25, 2019
IMO it’s not what you say, its how you say it here….if I were in your shoes I would have engaged but been a bit more evasive, short replies at first, friendly but like you’re busy and they’re not a priority. Text them like you’re texting four other people at the same time, make them work to get back in with you. Big opportunity to communicate a value shift, but it’s on you to successfully communicate that.

Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
Soo @Chad Tyrone @Chase Before I could send a text... she replies (after 3 days):

"So you don't want to teach me right ... you are now seeing it as throwing demands"

Guess I should just proceed with utility game: flirting, asking her what's in it for me and getting her to meet up one on one?

Do you mind me asking what was the video of? Do you think you could genuinely help her if she paid for your service?