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How do you keep contact with girls?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Hi everyone,

I mostly meet girls from my extended social circle or warm approaches. However, because of where I live, I can't always set up dates or dates that lead to sex fast and many times I have to wait sometimes weeks to be able to get something scheduled with these girls.

A few years ago @Bacchus published a very interesting concept called the Women Cloud which I found very useful for my case. Because now I can meet girls and will keep the opportunity to lay them in the future if my current time and logistics don't allow me to do it early after meeting them.

From the article:
But what exactly is a Woman Cloud?

I’m glad you asked.

You see… to an attractive woman, especially a girl in her prime years – mid-teens to early twenties – there’s an absolute bombardment of male attention. She’ll get it at the bar… she’ll get it on social media. She’ll get in on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

So you can see that pushing desperately for an immediate meet brings about the risk of getting tossed in the pile of other needy men. This is why we as seducers need to reverse the roles... with a Woman Cloud.

Which is basically a holding pattern of several women we’ve already seduced to an extent. They might all be in different stages of text-game; some might be warmer than others. Some girls might be busy with “life,” and other girls in the cloud might be waiting earnestly for you to pitch a date.

The point is that now the roles are reversed… there’s no rush. There’s no impatience. There’s no waiting for that flash on the phone indicating that she texted back… instead of being one of the many guys trying to make progress with her, you’re now the man in demand… with a cloud full of girls at your disposal.

So now adding girls to my cloud is not a big issue, I mostly add them trough my social media accounts or WhatsApp. However, I don't know really how to maintain the interaction over the long and keep it flirty. For now, it's some chat or comment here and there, and when I see a girl that likes/comment my publication or message me first I ask her out as I observed it like an IOI.

But it still is a messy process and I would love to know how you guys do that. Because I really feel that I'm waiting for too many girls from my network that I could lay with just a little more patience and maintenance.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

You should not be trying to maintain long, ongoing interactions.

Instead you're just reaching out to her every now and again, sharing something about yourself, checking how she is doing, and seeing where her head is at.

Just little comments here and there, "Hey, I just had [something funny or related to her] happen, couldn't believe it"; "Just found this new chill spot; here's a pic; whatdya think? I'm in love with this place right now. Amazing mint tea"; "Hey missy, how's tricks? Haven't heard from you in a minute. You still working on acrylics or you move on to oil paints yet? Just got myself a new canvas" Etc.

Little pings, trade a couple of messages, nothing lengthy.

Long, lengthy messages will wear her out. Then when she sees you messaging it's "Oh no, I don't have two hours to message with him right now."

Little short, fun, enjoyable pings, where you just trade a few messages, keeps you on her radar, and keeps her in your cloud, so that when the time is right, the two of you can link back up.

(or at least that's how I approach it; not sure if @Bacchus does things differently with his cloud)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
@Chase , thanks for the tips

I'm doing it in a similar way you advise it even though I wasn't sure it was the right way. Usually, I do it in av very opportunistic way, like commenting on the stories, post or messaging them when there is something related to using. However, A big sp of mine right now with this tactic is how to gracefully end the interactions. I mostly go for " so gotta run catch-up later". Any better way?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Sounds like you're doing instant messaging, @Witcher?

Yes, "all right, gotta go" is the easiest way.

If you're busy, you'll end these conversations naturally on your own. e.g., I won't get involved in IM conversations until evening, typically when working outside. That gives me a few hours max to talk, at which point I'm typically being kicked out by whatever café I'm in because they're closing for the night. I'm a chatty guy so I have to do this to avoid spending the whole day talking to people instead of getting things done.

Also, one remark:

Usually, I do it in av very opportunistic way, like commenting on the stories, post or messaging them when there is something related to using.

I will say it's always felt to me like commenting on stuff women post is just throwing your hat into the thirst competition. She threw it out there for attention, you jumped in to remark on it along with 3-10 other guys, and now she's sitting there smiling and chatting with you and a few of them about this thing she posted.

My philosophy has always been "don't even look at her page or stuff. Just message her so often to ask her how she is."

e.g., if she posts a picture of her standing in front of her new job, Joe, Frank, Tom, Billy, and Cliff are all going to message her congratulating her on the new job, asking her how it is, etc. So she'll be talking to all these guys at once about the new job, basking in the attention, and none of them will stick out.

Meanwhile, if you don't bother to check her page or feed, you're not going to have any idea she has a new job. And when you talk to her two weeks later, you'll message her, "Hey, how's the job hunt going? Did you find something new or are you still coming up empty?" and she can actually tell you about the job hunt, the new job, she'll tell you how it's going at the new job, and it will be a unique and more interesting conversation than any of the ones she had with the five guys who were congratulating her on the same one thing she'd just shared.

It's a much more substantial conversation that way.

It's more memorable because it's not occurring at the same time a bunch of other horny guys are talking to her about the exact same thing.

And it doesn't have that same "Hey, so I was creeping on your profile and noticed you said this" vibe that commenting on her stuff does. It's much more natural instead ("Hey, you popped into my head. How's things?" --> implication here being that you aren't creeping on her profile and have no idea how things might be with her. Further implication being that you are not like all the thirsty guys who are monitoring her every share. Also, you actually remembered her on your own and not because a social media site pinged you to, which makes the connection feel more special).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Sounds like you're doing instant messaging, @Witcher?

Yes, mostly Messenger and WhatsApp. I don't know how is it in other countries but in mine, it almost completely replaced SMS between people from one's network. So we either have calls or messaging app. As a side note, I find it easier and way more comfortable to ask girls for their WhatsApp than their phone number, they show way less resistance when it's actually the same thing! But as you said in your book we have a natural resistance to the word phone number. Many times now I got also the side bonus of "I don't have whatsapp, give you my number instead". (I numclosed the girl to num closed me)!

If you're busy, you'll end these conversations naturally on your own. e.g., I won't get involved in IM conversations until evening, typically when working outside. That gives me a few hours max to talk, at which point I'm typically being kicked out by whatever café I'm in because they're closing for the night. I'm a chatty guy so I have to do this to avoid spending the whole day talking to people instead of getting things done.

Being busy helps a lot with this stuff, however, with this Pandemic I'am freelancing from home and I would say that I have way more free time than before and it's difficult to find more classy things than "Gotta go back to work" "Gotta go". I'm also a very chatty guy and I come from a "polite" background and always find myself uncomfortable at ending an interaction first either by text or in-person unless I'm very busy or really find that person of a shitty company. I would say that if you take all my social interaction about 60% of time it's the other person who end it first.

My philosophy has always been "don't even look at her page or stuff. Just message her so often to ask her how she is." .......
This was what I was going however without this mental model. So at one moment, I started commenting on girl's stories when the story is about something I care about, this was just to generate diverse conversation. Now I realize it's just a way to dig yourself into the friend zone from a distance.

And it doesn't have that same "Hey, so I was creeping on your profile and noticed you said this" vibe that commenting on her stuff does. It's much more natural instead ("Hey, you popped into my head. How's things?" --> implication here being that you aren't creeping on her profile and have no idea how things might be with her. Further implication being that you are not like all the thirsty guys who are monitoring her every share. Also, you actually remembered her on your own and not because a social media site pinged you to, which makes the connection feel more special).

You thought of her because of her not because of the Facebook algorithm. Things it gives more value to your attention of the girl like you.

Thank you @Chase things are making way more sense now!