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How does Chase find these girls?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
In some of the articles on the Girlschase website, Chase mentions that he has both stopped dating party / club girls and primarily seeks out women with a very low number of previous sex partners (under 5).

My question is: where in the USA do women like this exist? How is he finding them? And if they do exist, can they at all be attractive? Almost as a general rule, women who are pretty or even beautiful, from my experience, can't resist the attention of being in a club, or being on instagram, or sleeping with lots of men for validation. I'd go so far as to say that it's nearly impossible to find an *attractive* woman over 21 who has had fewer than 10 sex partners and hasn't spent a significant amount of time in the club hooking up with guys.

And if he's finding them out in public during the day, where in God's name does he live where attractive woman like this exist in great numbers and can be approached regularly??


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
In some of the articles on the Girlschase website, Chase mentions that he has both stopped dating party / club girls and primarily seeks out women with a very low number of previous sex partners (under 5).

My question is: where in the USA do women like this exist? How is he finding them? And if they do exist, can they at all be attractive? Almost as a general rule, women who are pretty or even beautiful, from my experience, can't resist the attention of being in a club, or being on instagram, or sleeping with lots of men for validation. I'd go so far as to say that it's nearly impossible to find an *attractive* woman over 21 who has had fewer than 10 sex partners and hasn't spent a significant amount of time in the club hooking up with guys.

And if he's finding them out in public during the day, where in God's name does he live where attractive woman like this exist in great numbers and can be approached regularly??
Chase just addressed this in a recent article.

You know you don't have to date or meet the type of women chase does right? It's not a strict requirement that's only Chase's preference. There are plenty of guys here who don't look for the type of women Chase does. That doesn't mean if you don't find the exact type of girl Chase dates that means she'll be a bad or low quality girlfriend. I agree it doesn't make sense to limit yourself so strictly and you'll find yourself single a lot more.

I wonder the same thing too sometimes,but don't get sucked into believing you need to live your life and date the exact same way as writers suggest from here. I've made that mistake a bunch of times trying to follow advice from here that wasn't neccesary and only hurt me because I had too much info.

Also you're wrong about women sleeping with men for validation. Sure they exist,but a lot of girls don't sleep around like that. It all depends on where you're meeting girls. Women mainly seek validation from attention not from banging dudes. A lot of women would prefer to be in a committed relationship if it's available to them.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
Actually, I *would* like a girl with as few sexual partners as possible, who is very attractive, that is devoted to me. I think that's the male dream. But I'm just at a loss as to where these girls exist anymore. Even small town America has been flooded with social media and the "club lifestyle". I don't want a club girl but it seems to me that they all end up there at some point in their lives.

Case in point: I knew a beautiful 22 year old who was dating a bartender friend of mine. She hung on his every word, they lived together, if she went drinking or hung out at a bar it was only at the one he was bartending at, while he was there. She seemed like the perfect girlfriend. After a year or so, they had a falling out over something (I don't remember exactly what) and they were apart for a while. I ran into her during that period at the local nightclub where she was dancing and making out with all manner of "club guys", and probably going home with them too. Of course, she still talked about her EX but I knew she was just sleeping with guys casually because she saw it as being "in between relationships".

Now, that's perfectly fine, really, and I'm not one to judge what people want to do sexually but I think it's just a physical impossibility to find women that don't do this, even if they only do it "in between relationships". I mean, if you're beautiful, and young, and you can have sex with nearly anyone you want, at some point the temptation is just going to be too much and you'll indulge. If a woman says otherwise, and she's attractive, and claims that she hasn't done this at some point in her life (casual sex in the club), then she's probably lying to you.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Actually, I *would* like a girl with as few sexual partners as possible, who is very attractive, that is devoted to me. I think that's the male dream. But I'm just at a loss as to where these girls exist anymore. Even small town America has been flooded with social media and the "club lifestyle". I don't want a club girl but it seems to me that they all end up there at some point in their lives.

Case in point: I knew a beautiful 22 year old who was dating a bartender friend of mine. She hung on his every word, they lived together, if she went drinking or hung out at a bar it was only at the one he was bartending at, while he was there. She seemed like the perfect girlfriend. After a year or so, they had a falling out over something (I don't remember exactly what) and they were apart for a while. I ran into her during that period at the local nightclub where she was dancing and making out with all manner of "club guys", and probably going home with them too. Of course, she still talked about her EX but I knew she was just sleeping with guys casually because she saw it as being "in between relationships".

Now, that's perfectly fine, really, and I'm not one to judge what people want to do sexually but I think it's just a physical impossibility to find women that don't do this, even if they only do it "in between relationships". I mean, if you're beautiful, and young, and you can have sex with nearly anyone you want, at some point the temptation is just going to be too much and you'll indulge. If a woman says otherwise, and she's attractive, and claims that she hasn't done this at some point in her life (casual sex in the club), then she's probably lying to you.
Well sure she is meeting guys at the club and having fun,but you don't know for sure she's hooking up with guys she meets there you're making assumptions. Just cuz she was dancing and making out with guys at the club doesn't mean she's going home with them. In fact a lot of guys over here who do nightgame will say that if you kiss a girl in a club your chances of bringing her home and sleeping with her actually drop. She might get the emotional validation boost of dancing and making out with attractive guys at the club,but that doesn't mean she wants to bang them all. Women are attention seekers first.

Besides it's not uncommon for girls to rebound a bit after a breakup. I don't think it's really much of a problem if it's outside of a relationship. Girls take breakups hard too,but it might be easier for them to get over it then men.

Girls might tinker with clubs a little bit and experience it,but not all girls are committed to that lifestyle. I know some girls who are really into partying and I know these girls aren't my type for a relationship. Sure Chase says don't ever date girls who go out at all,but I think it's unnecesary and somewhat impractical to only date girls who never drink at all or doesn't ever go out. There are nuances to this.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I've hooked up with a couple virgins in college and most of the women I meet during the day tend to be low sex count girls (according to them and their tight vaginas but none of those things necessarily guarantee that obviously).

Best girls I've met during daytime approach, hands down or in college.

Don't let your perception of how things are beat out the reality of how things are.

Apps, bars, and instagram will keep you jaded! Stay away from it!

BTW, 70% of women have never used a dating app.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Almost as a general rule, women who are pretty or even beautiful, from my experience, can't resist the attention of being in a club, or being on instagram, or sleeping with lots of men for validation.

You're talking about a specific subset of woman you don't seem to realize is that.

Validation junkies are a specific subset of women. Girls who are always wiggling their asses in the club, showing their tits online, or jumping into men's beds for feel-good points are women of a very specific type. And just like there are women like this, there are also men like this: guys who are out in clubs all the time, guys who are online showing their abs and their perfect gleaming white teeth off, guys who are shagging women constantly -- but, just as with women, this is a specific subset of men.

(quick aside: I suppose, in all honesty, I qualify for all three categories myself... having spent quite a bit of time in clubs, having shagged a rather inordinate number of women, and having built something of an online presence for myself. So you may consider this a bit of black pot discussing black kettle as I discuss these girls)

These girls are very different from physically attractive women overall, who have FEWER sex partners than every other type of woman:

Re: the clubs, I spent years of my life predominantly meeting women in clubs. There are a few kinds of women you will typically find in nightclubs:

  • Attention whores
  • More subdued club regulars
  • High sex drive girls

All these girls tend to have high-ish partner counts. The more subdued regulars have lower counts than the other two, the high sex drive girls higher counts than the other two, but all their counts are high compared to the general population of women who don't frequent nightclubs.

Beyond these you also have the "nightclub tourists", girls who do not usually go to clubs or bars but got pulled there by a nightlife regular friend, or drawn there by a group of coworkers at their new jobs. These girls are most likely to be new in town OR newly single, and they're getting back onto the social scene any way they can. They stand out by how uncomfortable and out-of-place they are there.

These 'nightlife tourists' will go to the club a few times, then either decide it's really not for them and stop going + quit hanging out with the girls who brought them out, or they'll decide it IS for them, and turn into one of the other archetypes (usually a regular clubgoer).

Re: Instagram -- Instagram and any kind of show-offy social media (especially at the higher follower counts / more active profile levels) attracts a lot of the "hot flashy" types I talked about in this article:

i.e., girls who are NOT the most naturally beautiful/well endowed... but who are REALLY good at doing their hair, putting on makeup, and looking and acting sexy (in other words, girls who've really maxxed out their fundamentals).

Usually past a certain follower count they all end up getting work done: big fake tits, nose jobs, chin jobs, etc. Gotta keep that follower count climbing. So even if they didn't start out fully that way, they do end up it once they're sucked into that treadmill enough.

These girls tend to either begin as attention whores, or transform into them as they get sucked deeper into the Instagram trap, because

  1. It is a LOT of work growing a large & active Instagram following, even for a hot girl (there are LOTS of hot girls out there... it's not like you just post a few pics and you've got 50,000 followers. You need to be ON there, and MARKET it). You have to be DEVOTED to it

  2. Meanwhile, most women get on Instagram, post some pictures, get a few thirsty guys drooling over them, get kind of turned off/annoyed by low value male behavior, discover they have a hard time getting more than 500-1000 followers, which is rather pedestrian in the grand scheme of Instagram follower counts, then lack any incentive to hang out on there much/at all anymore and let their profiles go to seed (as this thing they played with for a few months at most then got bored with and haven't really checked in on in ages)... or they may post infrequent pictures of their meals and places they go and the odd cutesy post here and there to share with their friends and orbiters (in which case it is serving a very different purpose than how the attention whore types use it)

So... if your definition of 'hot' is "flashy made-up girls with collagen-injected lips and practiced sexy fundamentals who show their cleavage off for their fans, wiggle their butts, and hypnotize the attention of thirsty Internet males", then yes, these girls are all regularly in the clubs and/or highly active on Instagram. Many of them are also making themselves up that way because they are trying to date up 'out of their leagues' and will put out when they attract a man who is the kind of guy they never could've gotten in high school, back when they were still Plain Janes.

That is not my definition of hot though. I have bedded those girls and been around them plenty with their makeup off and hair undone in sweats or pajamas, and I will take a naturally beautiful girl who is not flashy over these made-up average/cute girls. The naturally beautiful girl may not always make herself up as well, but if I really need her to look good I can just push her to put on makeup and a dress and she will outclass the validation-addicted Instagram/club hottie most of the time (some of those validation chicks are REALLY good at being super sexy though -- I will give them that. That's another kind of talent, aside from raw physical looks, and you do have to give them that).

Regardless, the hot attention whore girl NEEDS makeup and a dress and hair to look good, and if she ever slips off her game you are going to feel like you drew the short end of the stick choosing her. Which puts even more pressure on her to always maintain that image she's anchored herself to. At least until she feels secure enough...

I have also seen a bunch of the relationships of men who wifed up validation junkie made-up hot girls, and let me just say that when age sets in and they aren't getting the validation they did when younger, some of them do take it in stride, reason they accomplished what they needed to with it, accept the life they've built for themselves, and chill out. However, others turn into hot messes doing all kinds of things to get that male validation hit back, many of which things are not so conducive to maintaining a stable, happy, monogamous relationship.

Also, keep this in mind: if she has time to maintain a successful and active Instagram following, it is unlikely she also has time for an advanced education and a promising career (several of my screening criteria). It's a bit easier to be in clubs a lot and be hooking up a lot and also be educated with a good career, so you do need to screen for that one more, but I don't know if I've ever met an educated professional girl who also had a huge professional-level social media following. The two are, so far as I have seen, mutually exclusive. Only so much time in the day...

I'd go so far as to say that it's nearly impossible to find an *attractive* woman over 21 who has had fewer than 10 sex partners and hasn't spent a significant amount of time in the club hooking up with guys.

Is this based on deep, actual experience, or is it based on conjecture + media you've consumed churned out by sensationalist Internet publications?

If it's deep, actual experience (e.g., you've had 40+ women talk to you deeply and honestly about their sexual histories, and the majority of them are clubgoers with 10+ partners), I would question a.) where you're meeting all these wild-ass girls (you should probably share with the Boards, as I know for many guys here that is exactly their types, and they'd like to meet more of them!), and b.) probably also how exactly you're going about it (just in case you are doing something that screens these girls in while screening out the sort it sounds like you actually want).

If it's not based on direct, actual experience -- which, no discredit to you, it's a common cognitive error for people to make; when you get broad, sweeping generalities about a group of people, I find it tends to be the case -- I would offer to you that the sensationalist stuff you encounter in articles and videos online is NOT reality, but on the sensationalists' warped, exaggerated view of it.

And if he's finding them out in public during the day, where in God's name does he live where attractive woman like this exist in great numbers and can be approached regularly??

You mentioned small towns; I avoid those myself. You simply do not have the volume there.

Plus, small towns tend to empty out, as the best girls migrate to the capital cities to seek the best options for themselves (i.e., the top-tier men).

That said, we do have a testimonial from a One Date/TDA owner about his pickup adventures living in a town of 40,000 people. He's a bit of a cheat though, because he traveled a lot for work and many of his pickups happened in other cities or overseas.

So, in general, trying to make it work in small towns is not really advisable IMO. Not if you're going for scale or you have refined mate criteria you're trying to fill. Otherwise you're sifting through a small pool of leftovers, which isn't too likely to suit someone who wants to be picky.

Since I like the best-looking, best-educated, most ambitious girls, and these girls all flock to the biggest capital cities, the biggest capital cities are where I head to too.

I like girls who are into finance, so in the US, my cities of choice are New York and DC. Miami might be another potential choice but it's a bit too beach-y for me, and IME beach towns do not attract the type of women I prefer. San Francisco's another finance hub, but the male-female ratio there is insane and the women know it... I have picked up in San Fran but never a stunner and if they have stunners there I don't know where they are (the women there are for the most part too chubby for my liking).

DC is ranked as one of the bottom large cities in the US in terms of the attractiveness of its women, but it still has LOTS of amazing-looking girls. Every time I return to DC after not having been there in a while I go in thinking, "When I left DC, wasn't I texting my buddy over how much hotter the girls in SoCal are? Wasn't DC ranked as the #2 out of 25 ugliest cities for people's attractiveness in the US? What if I get here and there it's nothing but UGs?" and then I arrive and walk through streets flooded with good-looking girls and I remember why I like it so much.

If you're not finding any of the kinds of girls you want, there are a few possible explanations:

  • You're simply not approaching enough/at all. A lot of guys do this, where they watch a bunch of sensationalist manosphere videos about how "there's no good girls left", and they throw their hands up and say "Argh! There's no point to even approaching! There are no good women left out there!" and take it totally on faith from these manosphere guys that every chick out there is a used-up, beaten-up town bicycle ("Everyone's had a ride!")

  • You have blinders on OR a very particular look you go for. Perhaps you just don't even SEE any women you'd like to approach? It may be your location sucks. However, if EVERY location sucks, it's probably something else. There is a subset of men I find whom you can plunk into a mass of gorgeous women, and they will look around and look back at you and say, "I don't see any girls here who are really all that hot." Usually these guys are either a.) not good with girls, and so develop 'girl blindness' to protect their egos from seeing all the girls they cannot have, or else b.) they have a very specific, very particular look they like, and for whatever reason they are not attracted to most women outside this very small slice of particular-looking women. The general advice I have for these men is "lower your standards"; guys I've seen who've successfully done this, if willing to do it, typically broaden their standards by a LOT and later will tell you "I can't believe I used to think there were no hot girls here. I was CRAZY!"

  • You are approaching, but in the wrong places in your town to meet the girls you want. If you want a sexually reserved girl but 90% of your approaching is in nightlife or on apps, then congratulations, you are drawing from the most sexually liberated pool of women available this side of a sex club orgy, and are going to find a bunch of women who aren't what you're hoping for.

  • You're approaching a range of girls, including the girls you want, but you're inadvertently screening them out. Sometimes I'll find guys who come in with an approach that frightens off more reserved girls, but attracts sexually open girls, who then complain about how every girl is a giant slut and it's impossible to meet a girl who isn't, without realizing that "giant man-slut game" doesn't appeal so much to most unslutty girls.

  • You're in the wrong locale and the girls you want aren't there. Sometimes, like if you have choosy standards but are in a small town, or very choosy standards and are in a larger town that is not a magnet for the types of girls you want, you are simply not going to find very many of the women you want there. When I lived in San Diego, a city with an unfavorable male-female sex ratio, one that is the swinger capital of the US, that attracts people who want to take it easy and chill out on the beach, I discovered it was nigh impossible to find educated, serious, ambitious, low-count women, good-looking or not, because these women simply did not move to that city. The only one I could find there was the one I brought with me from DC! And she liked it because she was a bit of a partier already. When I broke up with her, I soon after broke up with the city as well, and moved on to greener pastures. (however, if your thing is laid back, chill party-type bottle blondes who are down to smoke a bowl and aren't going to pressure you to be Mr. Moneybags, San Diego would be your ultimate dream location. At least half your shags in San Diego will be varieties of this girl)

Depending on what your experience level is with girls, a lot of the time the best recommendation is "lower your standards."

Often I find picky guys are actually passing up exactly the women they want because they are ASSUMING those girls aren't what they want.

e.g., they see a hot girl and say to themselves, "Oh, she's so hot, she's probably a massive slut who goes out and chokes on Chad's cock every weekend at the club, then posts some slutty Instagram selfie from his balcony to boast about it. I'll pass!" and in fact the girl's had two sex partners and doesn't even go to the club or post anything other than meal pictures on Instagram... but they don't know that because they didn't even talk to her.

This is why "lower your standards" is such an important piece of advice:

Often in "lowering your standards" you will discover you start meeting the women you want accidentally without even suspecting you will.

One of my best girlfriends I met right after I'd narrowly avoided getting scammed by some chicks running some scam operation. I headed down into a train station and saw this beautiful girl dressed in stylish, flashy clothes... which I am wary of in general, and some chicks just tried to scam me. So I was even more on edge. When I approached her, the whole time I was thinking, "What is this chick? She's too good to be true. She's genuinely gorgeous AND she's flashy? That is rare! This has to be a trick as well!"

Until a few weeks after I shagged her I was still trying to figure out if she was some secret high-end escort or something and just not telling me.

Eventually it turned out she was actually a pretty typical genuinely beautiful girl, who did not care about dressing flashy, but she had an orbiter who was trying to date her who kept taking her clothes shopping and buying her all these attractive clothes, urging her to dress better so the boss would promote her at work. Once she dropped that orbiter she also stopped dressing flashy (to my somewhat disappointment, I must say).

But pre-approach, I never in a million years would've thought, "I'll bet that girl is only dressed flashy because some guy who wants to bang her has been taking her clothes shopping as a way to ingratiate himself with her and try to get her to sleep with him."

The things you think about women before you approach them tend to be simplistic, and very often WRONG.

There is only one way to find out the truth about a girl:

You have to approach her, talk to her, and get her to start opening up.

If you're not approaching enough women, in a wide enough varieties of areas, you simply have no real idea about what women are actually out there.

The only way to find that out is to approach, and approach enough, and enough different kinds of girls in different sorts of places:

Do that, and your eyes will be opened.

Not by me or some guy telling you stuff on the Internet, but by your own direct personal experience, for which there is no substitute.



Feb 3, 2020
You mentioned small towns; I avoid those myself. You simply do not have the volume there.

Plus, small towns tend to empty out, as the best girls migrate to the capital cities to seek the best options for themselves (i.e., the top-tier men).

That said, we do have a testimonial from a One Date/TDA owner about his pickup adventures living in a town of 40,000 people. He's a bit of a cheat though, because he traveled a lot for work and many of his pickups happened in other cities or overseas.

So, in general, trying to make it work in small towns is not really advisable IMO. Not if you're going for scale or you have refined mate criteria you're trying to fill. Otherwise you're sifting through a small pool of leftovers, which isn't too likely to suit someone who wants to be picky.

Great write-up! I'm curious about the geographical factors in seduction because I always get the feeling daygame material is written with cities like NYC or London in mind.

Ex. In my city, it would be super time-consuming to find 4 daytime approaches a day. It would involve a lot of driving and wandering around.

I found 2 daytime sets in 2 hours in my city yesterday but then I read here how guys find 6 hot girls on their way to work. I've found only college campuses during the day compare to that in terms of hotness and volume, which makes sense if college girls haven't migrated yet to bigger cities. But I try to avoid "overfishing" at the campuses.

Is population density another factor to consider? My city is big (over 1 million population) but population density of 4k people per square mile. NYC is 8.4 million people and 27k people per square mile for reference. So could sprawled cities like LA or Dallas not be as efficient as NYC?
Last edited:
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Best girls I've met during daytime approach, hands down or in college.

Don't let your perception of how things are beat out the reality of how things are.

Apps, bars, and instagram will keep you jaded! Stay away from it!

BTW, 70% of women have never used a dating app.

I have to add something.

This is not about disagreeing with you. Completely not this. I'm saying this because I believe that this is just one half to helping guys navigate the nihilism troll narcissistic nature of online world.

It's fucking spread like wildfire that sometimes it involves authorities in the REAL LIFE.

That 'how things are bad', and that level of narcissism online is what makes people think that reality is. And that plays a part in how they navigate you.

I agree that we should not let low level idiots distort what's truth.


But I'm not sure if we know what's real, matters. It's whether she knows it is what actually matters, and what truth that is.

Okay guys. Don't abuse the power of the last sentence above.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
There are tone of speculation and generalization and opinions all over the place, that does not translate into facts, but individual experiences.... There are also cultural differences, geographical differences..... There are cultures revolved around parties, dancing, celebrations... Specially more latin, brazilian,black etc... There are all type of reasons women joint dating apps, (some curiosity)..... a lot of causation correlations type stuff in this post borderline kj....

https://www.theskillsmethod.com/women-clubsbars-trash-low-quality/ and here


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
There are all type of reasons women joint dating apps, (some curiosity).....

like selling insurance on dating apps in an economic recession!!!!. Online dating apps can get you blue balls bluer than the Atlantic ocean. Fucking hell.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Great write-up! I'm curious about the geographical factors in seduction because I always get the feeling daygame material is written with cities like NYC or London in mind.

Ex. In my city, it would be super time-consuming to find 4 daytime approaches a day. It would involve a lot of driving and wandering around.

I found 2 daytime sets in 2 hours in my city yesterday but then I read here how guys find 6 hot girls on their way to work. I've found only college campuses during the day compare to that in terms of hotness and volume, which makes sense if college girls haven't migrated yet to bigger cities. But I try to avoid "overfishing" at the campuses.

Is population density another factor to consider? My city is big (over 1 million population) but population density of 4k people per square mile. NYC is 8.4 million people and 27k people per square mile for reference. So could sprawled cities like LA or Dallas not be as efficient as NYC?

Day game viability is pretty dependent on the city.

There are cities I've been to where I have marched all over town and have not found a single place good for any kind of decent volume of day game approaches. Some of them with millions of inhabitants. It's possible I just missed the good spots (and you will sometimes miss these unless you already know someone who knows where they are). It's also possible there were no good spots.

I have also been in cities where many parts of town completely lack worthwhile approaching opportunities, then you go to the one right place and it is flooded with attractive girls out during the daytime. Many cities have a few (or sometimes only one) key areas good for high volume day game. The trick is finding them.

You can also just go the time-consuming route. The reality of day game is in a lot of towns you may need to walk around for 40-60 minutes to find a really good-looking girl to approach. The rest of the time you will just have to start a few conversations here and there and maybe approach a few not-that-hot girls to keep yourself warmed up.

I've spent some time in LA but haven't seen a place I'd judge good for high volume day game. You could still approach opportunistically, but it'll be hard for newer guys trying to do volume to get their chops up. Unless there's a spot with a high concentration of attractive women out during the day I didn't stumble across...

Dallas I haven't visited, in part because I hear how spread out it is, and "spread out" is not the environment for me...

Yeah, population density is something I always check before visiting a town if I expect to approach there. The higher it is, the more likely you are to find high concentrations of the people you want (in this case, good-looking girls).


There are tone of speculation and generalization and opinions all over the place, that does not translate into facts, but individual experiences.... There are also cultural differences, geographical differences..... There are cultures revolved around parties, dancing, celebrations... Specially more latin, brazilian,black etc... There are all type of reasons women joint dating apps, (some curiosity)..... a lot of causation correlations type stuff in this post borderline kj....

https://www.theskillsmethod.com/women-clubsbars-trash-low-quality/ and here

I spent years of my life almost exclusively picking up in clubs, all my good friends for years were active, successful nightclub PUAs and naturals, my first several girlfriends were women I picked up in clubs (and I have picked up plenty of Latinas and black girls from clubs as well).

Anyway, I'm going to assume you were drinking or something or I just touched a nerve and that's why you're writing this, calling me a KJ, etc.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt here... I think we are talking past each other.

I said "most of the women you'll meet in clubs fall into X category. You will also sometimes meet girls who aren't club girls but got dragged there by friends."

You say:

Skills said:
The same women that you meet at church, or at work, or in your community or _____________ (fill in the black the place) as well as teachers, doctors, lawyers, nurses or ______________ (fill in the blank the profession), will go at one point or another to a club, party, bar etc… EVEN IF THEY HATE IT. Typical example is her friends that drag her out, or an event such as a birtday, graduation, celebration, bachelorette party etc….

Looks like we agree.

I say "some girls when younger will go through a stage where they're hooking up a lot and going to clubs... though this is often over by around age 28."

You say:

Skills said:
Now, women go through stages in life like the party stages and the cock carousel stage (15-24 where they just want to fuck a lot of different cool guys).

Mostly agree? Unless you're generalizing to "all girls go through this stage", but I don't think you think that's so, so probably not (unless we're talking a matter of degree... the low drive, reserved girl whose "cock carousel" consists of the one 'risky' guy she dated for a few months before she got serious and married her husband at 22, for instance). We just end our ages a bit different -- I say that's usually over by 28; you're saying it ends at 24.

You talk about club regulars being "better than the church girl with the right guy"... we'd have to talk about context there. "Regular clubgoer with the right guy vs. church girl with the wrong guy" -- maybe.

You say:

Skills said:
Finally, when I go to a club I look for women that do not look like the club type or that barely go to clubs, I recommend you do the same. With experience you will get a feel to identify and pick up those women, specially if you follow the advice I give in seduction.

That's not in my post, but it's something I've long done with clubs as well.

I think the ONLY place your position is in tension with mine is here:

Skills said:
Now I will tell you the difference between women from doing those types of games vs. club game. The difference is absolutely NOTHING! when it comes to character and personality other than club women are more distracted and more guarded at the clubs (higher level of bitch shield).

For this to be truth, one of the following must be true:

  1. Nightclubs do NOT, on average, attract female clientele who have larger partner counts than the general population... OR

  2. Nightclubs DO attract higher count women, HOWEVER partner count has NO correlation with personality or sexual fidelity

I think we both know that a.) the average girl who regularly attends nightclubs hooks up more than the average girl who doesn't, and b.) the higher a girl's partner count goes, the more likely she is to have various personality disorders, and the less likely she is to be either happy or faithful in a serious relationship.

That's not to say there aren't OUTLIERS.

Sure, you can find a girl in the club who has only once ever patronized nightlife before that night and never will again.

And I'm sure you can find a chick who's blown 37 dudes but will be the perfect monogamous wife when you wife her up and treat her right. She's probably out there.

However, life is a game of odds, and if you're looking for what the OP of this post says he's looking for (i.e., a low count girl who is not a partier), your odds of finding her in a nightclub are not going to be nearly as high as they will be meeting her somewhere else that is not a nightclub.


edit: related to this thread/post:

Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I want to add something on what @Chase mentioned.. about lowering your standard.. I have had it happen so many times that I open a girl... just to open her. And during the interaction, usually the first 3 seconds I suddenly take in her true beauty femininity.. and if I did not open her I would have been missing out.

So sometimes just go open the slim girl who is "not your type".. until you see her pretty eyes up close and realize.. hey.. I actually like her :) (just be quick enough with the realization not to miss escalation windows , I am very guilty of this lol!!)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
One year ago, I took @Chase advice and deleted dating apps from my phone. I also demoted night game and started focusing almost all my effort in daygame.

This helped me land an amazing, beautiful, intelligent girlfriend.
She is probably the cutest girl I have ever dated and definitely the most wife-worthy.

Funny thing, she dislikes clubbing. She has never gone to one and is never going to.
She rarely goes out at night and I have tried to have her come with me but she just doesn’t want to.

Hard to believe but it is true that some women have never and will never be in a night club.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hard to believe but it is true that some women have never and will never be in a night

And that's the thing.
What is real and what is virtue signalling.

now what do I mean by this?

Recognizing that girls are going to virtue signal harder in a world where they are not always going to be with friends whom are in good faith people, matters.

I know this because one girl years ago I met while at work was that cool chic who is pretty strong on her own and laugh with the group but personally, she revealed to me that if she likes a guy, she will never let anyone know.

I guess what she means is that probably not yet. And that was fucking mind-blowing to me at the time.

its crazy that ppl have to play different personalities in all different places. Man.....



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I hate bars and clubs... I only went to them originally because I was in the military and my military friends would drag me out there because that's what they did... then I went to bars and clubs for a few years because I wanted to figure out women.

I stopped going because I never really liked it in the first place. I think it's safe to assume there are a lot of women who don't like them as well... or had really bad impressions of them... heard bad things about them... had their parents tell them that they won't meet good guys there or that it means something negative about them if they do go, etc.

With that said, I've dated women who never go to bars and clubs... I don't know if they've never done it or they just didn't do it when I dated them... but to say that there's no difference between women you meet in bars and clubs and regular women that you'd meet in daygame situations is at least as much of "borderline kj" as any of our experiences are here, @Skills

Hard to believe but it is true that some women have never and will never be in a night club.

I think it's sexy when I heard a girl hasn't, doesn't, won't, never has.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I hate bars and clubs... I only went to them originally because I was in the military and my military friends would drag me out there because that's what they did... then I went to bars and clubs for a few years because I wanted to figure out women.

I stopped going because I never really liked it in the first place. I think it's safe to assume there are a lot of women who don't like them as well... or had really bad impressions of them... heard bad things about them... had their parents tell them that they won't meet good guys there or that it means something negative about them if they do go, etc.

With that said, I've dated women who never go to bars and clubs... I don't know if they've never done it or they just didn't do it when I dated them... but to say that there's no difference between women you meet in bars and clubs and regular women that you'd meet in daygame situations is at least as much of "borderline kj" as any of our experiences are here, @Skills

I think it's sexy when I heard a girl hasn't, doesn't, won't, never has.
I guarantee you and please ask them (don't take my word for it), that they have at one point or another gone to a party, or bar, or wedding etc...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Day game viability is pretty dependent on the city.

There are cities I've been to where I have marched all over town and have not found a single place good for any kind of decent volume of day game approaches. Some of them with millions of inhabitants. It's possible I just missed the good spots (and you will sometimes miss these unless you already know someone who knows where they are). It's also possible there were no good spots.

I have also been in cities where many parts of town completely lack worthwhile approaching opportunities, then you go to the one right place and it is flooded with attractive girls out during the daytime. Many cities have a few (or sometimes only one) key areas good for high volume day game. The trick is finding them.

You can also just go the time-consuming route. The reality of day game is in a lot of towns you may need to walk around for 40-60 minutes to find a really good-looking girl to approach. The rest of the time you will just have to start a few conversations here and there and maybe approach a few not-that-hot girls to keep yourself warmed up.

I've spent some time in LA but haven't seen a place I'd judge good for high volume day game. You could still approach opportunistically, but it'll be hard for newer guys trying to do volume to get their chops up. Unless there's a spot with a high concentration of attractive women out during the day I didn't stumble across...

Dallas I haven't visited, in part because I hear how spread out it is, and "spread out" is not the environment for me...

Yeah, population density is something I always check before visiting a town if I expect to approach there. The higher it is, the more likely you are to find high concentrations of the people you want (in this case, good-looking girls).


I spent years of my life almost exclusively picking up in clubs, all my good friends for years were active, successful nightclub PUAs and naturals, my first several girlfriends were women I picked up in clubs (and I have picked up plenty of Latinas and black girls from clubs as well).

Anyway, I'm going to assume you were drinking or something or I just touched a nerve and that's why you're writing this, calling me a KJ, etc.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt here... I think we are talking past each other.

I said "most of the women you'll meet in clubs fall into X category. You will also sometimes meet girls who aren't club girls but got dragged there by friends."

You say:

Looks like we agree.

I say "some girls when younger will go through a stage where they're hooking up a lot and going to clubs... though this is often over by around age 28."

You say:

Mostly agree? Unless you're generalizing to "all girls go through this stage", but I don't think you think that's so, so probably not (unless we're talking a matter of degree... the low drive, reserved girl whose "cock carousel" consists of the one 'risky' guy she dated for a few months before she got serious and married her husband at 22, for instance). We just end our ages a bit different -- I say that's usually over by 28; you're saying it ends at 24.

You talk about club regulars being "better than the church girl with the right guy"... we'd have to talk about context there. "Regular clubgoer with the right guy vs. church girl with the wrong guy" -- maybe.

You say:

That's not in my post, but it's something I've long done with clubs as well.

I think the ONLY place your position is in tension with mine is here:

For this to be truth, one of the following must be true:

  1. Nightclubs do NOT, on average, attract female clientele who have larger partner counts than the general population... OR

  2. Nightclubs DO attract higher count women, HOWEVER partner count has NO correlation with personality or sexual fidelity

I think we both know that a.) the average girl who regularly attends nightclubs hooks up more than the average girl who doesn't, and b.) the higher a girl's partner count goes, the more likely she is to have various personality disorders, and the less likely she is to be either happy or faithful in a serious relationship.

That's not to say there aren't OUTLIERS.

Sure, you can find a girl in the club who has only once ever patronized nightlife before that night and never will again.

And I'm sure you can find a chick who's blown 37 dudes but will be the perfect monogamous wife when you wife her up and treat her right. She's probably out there.

However, life is a game of odds, and if you're looking for what the OP of this post says he's looking for (i.e., a low count girl who is not a partier), your odds of finding her in a nightclub are not going to be nearly as high as they will be meeting her somewhere else that is not a nightclub.


edit: related to this thread/post:

i did not call you a kj (come on chase), i said that the saying there are differences between women you meet during the different types of game is that huge, since the same women that may join a dating app one day, may go to a club one day, and you may come across during the day another day... Is boarderline bs/kj...... I am not talking about the club rats...

- about the age 28 you are 100% correct now that i think about it...

the average girl who regularly attends nightclubs vs_____
- see party girls (in your article) is what i am talking about that is making you come up with the wrong conclusions that is what i call club rats and regulars (that is not the majority of girls that go to again night venues).... Obviously they are not good for relationship.... But i was making the point even if you bring them in a relationship they will fall into your frame or they may have onitis on you and comply and the relationship will not be as chaotic and horrible as you guys speculate it is... Actually my 2 worst relationships were with a very very low count girls (coming out of a marriage)..... I never experienced the drama i got into all my relationship put together with those 2 girls... They get super obsessive onitis chaotic type obsessions.

-clubs now a days is NOTHING, like clubs when you used and maybe vision used to go to clubs is a total different ball game, things have totally changed A LOT.... Also clubs is very very few and between most places are restaurants, lounges, pubs etc... clubs clubs are a dying breed...

- women get on social media on online for all type of different reasons.....

This "Find a girl during day game cause she is going to be different from a girl that you meet on night game" is the wrong mentality and wrong mindset to do things..... is the same as bros arguing about paleo is better than keto and better than intermittent fasting... is the restrictive diet (cutting calories) that will be the most comfortable for you...

- I have met "virgins" at clubs, parties, sweet 16s, weddings, rollerblading night venues etc... events that are not consider "day game"...

I have done day game, night game, online..... women are women...... The same girl you meet during day game at college, may be dragged to a college party, may just had suffer a break up and gotten online to see what the fuz is about.... I have meet all those scenarios....

I just think that i am surprise we are talking like the "red pillers" talking about going for virgins and those type of girls (i am talking from experience because i had them) and is the wrong mindset when it comes to screening for ltr.....

there are better criteria's regardless of the place you meet the girl to look for an ltr:

I’m going to outline the key factors for managing a monogamous relationship for the kind of guys who read this site, alpha males, not some men are from mars, women are from venus bullshit relationship advice. This guide is for alpha males only and is not politically correct, this is for guys who understand men and women are different and want a feminine woman who will give them balance, love and happiness. At 32 years old I’ve been in the game for a while and have observed a lot of things, I can confidently tell you everything I recommend here is based on trial and error, mostly error. I want to show you how to meet the right girl and create the right relationship, in the post feminist age this is not as easy as it should be, it takes screening, managing expectations, lifestyle design and relationship management tactics. You need to realize that picking up women and maintaining relationships are two totally different skill sets. When it comes to relationships with women its good to remember that all relationships are temporary. There is no foolproof way from preventing them from ending but there is a way of getting the most out of them and avoiding pain. You might be together for the rest of your life or you might be finished tomorrow, the key is to enjoy it in the moment and not compromise yourself as a man by doing things you’ll be embarrassed about later.The first key is screening or finding the right woman, 90% of the problems guys have with women is that they’re dating the wrong woman.

Does your girlfriend nag you to pick up your socks? Wrong Woman

Does your girlfriend ask you for money? Wrong Woman

Is your girlfriend rude to you in public? Wrong Woman

Does your girlfriend call you at work to fight with you? Wrong Woman

To avoid dating the wrong woman you need to screen hard for the right woman.


Screening women is the most important part of having a good relationship, it is impossible to have a good relationship without a good woman. Guys who failed to screen properly get drama, abuse, disloyalty, negativity, risk their assets and sometimes their physical safety. If I could define the right woman in one word it would be submissive. If a woman is not submissive towards you she will never accept your leadership, your life will be filled with nagging, drama and worse. A submissive woman is the only kind of woman an alpha male can date long term, leave the dominant women to the beta males. You can have plenty of fun with all types of women in casual relationships but when it comes to giving your heart, combining your life goals or sharing assets and territory submissives are the only kind of woman for you. You can ignore this rule but you will pay the price with mathematical certainty. There’s only room for one star in a relationship, and that has to be you, a true submissive only loves whats better than her, she wants your guidance, leadership, love and protection. There is no equality in any relationship, someone always has more power, as an alpha male you will never be happy unless that’s you, you are dominant, she is submissive, when both of you fulfill those roles both of you will be happy. With that said, not all submissives are created equal, there is a lot more screening that needs to be done to find the right woman. From the first date you need to be asking her probing questions but ask them innocently as part of regular conversation and never with a judgemental tone so that you can get an honest answer. You want to know as much about her as possible, about her childhood, her parents marriage, her previous boyfriends, her sexuality, her hopes and dreams, her strengths, her weaknesses, her fears, you can’t know enough about her. You will be constantly listening and absorbing information which will paint you a picture of the woman you’re dealing with. You should have at least 2-3 months of dating and getting to know a woman before you upgrade her to your girlfriend, this will help you screen out women rather than jumping into something too early. These are the most important characteristics to look for in a woman:

  • Dating a beautiful woman means you’ll be happy to look at her
  • Its especially important you find her beautiful without makeup because thats the face you’ll be waking up to
  • A happy girl is crucial for your well being, you want someone who will bring you up, be pleasant to be around and be positive towards your life goals
  • Of course no one’s happy all the time but you don’t want a negative girl weighing down your positive, winning attitude
  • You want someone you don’t have to work to be around, someone with the same sense of humour, interests and lifestyle
  • As a feminine woman though she will generally love babies, animals and cute things that you don’t care about, this is something you’ll have to indulge, there just needs to be common ground
  • This means you have to be compatible sexually as well, to be monogamous with someone, the sex needs to be good, for both you and her, sex is usually the first thing to go in a relationship
  • You want to hear that she has long term female friendships, doesn’t talk behind peoples back and hasn’t cheated on a boyfriend
  • A lack of female friends is a major red flag, it means she’s probably crazy and untrustworthy around other women’s men
  • A girl won’t always tell you if she’s cheated but many do, that makes it easy to screen them out
  • You can never be sure a girl won’t cheat on you but you want to decrease the probability as much as you can
Medium Self Esteem
  • A medium self esteem woman is the perfect girlfriend, she’s balanced without being arrogant or self hating
  • Low self esteem women don’t think highly of themselves, and will drag you down into their negativity
  • High self esteem women take compliments well but think too highly of themselves generally bordering on arrogance, chances are they won’t be willing to submit to your leadership
  • A good test is giving her a compliment, if she smiles and accepts it generally you’re dealing with a medium self esteem woman
  • Feminine women tend to dress well, are more likely to be sweet, gentle and strongly value interpersonal relationships as opposed to masculine women who are career driven, assertive and rough, nothing you want for a long term relationship
  • She compliments your aggressive, masculine nature with a loving, feminine nature
  • She’s eager to please, this means that it literally makes her happy to make you happy
  • A feminine woman makes you feel like a man, you feel stronger around her because she builds you up not brings you down
  • She makes you want to take care of her and brings out the protective, nurturing side of you
  • The ideal girlfriend is sweet, pleasant to be around and nurturing, this is even more important if you’re considering having kids with her, you want a woman who would make an ideal mother
  • She’s never rude or sarcastic to you or others, especially in public, as a man you definitely don’t tolerate disrespect from your girlfriend, you find rudeness in women disgusting
  • Submissive women want a confident, dominant man to take charge and lead inside and outside the bedroom, this means leading her emotions, offering guidance on her life and setting up activities for the two of you
  • If you want to read another solid article about finding submissive women check out what Victor Pride wrote over here.
  • A submissive woman will be gentle, easy-going and rarely test you unless it’s an important issue this is what you want, as opposed to dominant woman who will constantly be testing your frame with teases, insults and questions to see what you’re made of
  • She accepts that you and your mission comes first and everything else comes second, this means shes not whining about the time you spend working on your mission or getting in your way, but rather supporting you towards greatness
  • She doesn’t try to compete with you in the material world, her goals are loving relationships, a happy family and children
  • Love-based women are motivated by having meaningful loving relationships, they tend to have close friends and family and a history of long-term relationships, this is the type of woman you want
  • Pleasure-based women are thrill seekers, they will tend to like adventure, drugs, sex, partying and having fun, they make great fuck buddies but should be avoided as girlfriends unless you like a ton of drama
  • Status-based women are concerned about their rank in society, they strongly value money, power, looks and connections, they should be avoided as well for anything more than casual fun
  • A love-based woman has a low number of sexual partners, this means she hasn’t separated sex from emotion and is able to pair-bond more strongly than a promiscuous girl
  • She cares much more about family then career, love and family makes her happy, this means you won’t be trying to force a girl away from her fabulous life of being a corporate slave
  • A love-based woman will NOT ask you for money, I can’t stress this enough, she might allow you to take care of her or be happy with nice gifts but she will not ask you for money or expensive things, any girl who asks you for money is status based and should be screened out immediately
  • Non-dramatic women will handle negative situations with appropriate emotions as opposed to screaming, damaging property or threats
  • Her response to problems with you will usually be sadness over anger which is much more manageable
Well Raised
  • A woman’s relationship with her father is the primary factor in determining how she will interact with the men in her life
  • A good relationship with her father means she will most likely treat you well
  • A bad relationship with her father means that she will eventually project her issues with him on to you
  • Its also important to note how she gets along with her mom, although less important than her dad, you want to hear she has a great relationship with both
  • A girls relationship with her parents shapes who she is, if she suffered emotional, physical or sexual abuse she should be avoided, although that sounds harsh, unfortunately most people don’t recover from that kind of childhood
  • Her relationship history is a good indicator of her future relationships, if she has a long history of casual sex and short term relationships then she would be a great fuck buddy
  • For a monogamous girlfriend you want a long history of monogamy
  • In general, the relationship of a women’s parents will define her relationships as she will internalize a lot of her mothers behavior towards her father
  • If a woman comes from a patriarchy, chances are she will expect that kind of relationship for herself, this is the type of family you want her to come from
  • This means you won’t have to educate her that you are the man and she is the woman
  • This means she cooks and cleans naturally and so does her mother, this means if you do choose to get married (with a strong pre-nup and your assets located offshore) it won’t even be a question of who cooks and cleans
  • Being a traditional woman, she doesn’t identify as a feminist, a woman who identifies feminist will always resent being told what to do by a man
  • A feminist will be proud to “call you out on your bullshit” so unless you want a lifetime of that, avoid them like the plague
Middle Class
  • Middle class women are down to earth and ideal for long term relationships
  • A lower class girl will be too rough and difficult to relate to whereas a girl from the upper classes will be spoiled, expensive and not appreciate the sacrifices you need to make for your success
  • Middle class girls are the most grounded and as an ambitious guy you can bring her to a higher standard of living that she will admire you for
Mentally Healthy
  • A mentally healthy woman will have strong coping mechanisms and a lack of self-destructive behaviors, this is what you need
  • A mentally unhealthy woman will have weak coping mechanisms and a history of some or all of the following; eating disorders, abuse, depression or self-injury, if she has any history of these that is a huge red flag
  • A possessive woman will be jealous, insecure and constantly needing reassurances of fidelity
  • A secure, will be trusting and secure in the relationship, pick her
Does it seem like this is a long list?

Thats because it is.

Does it seem like its hard to find the right girlfriend?

That’s because it is, especially in post-feminist North America where woman act like men and men act like women

The second key is to know what the right relationship looks like and how to manage it. A lot of guys don’t have a picture of what a good relationship should look like, or they’ve internalized a negative model of their parents relationship and pursue that. A good relationship is happy and fun with low drama, good sex, love and trust. The keys to creating a good relationship are screening, managing expectations, lifestyle design and using the right relationship management tactics. A good relationship is a traditional relationship with traditional sex roles and expectations, if you want a non-traditional relationship, date a feminist and watch her lecture you on misogyny, the oppressive patriarchy and rape culture. If you want a traditional marriage, marry a traditional woman who will take care of your kids happily, if you want a non-traditional marriage, marry a career woman who will put her job before her family and get a non-traditional result, a divorce. Before starting a relationship its important to manage expectations, both hers and yours and make sure your agendas are aligned.

Managing Expectations

In every relationship women will have expectations and so will you, you need to be upfront with those, you also need to know that a woman will not always be upfront with hers in order not to scare you off. A traditional woman who loves you will want marriage and kids. She’ll also want to go on dates once or a week or once every two weeks, talk about her day for about 30 minutes, have you spend time with her family and friends, accompany her to social functions, communicate daily and have good sex and cuddling at least a few times a week. She’ll want you to support her emotionally, protect her physically and earn a decent living or be ambitious towards success, all girls want to be with a winner.

Your Agenda
  • Loyalty: If she cheats or betrays you in any way, its over, no exceptions
  • Submission: You’re the leader of this relationship, she happily submits to your decisions
  • Sex: You need consistent sex, she should know that if she starts denying you sex you will lose interest in being in a relationship with her and find it somewhere else
  • Good Behavior: That means for the majority of the time you expect her to be happy, loving, affectionate, loyal and fun
  • Attractiveness: You expect her to stay fit, dress well and take care of herself, by not doing these things it means she doesn’t respect you enough to try to impress you anymore
  • You then need to decide what else you expect from her and the relationship, I can’t define this for you but make sure she knows what you expect BEFORE you get in a relationship and agrees to it
Her Agenda
  • Monogamy: Girls do not handle open relationships very well, especially traditional ones, she will expect you to be monogamous, or at the very least, discreet
  • Emotional Support: Girls love for men to be able to take care of them emotionally, lead her emotions to positive things and support her in times of stress
  • Financial Support: Traditional woman will allow you to take care of them financially, but a good one will NOT ask you for money, you have to decide in advance how much or how little you want to support her
  • Escort: This means accompanying her to social functions, you have to decide in advance how often you plan on doing these things
  • Protection: This means protect her from physical threats, every alpha male reading this should be to able do this
  • Sex: She will want good sex as much as you do
  • Guidance: A submissive girl is going to be happy to be led by a competent, ambitious guy, you want to build her up and have her feel great about herself and her future
  • Children: Every traditional girl wants a family of her own and you might too, however you need to make sure you’re on the same timeline, you might want kids ten years from now and she might want them today, you need to make sure you’re not in conflict on this one
Once you have your agendas in sync its time to start building a great lifestyle:

Lifestyle Design

Being in a relationship means taking the world on together. You want to create the best possible reality for you and her, here are some key points for building a great life together:

Healthy Living
  • Don’t get fat and lazy like lots of couples do
  • Be healthy, active and moving up in life
Good Food
  • Good food is key, you should have a few good spots around you for takeout and get her to cook for you, it will make both of you happy
  • You should have some dessert, ice cream, candy and popcorn on hand for watching with movies/shows
Good Media
  • This means you should have good movies and tv shows lined up for when she comes over or if she lives with you
  • Good tools for this are a chromecast or mini pc hooked up to your tv
  • If you’re seeing a girl consistently its a good idea to find a show you both like, with a deep catalogue of episodes, this makes it easy to decide what to watch when she’s over
Good Sex
  • Sex is a bonding experience, its super important for keeping her attracted to you and vice versa
  • Unfortunately as guys its really easy to get bored of fucking the same woman, especially if you’ve experienced years of being a player
  • To keep from getting bored you need to quit porn, quit masturbation and keep ejaculations to a minimum
  • Its important to turn away from the dopamine rush of masturbation and porn, this will make your girlfriend even less interesting and lead to losing feelings for her or cheating
  • By keeping your ejaculations to a mininimum, you will be constantly attracted to her and your mood and vitality will be much higher making you happier to be with her
  • Love is at least 50% lust and you want your vitality and attraction to her to be consistently strong, not like after you cum when all you want is for her to stop talking so you can go to sleep
  • Focus on sex as more of a bonding experience as opposed to orgasm chasing and you can access amazing states of consciousness, tantric sex and karezza are two really cool options
Good Social Life
  • Make sure you have similar interests, friends, and mutual respect from both peer groups
  • Socializing should be fun for both of you
  • If you hate her friends its going to be pretty hard to hang out with them
  • Talk about your ambitions, let her be part of them, let her help you with them
  • Your ambition and drive for success will be a turn on for her
  • Build her up with compliments and lead her to her goals
  • See her as her ideal self and she’ll love you for it
  • Be fun and joke with her, all submissive girls like to be teased
  • This can mean, tickling, playfighting, joking or doing impressions, be silly together
  • When you have a girlfriend you will spend more money, thats just how it is
  • Girls love going out and you should like it too, expect maybe once a week or once every couple of weeks to take her out for dinner and a movie.
Once you have the right lifestyle set up its important to know how to manage the relationship, with power comes responsibility.

Relationship Management Tactics

As the leader of the relationship you want to keep a cool head and actively solve problems. Its you’re responsibility to lead with maturity, if there are problems in the relationship its you’re responsiblity to address them. Here are the key tactics for managing your relationship:

Know Your Role
  • Put yourself first, stay dominant and lead, submissives will always love strong men
  • This means be a man and follow your mission, this is what attracted her to you in the first place and what will continually make you attractive
  • Be self reliant and problem solve don’t being weak and whiny
  • Eradicate neediness and jealousy from your life, be strong and secure
Keep Yourself Attractive
  • That means working out consistenly and staying fit, just because you have a girlfriend doesn’t mean you can start to get fat and lazy
  • Dress well, women will always love a sharp dressed man in the same way men love well dressed women
  • Do this for yourself first and her second
  • Communication is extremely important for woman and is important in a successful relationship
  • This means knowing her inside out, knowing what shes thinking before she says it, this will bond her tightly to you, it also means you know when she’s lying and will call her out on it, stay observant
  • If either of you have a problem, try and address it logically and offer a solution but limit relationship talks to a minimum
  • Actively listen to what she has to say, girls need to talk about their day, give her at least 20 minutes every day to do this
Gentle Correction
  • This is the first method you use when she does something you don’t like
  • You tell her “Hey, I really don’t like when you do x behavior, I would really appreciate if you didn’t do it anymore”
  • If she accepts the correction, then you give her a quick hug and a kiss and move on to something else
Strong Correction
  • Use strong correction when either gentle correction fails, or she accepts gentle correction but constantly repeats the same negative behavior
  • This means stern look, raising your voice (not yelling) and aggressively verbally challenging her behavior
  • This should be used sparingly because its upsetting for her and if you’ve screened properly gentle correction should be enough

Ending The Relationship

For the most part ending the relationship is a decision that will fall to you. If you let a submissive end the relationship that means you’ve waited too long, submissives usually don’t take the initiative and for her to end it means she’s been unhappy for a long time, something you should have noticed. If you have to end a relationship do it quickly and firmly, like taking off a bandaid, and remember you can’t be friends after. Here are the reasons for ending a relationship:

  • She is no longer fulfilling your agenda despite the correction you’ve given her, that could mean cheating, withholding sex, drama, nagging or any other condition that’s unacceptable to you
  • When either of you loses attraction
  • When your agendas change or become incompatible
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

i did not call you a kj (come on chase), i said that the saying there are differences between women you meet during the different types of game is that huge, since the same women that may join a dating app one day, may go to a club one day, and you may come across during the day another day... Is boarderline bs/kj...... I am not talking about the club rats...

I'm not sure what the difference is between "you are a KJ" and "the things you are saying are KJ." Maybe it means "You are not always a KJ, but in this particular instance you are a KJ"?

I don't want to speculate on why the girls you're meeting via the daytime are the same as the girls you're meeting on apps and the same as the girls you meet in nightclubs, because then I really WILL be KJ'ing :p However... recognize you are in a minority of seducers who hold this opinion that "girls you meet in the club are exactly the same as girls you meet everywhere else" and "girls you meet online are exactly the same as girls you meet everywhere else."

When I read your post, you seem to be focused on exceptions -- "I've met virgins at a nightclub", "You can meet psychos during the daytime", etc. To which -- no disagreement there.

But if we want to nail it down to "where are you more LIKELY to find X?" we can see some differences...

Are you more likely to find a virgin...

  • Grinding on guys in the nightclub?
  • Or reading books quietly in the corner at the library?

Are you more likely to find a horny, lustful nympho...

  • Relaxing on a park bench soaking in the sun at midday?
  • Or by hopping on Tinder and swiping till you get a match?

We're not talking about "can you." You CAN find the virgin who's tired of being a virgin grinding on guys in the club, ready to finally get fucked. You can find a nympho chilling on a park bench.

But odds are 19-out-of-20 or more that girl grinding on guys on the dance floor is NOT a virgin. And I don't know what the odds are the girl on the park bench is a nympho, but they're probably no higher than the odds a woman pulled at random from the overall population is a nympho. On dating apps, the likelihood she is a nympho is HIGHER... much higher.

This is the difference.

It's like me saying "Don't move to Wyoming if you like Latinas. You'll be much happier in SoCal, Miami, or South Texas," and you saying, "Chase, that is borderline KJ, I have been to Wyoming and you can of course find Latinas there."

I am saying "you are more LIKELY to" and you are saying "you CAN" -- these are very different things.

- about the age 28 you are 100% correct now that i think about it...

A lot of it has to do with when a girl starts, too.

Girls who start hooking up early (like the 15 y/os in your example) tend to be over it earlier in life than girls who start later (like say at 19).

- see party girls (in your article) is what i am talking about that is making you come up with the wrong conclusions that is what i call club rats and regulars (that is not the majority of girls that go to again night venues).... Obviously they are not good for relationship.... But i was making the point even if you bring them in a relationship they will fall into your frame or they may have onitis on you and comply and the relationship will not be as chaotic and horrible as you guys speculate it is... Actually my 2 worst relationships were with a very very low count girls (coming out of a marriage)..... I never experienced the drama i got into all my relationship put together with those 2 girls... They get super obsessive onitis chaotic type obsessions.

I wasn't only talking about clubrats in that article. It's a matter of degree... the more often she's in bars, clubs, parties, the higher risk she is for club-related problems.

The girl who's in a club once a month is obviously lower risk of club-related problems than the girl who's in clubs eight times a month.

The girl who doesn't go clubbing AT ALL is lower risk still for club-related problems (her risk is nearly zero for those specific problems).

So, it depends on your risk tolerance / how much you care about or don't care about the problems clubs offer to relationships.

As for girls falling into your frame once in a relationship, yes BUT... that is only so long as they remain emotionally associated to you:

When relationships get rocky, and the woman begins checking out, that is the point where she begins REJECTING your frame, and begins to dissociate herself from you emotionally. This is the point where the various risk factors a girl has that were subsumed while she was under your sway emerge and become problems again, which compounds the tumult you're already going through during a rocky period.

Rocky periods aren't always death knells for relationships. If the girl is going out clubbing in the midst of your rocky period though, relationship death may be coming on swift wings.

This is the old "always enter a marriage planning for divorce", refactored as "always enter a relationship planning for it to get rocky."

Or the older still "hope for the best, plan for the worst."

That is based, by the way, not on "KJ", but on experience. Both my own, and a slew of friends I've observed firsthand in similar situations.

If she likes to party, and things between you get rocky, she will probably begin partying again at some point if it goes on long enough, without you. So get ready for all the mind games, jealousy, sleuthing, obsession, and suspicion that comes with that. Or just don't date girls who party much or at all.

This "Find a girl during day game cause she is going to be different from a girl that you meet on night game" is the wrong mentality and wrong mindset to do things..... is the same as bros arguing about paleo is better than keto and better than intermittent fasting... is the restrictive diet (cutting calories) that will be the most comfortable for you...

I don't tell every guy to switch to day game.

But a guy who's looking for low partner count girls who aren't partiers... and he is looking on apps and in bars and clubs... well, yeah.


It's more like saying, "I really need a lot more protein in my diet so I can build some muscle, should I go paleo or vegan?" and somebody else saying, "It's all a matter of opinion, there are vegan bodybuilders, you can definitely do it."

Just because it's possible doesn't mean one of those paths is not going to be a lot easier than the other for a specific, particular goal.

I just think that i am surprise we are talking like the "red pillers" talking about going for virgins and those type of girls (i am talking from experience because i had them) and is the wrong mindset when it comes to screening for ltr.....

there are better criteria's regardless of the place you meet the girl to look for an ltr:

@Vision was simply saying he has hooked up with virgins via day game, that you are more likely to meet them here, as a support for the point that "the girls you meet via day game will tend to be lower count girls with more conservative sexual histories." The OP was claiming that every hot girl is essentially an attention whoring nymphomaniac.

The criteria in your post are all good. This thread isn't about "what to screen for" though... it's a guy saying "I don't know where to find girls who will PASS these screens."

That's why we're telling this guy don't despair, there are plenty of girls who are not validation junkies on social media, who are not in the club every weekend, and who are going to match the criteria you're looking for.

You are of course free to make a post in the thread on how to find girls in nightclubs or on Instagram who are low count loyal non-partiers -- I'm sure the OP would get value out of such a post as well ;)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
Wow, Chase wrote a whole article in response to my post. Much appreciated for all the extra info.

I suppose my main issue is "where" I'm looking for girls, and to an extent, the *type* of women I desire - tall, model-esque beauties. I've met quite a few beautiful women through dating apps (especially seekingarrangements) and nightclubs - the majority of these women were beautiful and *lots* of fun to spend the night with, *but* quite promiscuous and wild.

I'd really like to meet these beautiful, modest women that are being discussed, but I'm just having a hard time finding the right spots during the day where these women can be found! I live in the Eastern PA / Philadelphia area, and honestly, I spend a decent amount of time at high-end grocery stores, coffee shops, in town, etc, but I just can't seem to find the same level of beauty that I found on apps and in nightclubs. I'm someone who is very attracted to beauty and body, and specifically, taller (5'8"-6'0"), thin women. I've found these women, but as I talked about, through apps and nightclubs they tend to be well-dressed, beautiful, but not "nice women". However, I just can't find the same level of beauty, height, and an amazing body during the day. I'll find average-height "pretty" girls around town and in the city but just not the tall beauties that I really like. So... do tall, statuesque beauties exist who are actually modest and reserved? Or do they specifically turn into divas with drug habits and a party lifestyle?

So, TL;DR edition as a direct response to my initial question would probably be... train stations in a big city? Where specifically? I'm drawing a blank.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Fashion malls, universities, locales close to model agencies (they usually tend to be around the same neighborhoods)…

Also consider moving to countries were average height is higher (Sweden, Finland).

But overall, unless you feel you are already a very experienced fella, I would suggest relaxing your height standard.
If you still need more experience, you’d be well served by dating a bigger number of shorter girls to speed up your growth.