How to deal with religious woman?



Hey there everybody, I need some advice to my problem. So, my problem is I have been very close to a girl for 3 months already. I actually had asked her to be my gf on the valentine day. She did say she is interested in me, but she rejected me because of "RELIGION" difference. Besides that difference, she also mention that she made a promise to her "God" that she will not have any relationship until November. It did sound silly, but somehow I didn't lose my hope and as complicated as it sounds, the current situation is that we actually are even closer and dating but without any bf and gf status. We did all the things that couples usually do, like dating, even kissing (passionate kiss at most). She even told me once that this is her first time in her relationship that she over-think to marriage. Fyi, I dont plan to change my religion because I feel so comfortable with my believe. So, at this point, I still love her, but I feel so unclear about my current condition, should I continue or end this relationship? Should I just be patient or end it?

Thank you.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
She's throwing a bunch of girly bullshit at you under the guise of religion, so you'll give it more respect.

My girl back home gave me the "Let's just be Friends" routine for the same religious reasons on our second date. I told her that we weren't going to be friends, which forced her to make a choice. Have me as a lover, or lose me. She chose the first option. Now she's still waiting for me to get back to Tennessee...
Of course, for my girl, it was actual religious conviction that we shouldn't date, not the "Jesus tells me that we aren't right for each other" deal that a lot of girls like to use.

Best bet for you would be to give her one more chance, then NEXT her immediately if she doesn't respond the way you want.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
I agree with Thinkingenigma.

I have known some ostensibly and probably well intentioned religious girls give me BS excuses.

I asked a girl out here a few months back to dinner. Now she hung around me A LOT and gave a shit load of signs of attraction.

When I asked her she said: "I don't want you to get the wrong idea of me, I try not to hang out with guys 1 on 1. But we can still be friends and get to know each other in groups. I was shocked, I had never heard anything like this before. Fast forward a few months later and people see her making out with rough, overweight, ex military guy with mental problems and cusses like a sailor.

The only reason I can come up with is that my attainability was too high and she might have thought of me as a player. Nobody wants to be the victim of another.

Like he said, give it another chance and NEXT her if not. Don't waste your time.