How to Deal with the Girl Gossip Cockblock?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 15, 2022
Whenever I’m out and things are hitting off between me and a girl, there are times when one of her friends will come over mid-conversation and start whispering to my target (even if I’ve met her friend(s) already).

Typically they’ll be whispering to each other (or huddled up for a while) and it disrupts the flow of the seduction process for me.

Sometimes I’ll overhear them mentioning other plans for the night like going to a different venue, finding one of their friends, or just girl gossip.

Often times, I’ll stand there looking at them like an idiot not knowing what to do in that situation.

Do I just let them talk or do I need to intervene and win her friend over more?

Is her friend just checking to see how my target is feeling about me or is something else going on in these type of situations?