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How to have exotic fundamentals

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I have been focussing on my fundamentals for quite some time and I think that I was thinking about something i.e. Is it possible to have an exotic aura even though you are a native to that place .

Basically , I want to make myself look "exotic" . You can call it a type of Peacocking more or less but rather than using just accessories , I want to utilise non-verbals , fashion .

So, I have been told a lot that I can pass off for an Italian /turkish/mediterranean but I have not been able to properly use it . (Maybe the most important tool in my arsenal).

I want to come across as "different" when I approach .

The reason I am doing this is to reduce the asd when I approach as well as to diferentiate myself from other men , local populace(which I am part of) and other puas .

I don't really fear about amog due to training in mma , wrestling . Believe me , wrestling here is very primal (atleast for my western counterparts).

So, what could be the general guidelines should I follow ?

Should I focus on fashion , haircut that is not trendy but very sexy . (I can do this by checking other countries fashion)

I can't think of anything else right now , so advice is deeply appreciated .

Note : I am Indianlive in India .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Few more reasons for wanting exotic fundamentals :

1. Easy to approach in small towns if you appear to be OR are exotic . (Done this myself in a remote town I was visiting 2 years ago)

2. Western women / Foreign women + High Quality Indian Women

If I appear like average Indian then I will be treated as such .

3. Women more friendly to men who look exotic (even if they are local). Seen it a lot .

These things may not have any direct relations to getting laid but whatever I am gonna do this.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Well, if you are from India, and looks like an indian, my guess your skin tone is the same as your peers.
You cannot change it, of course.

However, you can tweak how you present your core personality through your attire and posture.
I would probably make a list of everything that I like, and what I think are my strongest physical features, and build from that.

I'm a mixture of Belarus, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Africa, with dark curly hair on top.
(But depending on my tan, I can also look a bit Lebanese.)
I'm tall and have a slender frame, but muscular at the same time.

As I am living in Brazil, my type is not considered exotic here.
Yes, I can grab attention with my physical build, but over here blonde guys with light eyes, and tall dark browns/blacks are considered the more desirable exotic types.

That said, what I do to look more exotic is to dress on my own terms. I use jeans and trousers with high breaks. I cut holes on my shorts and jeans. I use colorful tight t-shirts that accentuate my frame (especially on rainy days, where everybody is using grey or black). My kickers are unique with camouflage and fun motifs. My baseball caps are colorful and fun. My shades are absolutely insane, nobody has the courage to wear anything close to it. Although I do it all by bending 50-60% of the rules, at most. No need to push beyond it, as this is enough to warrant me the female attention I need.
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James D

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 23, 2017
I think a large part of getting fundamentals down is to add some differentiation.

I'm racially mixed.

My skin tone is very similar to that of Indians (part of my ancestors were from India)

I'm pretty confident I've succeeded at coming across as exotic by differentiating myself from the typical crowd of expats and ethnic minorities who are Indians and Pakistani in my city.

(who,unfortunately, by their they behaviour and presentation, have a reputation of being unattrative to women in my city)

Fundamentals-wise, I differentiate on these two:

1. Fashion
2. Behaviour

My fashion is a little eccentric, with a dash of elegance and edginess. I wear interesting, unique items that fit well with the overall vibe I give off.

When I say behaviour, I mostly mean the manner of talking and mannerisms. These can add to exoticness.

Girls I approach will often look at me with a big interrogation mark on their faces as they try to figure out where I'm from.

Last year, I'd frequently have Indians, often when taking my order in Indian restaurants, automatically speak Hindi to me and genuinely shocked when they found out that I could not understand them. I can't recall a single time this happened since I've revamped my fashion.

Fashion is probably the one I'd recommend focussing on given that it weighs siginificantly in determining your first impression.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Well , guess what ? @POB , @James D both of your advice worked .

I dressed differently from what the normal people wear here and it actually helped while approaching chicks in small , tier 2 towns , where nobody approaches out of fear .
But , couldn't close ( SMH )

Now , it's just the beginning but..... I will keep on improving my fundamentals to make Seduction easier for me .
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 26, 2022
Hate to hijack this thread but since fashion is very visual, anyone recommend a youtube channel with cool player fashion? or overall stylish fashion? One simple rule is wear tighter clothes and be in reasonably good shape so almost everything looks good on you.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Hate to hijack this thread but since fashion is very visual, anyone recommend a youtube channel with cool player fashion? or overall stylish fashion? One simple rule is wear tighter clothes and be in reasonably good shape so almost everything looks good on you.
I never really followed any YouTube channel , so , can't advice on that .

I prefer to wear clothes that matches with my vibe i.e. tough pretty boy .
E.g. Shawn Michaels when he was in DX .( Talking about the vibe here)

I even wear earring in an ear .
I have a swimmer like body .( Lean )
I try with hairstyles that are not trendy here .

I just watch some stuff in movies , pro-wrestling , UFC to get ideas about fashion , vibe lol .