I got a girl's number from a professional happy hour. How do I proceed?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2023
I went to a professional networking event. Pretty relaxed. I saw a cute girl and chatted here up for a while, built rapport pretty well. We exchanged numbers and I left plausibility deniability that I was hitting on her. She made it clear that she's sick of dating apps, which made it seem like I have a better change.

Over text, we just exchanged names to make it clear who our numbers were. This was two days ago.

My question: what's the move now? Do I just ask her what she's doing this weekend and then ask her if she wants to get a drink?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014

This is @Skills texting guide, have a read when you get the chance but ill summarise it anyways.

Banter with her(Maybe some inside joke from the first conversation you had with her)
Flirt and tease/Get her to qualify
Soft close...
Then hard close


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I went to a professional networking event. Pretty relaxed. I saw a cute girl and chatted here up for a while, built rapport pretty well. We exchanged numbers and I left plausibility deniability that I was hitting on her. She made it clear that she's sick of dating apps, which made it seem like I have a better change.

Over text, we just exchanged names to make it clear who our numbers were. This was two days ago.

My question: what's the move now? Do I just ask her what she's doing this weekend and then ask her if she wants to get a drink?

There are tons of articles on Girls Chase to help you out with this, from all kinds of different angles. Have you tried looking amongst them for answers? These are pretty basic dating questions.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2022
I went to a professional networking event. Pretty relaxed. I saw a cute girl and chatted here up for a while, built rapport pretty well. We exchanged numbers and I left plausibility deniability that I was hitting on her. She made it clear that she's sick of dating apps, which made it seem like I have a better change.

Over text, we just exchanged names to make it clear who our numbers were. This was two days ago.

My question: what's the move now? Do I just ask her what she's doing this weekend and then ask her if she wants to get a drink?
Why deny that you're hitting on her? She's a cute girl, she knows what you want.