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I'm a little worst then I thought.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
Hi Beginner Here

Before I begin let me give you some quick background on me. I'm 28 year old, I live by myself, I'm a virgin and I have Asperger's syndrome (I'm not using that as an excuse on why I can't get girls it's just so know where I'm coming from).

Last night I went to bar. It started out okay talk to the few the employees they are kinda used to me. But when the night went on and the crowd was picking up. I froze up when it comes to approaching. Not because I'm afraid of rejection or I don't know how to talk to girls (well at least I don't know how to be seductive that comes to talking to girls). It's mainly because I'm afraid of talking to groups. I believe this fear came about almost a year ago when I approached a group of two girls and they pretty much ganged up and embarrass me.

I know what some of you thinking maybe I shouldn't do night game no more if it's this much a problem. But here's the thing I want to do night game , I want to take a girls home at night, plus I want to prove to myself that I can get any girl anytime anywhere.

Knowing all this do you have any tips or advice for the next time I go out or just game in general?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
If you have an issue opening people you don't know, then go out a couple of nights without any outcome in mind. Focus on fun and offering value. Game the room. Just open people, and always raise the emotions.

When you can open people without a problem, start going direct. Get used to getting rejected and showing interest in girls.

And boom, you have now eliminated approach anxiety and sexual anxiety.
After that, you can start making everything more subtle.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 30, 2019
> I want to prove to myself that I can get any girl anytime anywhere

Absolutely nobody can do this. As a literal virgin, you would do yourself a favor by having reasonable goals.

Nothing about your situation is special, as far as I can tell. Any and all information that is considered "good" will be equally good for you. Instead of sampling a bunch of products, find one that seems to fit you somewhat and commit to it. I hear Chase-products are good (I have brief experience with some of the material, but it seems more like it is intended for you than me, so I cannot testify to their effectiveness).

Colt Williams

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
> I want to prove to myself that I can get any girl anytime anywhere

Absolutely nobody can do this. As a literal virgin, you would do yourself a favor by having reasonable goals.
. I hear Chase-products are good (I have brief experience with some of the material, but it seems more like it is intended for you than me, so I cannot testify to their effectiveness).

I second this. You're setting yourself up for failure to think you can get anyone anywhere. But it also sounds like you probably were scarred by that experience. Unless you process those girls embarrassing you, you'll never get over it. I'd sit down and meditate. I would visualize the experience with those girls. Then I'd try to feel what my body is experience during that vision. Do not do anything. Just feel. What is your heart doing? What are your arms doing? Then I'd follow any impulse I have. Do you want to scream FU? Do you want to punch a pillow? What happens when people humiliate us is that our fight or flight response gets triggered. But when we don't respond by fighting or fleeing, the impulse doesn't go away. So it gets trapped in our psyche and rears its head in weird ways that prevent us from moving forward. So go back to that experience if you can, and see if you can process it for a new way forward


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
Thank you for the advice.

I'll try to do meditation see how that works and for at least the next month I'm just going to start out gaming the room and getting comfortable talking to stranger.

And just for clarification I don't mean LITERALLY every woman just the ones that I can attract. And even then I'm hoping close to 1/3 of the woman I attract I hope to be successful with. (That is my goal).

My question is why is that a bad thing. When you want a mindset where you feel like you can get any girl you can if you put work in. Instead of the other way around where you feel like you can't get a girl because such and such. I mean is there such thing as being overconfident? (by the way I'm not overconfident in any way shape or form I'm just curious what kind of mindset I should be having when comes to gaming girls)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Colt Williams

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Zero, that's not necessarily a bad mindset to have, no. It's like when you start a business and you think to yourself, "I could build a billion dollar company." or "I can conquer any challenge." That might not actually be true, but it's a healthy mindset...AS LONG AS you don't become attached to the outcome. The reality of the "game" is that you'll have more failure than success. So if you have a healhty mindset but can take failure in stride, I say carry on!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 30, 2019
It is not a bad mindset to have, but it is an almost impossible mindset to get.

Keep your mind on the prize, but if you ask too much of yourself, I think you will fail.

There is such a thing as being overconfident because you will get cognitive dissonance. Nothing you experience will ever match your ideas of reality. And that will make you give up. Unfortunately.

This isn't me wanting to pull you down. You need to understand what a sensible way forward is, tho. This is me wanting you to succeed.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 23, 2019
Serious recommendation, and please understand this doesn't come from a place of financial interest nor do I generally say this to most people, but have you considered getting some coaching? (And just so you know, I don't coach and don't have any interest in it)

And look, you can go through my posts, posts from the top guys here who are trying to help others, articles from girls chase or whatever. There is plenty of free information for you and plenty you can accomplish on your own (but slower).

However, right now you're fighting against the clock, and you have a huge tangled mess of bad thoughts and beliefs to sort through.

The thing is, almost no 28 year old girl is going to tolerate your level of game (unless you are Leonardo DiCaprio and she's a bog monster). (And, to just post the obvious red pill truth here, the only 28 year old who will and isn't hideous, wants to control your life and finances)

Girls these days lose their virginity from 13-18, most around 15-17 I've found. So you're what, 12 years behind them? And you have very little idea what you specifically do wrong.

So not only do you need to practice on younger inexperienced women, you will soon get into them judging you for your age and not even being open to talking to you because you've aged out of their dating range.

This can be counteracted of course, with solid fundamentals and a properly confident attitude (not to mention having actually laid those types of girls).

But right now the clock is ticking and you do not have time to lose.

Get a coach.

It'll be the best money you ever spent.

You don't want to be 33 here with this same problem.

Can someone from Girl's Chase point him in the right direction? @Chase


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
Serious recommendation, and please understand this doesn't come from a place of financial interest nor do I generally say this to most people, but have you considered getting some coaching? (And just so you know, I don't coach and don't have any interest in it)

And look, you can go through my posts, posts from the top guys here who are trying to help others, articles from girls chase or whatever. There is plenty of free information for you and plenty you can accomplish on your own (but slower).

However, right now you're fighting against the clock, and you have a huge tangled mess of bad thoughts and beliefs to sort through.

The thing is, almost no 28 year old girl is going to tolerate your level of game (unless you are Leonardo DiCaprio and she's a bog monster). (And, to just post the obvious red pill truth here, the only 28 year old who will and isn't hideous, wants to control your life and finances)

Girls these days lose their virginity from 13-18, most around 15-17 I've found. So you're what, 12 years behind them? And you have very little idea what you specifically do wrong.

So not only do you need to practice on younger inexperienced women, you will soon get into them judging you for your age and not even being open to talking to you because you've aged out of their dating range.

This can be counteracted of course, with solid fundamentals and a properly confident attitude (not to mention having actually laid those types of girls).

But right now the clock is ticking and you do not have time to lose.

Get a coach.

It'll be the best money you ever spent.

You don't want to be 33 here with this same problem.

Can someone from Girl's Chase point him in the right direction? @Chase
thank you for your advice but unfortunately I don't have the finances to hire a coach. Also I know guys on this website that was much older than me that were virgins and they was still able to lose it. So it's not impossible but I will have to grind harder if I want to make things happen.
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