FR++  Immediate Connection - HB8 Brunette


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Drunked Bafoonery

Overall, a good day.. but weird. It was gorgeous out and I was ready to get drunk the second class was done. My date with the girl in class got pushed back to later so I flaked. I had been jubilant walking around campus and my fucks were nowhere to be found. We start at my house with drinks and good conversation, then left to a happy hour, then to a SweetBro's party. Pretty fun, but not a whole lotta gaming on my part. I tried to strike up conversation with this girl from a month ago but could tell she wasn't that interested anymore. They were playing volleyball and eventually someone tried tooling me so I left to chill with other dudes.

I was fucking SHITFACED. I'm yelling stupid shit to people while walking down the street, in an incredibly good mood. I roll up to the party and am being obnoxious, but in a fun enough way that everyone loved it. I impulsively leave to go get food, and in the gyro shoppe I'm literally fabricating a scenario with these strangers, tooling the one guy amongst 5 chicks and more or less harassing these people. It was funny, sure, but pretty fucking cringe.

The party moves elsewhere and I was slightly confused on the directions, so I end up walking by this group of 5 girls tanning multiple times and having impromptu conversation with them in passing. I find the party, then decide "fuck it, I'm gonna go up to these girls". I walk up and sit down with them and things go well for a good bit of time. When I'm about to leave though, I totally crash and burn. I was slightly off balance so in an attempt to stand up, I perched (yes, perched) BEHIND this girl, and the girls go "umm that's really weird how you're sitting behind her" and I TRY TO KISS HER CHEEK and they're all like "WTF dude??". Totally cringeworthy. I try to save my self a little bit by laughing and going "What?? It was on the cheek!" as I leave. They all get up to go back inside and essentially hide, and I "you're all lovely people! have a great day!". Smh... I told them where I work too which is just bad business, bad preselection, etc.

Me trying to use Grandmaster Style just went a little too far / I didn't do it properly. As Hector has described in his SuperSeducer videos, there's crass and there's fucking autistic.

Okay, now I'll get over myself. But lesson learned.. don't do that!

After this I hit a bump and get a little too wired. My high energy got narrowed to being hyper-focused. We left to another bar and I don't stay more than 5 minutes - no one was there and I was socially exhausted. I was tired of talking and doing shit with people.

I go home and make food, more or less shutting down for a bit. Kinda crazy how I went from stereotypical extraversion to stereotypical introversion in like an hour's time. My friend eventually comes over and we kick it then go back out around midnight.

An Immediate Connection

Then it gets much better.

I'm not there more than 1 minute, and this HB8 gives me a sexy look. Wide hips, skinny waist, pretty face, and amazing lips. I immediately open her, and it's an immediate hook. Now I'm doing low energy. I seriously felt drawn to this girl. I wiggle my way into her getting me a beer, and seed in us going outside once we get the drinks and she agrees. We sit next to each other and the connection is just growing every second. I'm talking close to her ear and our faces are touching slightly - it was electric and dripping with arousal. She tried to kiss me, but I wouldn't let her.

I think I was slightly off in asking her to come home with me - she hesitated before agreeing. She says that we're not having sex and I just go "I never said anything about having sex (; that's all you". My buddy texts me "hey asshole what's up" because of how I so quickly ditched him. We make it a couple blocks and we're holding hands - and then I say something about how I flirt with my gay coworkers and she stops, now thinking that I'm gay since I wouldn't let her kiss me lol. So I have to make out with her for a bit and then get us moving again.

She stops again, saying "she never does this", and I say something along the lines of there being a first time for everything, and then qualify her because I felt she just thought I liked her physically - which isn't true. Her overall vibe was very warm, caring, with some slight sass and I really liked what I was seeing. We make out a bit more and some frat house his hooting and hollering at us, seeing what's going on.

We get to my house and show each other what music we like, then makeout some more. Then for about an hour it's a battle of her trying to leave, me getting her to stay --> makeout, repeat. I heard "I should go" multiple times.

The farthest I got was feeling her up in my bed, laying down. I think she grabbed my dick? I was still pretty fucking drunk. I pulled out like every trick in the book (foot in the door, yes ladders, how it's just a societal expectation to not live in the moment and over think things, how we might not have this connection we have right now if we see each other again, pregnant pauses, slow speech, bursts of passion) and it eventually failed out because she thought it would lead to sex and couldn't reconcile that.

She's only slept with two people, both of who were long-term boyfriends. I get her number and walk her out, but not as smoothly as I liked.

Overall, I'd say she's the highest quality girl I've hooked up with. I think we could have a date this weekend, we'll see. BUT I have a problem... I don't know her name! Lol I'm really lucky it never came up at my house or before that, but I only asked her once and was too drunk to remember. So I'm going in a little dark with texting her haha. Not sure how that'll play out.