Insecure girlfriend


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 24, 2020
Hi, so I'm in a relationship with this girl for a bit over 3 months now and I just started to realise that she is very insecure and that she thinks I will eventually leave her, in turn, I feel like she's trying to manipulate me and is not giving 100% to the relationship. She told me a few nights ago that she feels she's not enough for me because she is inexperienced. Anyway, how do I deal with this? Regarding the manipulation stuff, I fell like she's acting distant when we are about to separate, like when she leaves my place and she always tells me she wants more communication but doesn't really go out of her way to communicate and stuff like that. Last night we came to my place after a walk in the park and I told her to play some music, the bitch had like 10 songs with the same message ~you'll leave me, I will never fully give myself to you~..basically..I was actually impressed she had all of those fucking songs in can I deal with this? Is it a lost cause?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Hmm, well, checkout Drexel Scott's article on Cluster B women:

How accurate is that to her?

The constant fear of / fixation on abandonment is generally not a good sign.

Couple that with manipulation and a lack of investment in the relationship on her part, and it doesn't sound like a terribly peachy situation... at least from where I'm sitting.

That said, I also have no picture of your contribution to the relationship, and you don't discuss it at all.

So it may well be that you also aren't giving all that much, and she is trying desperately to find some way to make the relationship work and failing.

Hard to tell from what you write here...
