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Introductory Post, Passive Plays


Jan 1, 2025
Hello fellow lovers of women.
My name is V, it's nice to meet you all. I am 25 years old, and growing up way too fast.

I've been an occasional lurker on this forum. I have found that I quite like living vicariously through things like fiction, or men writing about their amorous encounters with women in detail. One of my few vices, I guess. Maybe I'll sort it out in my next incarnation. Haha, just a lil spiritual humor for ya.
I decided to morph into a participant from a consumer because I figure, maybe a bit arrogantly, that my point of view on as well as my experience with this seduction thing is interesting enough to be useful to somebody.

Enough intro, let's get into it. This happened two weeks ago.
It was a decent day at work, and we were close to our closing time. 'Work' for me is a restaurant in a small tourist town with a big spiritual flavor.
I was waiting for someone to pick up their takeout order. The name was S, a woman.
I was wearing an apron over nondescript clothes (my wardrobe is basically dogshit, and I'm very fine with that), my long hair and an enthusiastic attitude because I was about to stop working soon and I'd have time for... Nothing really. Chillin'.

A car pulls up, and in walks S. She immediately strikes me as either being high or super tired, and I greet her warmly.
V: Hey there. You must be S!
She's not meeting my eyes, and looking at the knickknacks and books and sweets that we keep on our bar.
S: (still not looking at me) And you must be psychic.
V: (lol) Well, I've got your food here, S.

I ring her up. A single woman, at the end of a workday. I really need to stop shitting where I eat, I think to myself. Sigh, guess it won't be today. Might as well talk to her and see how it goes. Why the fuck not right? What if somebody drops a nuke within blast radius of me tomorrow morning?

V: So how are you? You seem pretty tired.
She looks at me, and seems to become a responsive human being for the first time that night.
S: I actually just woke up from a nap, and I had to get food from you guys. I was excited to try it. Do you mind if I just eat some right here at the bar?

Of course, I say. I talk to her a bit more, just some things to satisfy my curiosity. Where's she from, how her day was, what she did, etc. It was pretty clear she wasn't a local. She had come into town today, and had basically been indoors sleeping, but had explored a little bit. Guess she needed the rest. She planned to leave town tomorrow morning or afternoon. Well, that tells me we have tonight or tomorrow morning to.. what?

She nibbles at her food as I do more closing things. I wasn't really focused on her because one, I had things to do and two, I've committed myself not to spend too much energy in the name of lust or romance. If it happens easefully, I'm for it, if not, I don't need it anyway.

I eventually wandered over behind the bar again, and noticed she hadn't really eaten much. I ask her about the food, and she tells me how good it is.
Well, good thing it was already in a to-go container..

V: So, what's your name? Oh wait, I already know. It's S.
S: You must be psychic. What's your name?
V: (laugh) You said that already. Look, it's been a long day alright? And my name is V.
S: Yeah, I just got into town today and I've just been sleeping all day.
V: I hear that. There's little to do anyway, especially in this freezing, snowy weather. I'm looking forward to being off work, warm, and eating dinner.
S: This is my first meal of the day. It's so good! So what are these things on the bar here?

We talked a bit about the books and the things. I started feeling this slight turn-on happening in my body. Maybe it was just because I was in close-ish proximity to a decently attractive, pretty girl (she had a baggy shirt on, but I could see that she didn't have on a bra, and her boobs were somewhere in the grande to venti range). Maybe it's because it had been a little bit since I'd touched a woman. Maybe it's because I'm a man, and damn women are fuckin beautiful.

I also noticed that her shirt was inside out.
V: (big smile) You know what I find really charming?
I realize after I said that that nobody uses the word charming in conversation, but hey, it fit!
S: (smile) What?
V: I find it really charming, for some reason, that your shirt is inside out.

She looks down, and breaks into a sheepish smile (that smile brings my attention to her mouth, and I love plump lips, which she had)
S: I didn't even notice! I literally threw something on and rushed over here because I know you guys were about to close.

I decided to go for broke here because, well, I've been trying out this new thing called "just ask her out early and simply". If it feels right, and you want it, do it.
I also felt that the chances of 'success' (to use that business-y word) were high because 1- she seemed pretty open and chatty, and 2- she was curious about me and my life as well, which is an 'IOI' in my book.

V: Well, it's true. We are. But you know what, S, you seem fun. Let's do something. I'm about to get off work.

She's still smiling a bit, looks away. Hesitates a bit.
S: That could happen. What would we do?
V: Hmm, not sure. We could go get a drink, like normal people.
S: I don't really like to drink
V: Yeah, me neither (which is true). It's just something to do.

There's a pause. Since I'm not too heavily invested, this situation doesn't demand my maximum creativity.
V: Well, I do like going for walks in the dark. (Do not use this line, because for most people this is creepy, but in a place like my town, this is usually fine)
S: Well, you can reach out to me in a little bit and I'll see how I feel about that.
V: Okay, sure. What's your instagram? I'll message you once I'm done here.

She tells it to me, and I didn't have my phone with me, so I wrote it down on the first page of a book I was reading (in ink!) She found that funny.

She's getting up to leave, and I walk out with her so I can close the doors. She tells me the hotel she's staying at, and I say how I've never seen it from the inside, and I'm curious what it looks like. Obvious hint alert.

Anyway, about a half hour or so passes, during which I finish up and drive home. I add her on Instagram, and send her a message.
V: Heyo. How awake are you feeling?
S: Meh, not so awake. You?
V: I'm down to do something. Question is, what? [local bar] is closed.
S: I'm probably going to draw another hot bath.
V: Option A- walk to a park close to [her hotel]. B- a glass of wine and a low-key chat about life. C- all of the above.
S: I think I'm too tired. I like the quiz format tho.
V: (womp womp) Alrighty ✨

I put my phone away after this and commenced on my chillin'. Though it would have been nice to spend some time talking, and then some, I wasn't disappointed, really.
My monkey brain, about 10min later, unconsciously looked at my phone, and I saw a notification from her.

S: I'm down to do some exploring tomorrow.
(A few minutes later)
S: If you want to hang briefly tonight in a messy hotel room, we could do that too. But you gotta come soon.

Welp, you can probably guess which option I chose.
V: (replying to hotel room invite)I'm down. Wouldn't be much different than my room in terms of messiness.

I quickly changed, looked for something to bring for her, and drove over. Room number 16. I had a piece of chocolate in my pocket, because a gentleman never shows up empty handed.

The hotel room was extremely bare bones, which is what I expected, but I was happy my curiosity about what it looks like from the inside was satisfied. Already, the night was a success.
S had just recently showered. I gave her a hug as I walked in. Seemed appropriate, and a very easy way to break the touch barrier. I gave her the chocolate. She smelled nice.

She wasn't kidding about the messiness thing. There were clothes and bottles of womanly lotions and shit everywhere. There was even an electric tea kettle.
I sat on a chair a bit away from her, and she sat on the bed. We talked about ourselves, and life. We got pretty deep pretty fast, talking about emotions, the human condition, parental expectations.
V: Woah we getting deep out here.
S: Well, you did say 'chat about life' earlier.

At one point, while I was talking about shame, she said 'do you want to sit over here?' and gestured to the bed she was sitting on. I walked over and sat next to her, and continued. I wasn't really thinking about escalation or anything, as I was curious about her, and was mildly enjoying talking to her.
S: I'm getting pretty tired, I'm gonna go to bed soon.
V: Yeah I'll get out of here soon too.

I don't believe in manipulation, or LMR, or 'plowing'. If I have to contrive a way to get sex or whatever, what's the point? What's there to gain? Some physical pleasure? What's the point if she's not enthusiastic or wanting it herself? I've had that type of thing before, and man it just feels empty and gross. I didn't say anything or feel any sense of failure when she brought that up. I'm hanging out with a woman, enjoying her company, drinking some tea that she made for me. What the fuck else is there?

Anyway, turns out, she was Jewish. We were talking about our parents a bit, and then she asks me what I know about Jewish women.
V: Well, I hear that Jewish women are pretty business-like when it comes to matters of romance or sex.
(I have no idea where I heard that, but it was funny to say.)
S: I don't think that's true..

She didn't get spooked by me saying the S word, so that was cool. It meant I could be more free with my speech, and maybe even my actions, and it wouldn't be uncomfortable for anybody.
Some more talk, and she brought up how she's getting tired and wants to go to bed again. Well.
I mentally started looking for my belongings. Wallet, phone...
S: Do you want to cuddle for a bit?
V: (wut)Sure..

And now we're spooning. Alright, I thought to myself. I didn't really have a plan for this evening, but this ain't half bad.
A few minutes pass, some more talk. It's a weird feeling, we're both tired but fully awake, and we're cuddling. We got here after less than an hour of first finding out about each other's existence. Wut. Well, fuck it.
V: Can I kiss you?
S: (smile) No..
V: Ah, alright. It's cuz it's against your religion, right?
S: (laughs)

No biggie. But that told me that this wasn't going further. Or so I thought. We cuddle for a bit longer, her head is on my shoulder, facing downward. I continue my mental preparations to leave. Where did I put my jacket and keys?

S: (shifts against my shoulder and giggles) Okay. (Looks up)
V: What? Oh..

She tilted her head up, and we kiss. Bro... The fuck is going on. I guess whatever you think you know about how women operate, it's always inadequate.

Her lips felt as good as I thought. I shift and pull her closer, and then we're effortlessly making out. My thigh is between her legs, and she grinds against me.
She pulls back, smiles, and goes back to snuggling against me.
Well, that was nice, I think to myself. Let's continue to go for broke, what do I have to lose?
V: You know, you have nice boobs.
S: (laughs) You haven't even seen them!
V: I can tell. I have a practiced eye.

Now, this dumb exchange is just to illustrate that it really doesn't matter what you say. It's the context and feel that's important. The vibe here was kinda joking, over-the-top flirting, saying bold and shocking things just for the fun of it, after just having been making out. I find that you can say and do pretty much anything once some walls (like the make-out barrier) have been breached.

Well, she did have nice boobs, and I started playing with them. No resistance.
I pulled her in again, and now we're heavily making out. Clothes come off, she eagerly takes my shirt off (which I always find extremely flattering). From there it's her tig ol' bitties smothering my face, her effluence running down my chin, and her pleasure screams ringing throughout the stuffy room.

What a way to end a random Monday night. I left her with a kiss, drove home, slept, and never saw her before she left town. I'm sure we'll see each other again if we get a chance, but I, honestly, couldn't care less either way. These days, sex just isn't such a big deal anymore. I look for the ones that make me laugh, that make me believe in magic and beauty.

But thank you, S, for a fun night. Safe travels.

What do y'all think about 'game'? What of 'authenticity'?
I was pretty passive throughout, and besides dropping some pointed hints or making moves at the right time, i didn't really use any 'game'.

I think a lot about the fine line between being authentic and having game. Both are necessary, and should be explored. There have been times in the past where I know I did or said something wrong in terms of 'game', but it was right because it was true for me in the moment. There have also been times where I said or did the right thing in terms of game, and got success, but it was empty because it was against what was true in the moment.

Anyway, just some thoughts from the dome. Happy New Year, friends and seekers.

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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers