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January 2025 Snatch Tournament (no online)


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
all forms of game except online

Lay Reports required.

January 1
to January 31, 2025.

Approach: 1
Number: 3
Date: 5
Insta-date: 7
Kiss: 10
Foreplay without oral: 15
Oral: 25
Sex: 100
Threesome: 250
Foursome: 375
Fivesome and on: [ (# of girls) * (100) ] + [ (# of girls) * (25) ]
Girl Locked In: 150 (You've fucked her 3 times this month after a cold approach)
Reseduction: 50 (You've fucked a lay that got away from you for several months / you never locked her in. This counts as a new lay, if and only if the lay was a challenge in and of itself - or perhaps there was a period an already seduced girl was no longer into you)

If you approach 5 girls and two of them give you a number, that's 3+6=9 total. 3(1 point) approaches, 2(3 point) number closes.

If you approach ten girls and pipe one of them, that's 9+100=109. 9(1 point) approaches, 1(100 point) lay.

Points don't stack. You only get the points for the highest tier you got. so if you approached a girl, took her on a date, kissed her, then got to foreplay with nothing else, you get 15 points. So remember to subtract and don't be lazy.

Anything LR- or LR, LR+, whatever, must have a field report to go with it. You may write up FRs, though they're not necessary (but encouraged). Speaking from experience and observation, you are much more likely to do better if you're analyzing your sticking points, since it let's you realize a potentially crucial mistake you were making going into the month.

Also, just link the FR/LR's in here - easier to scroll through and figure out point values

previous tournament: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/end-of-year-2024-snatch-tournament-no-online.30054/


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
6 approaches 2 numbers


Approaches: 4
Numbers: 2

Total: 10


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
1 approach, (from december approach) 1 date pull kiss (kinda foreplay but not really enough to call it that)

Approaches: 4
Numbers: 2
Kiss: 1

Total: 20

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Would love to get back in this.

Approaches: 4
Numbers: 1

Total: 6


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 3 January
In the morning, I approached a cute girl at the bus stop, complimenting her cap, which had printed on it "Serial Chiller". Before that I had already approached another girl at the same bus stop, stating that "it's cold" (it's been freezing here since early Nov).

2 approaches = 2 points?

There's this hottie at the gym that I'm dying to approach. I will hopefully find a calibrated way (situational is always best in such environments IME) to do so in the near future.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Approaches: 1
Lay: 1

Saw a girl in all black edgy clothing at a coffee shop, with a christian necklace. Opened her about the outfit and found out she thrifted. Though she wasn't actually a potential freak lol then got BF objection.

NYD I fucked this chick at an afterparty of a rave and then again after a small festival.



Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Tuesday 7 Jan

Saw this cute girl standing by the microwave. She asked me if the tupperware inside was mine. I said it was. The heating ended. I asked her if the one above was hers. She said it was. I put it inside. She said thanks and have a nice meal.

I had lunch and we wanted to go play foosball but we were one man short. I saw a dude approach the foosball table and went up to him, asking if he wanted to play with us. He said they already had four. Suddenly the cute girl is next to me again. She asks me if I want to play with them. We end up playing together, her and me one team vs. two of her colleagues.

We lost the game. Her and me were the only ones left there, and I asked her what her name was and where she was from. She'd already asked me my name and guessed where I'm from. I asked her what her family name was. She pronounced it and said "with two rs and two zs".

Later I added her on Microsoft Teams and shot her a message, saying it was nice to meet her in the office building canteen earlier. She replied with a similar message. I wrote "let's get a coffee some time, we can commiserate about our unfortunate defeat" and she laughed at this, agreeing and suggesting we also practice some more foosball.

I asked her about her schedule and she said Friday was free (today). We settled on 11.15. Then she wrote me a day or two later saying she had to cancel. She didn't give any explanation though so I asked her "why are you not coming to the office on Friday?" and she said because she wanted to do sport in the morning and had a party.

I said she was excused then but then she suggested we go for a walk in the park instead. I said sure. Then today rolls around and she tries to cancel again, saying some work sprung up on her so she wasn't sure she could make our time (which was now 11.30). I told her not to worry, that I'd be around the office for lunch and then leave in the afternoon so if she had a moment cool if not after her holiday.

She said she'd keep me posted. I went to have lunch in the canteen with abuddy and came back and shot her a message, since I was on my way out back home for the day. I asked her if she was down (it was 1.15 p.m.). I added that it was beautiful weather (it was). She agreed to meet at 1.40. I waited around then went to a nearby museum to see if they had wifi so I could ask her where she was but then it didn't work so I went back to our meet spot and there she was, in heels, and a winter coat, with black tights, looking delish.

Kiss on each cheek and we walked and talked, she grabbed a coffee at a cafe, and some grub for later, then I dropped her and went onto the subway station. As we said our goodbyes she said "I guess I'll see you around the canteen" as we kissed cheeks again. I got home and texted her "Hey it was nice if brief today, let's maybe continue our conversation over a drink" she said it was a good idea, I gave her my number for WhatsApp.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
12 approaches, 1 number

Approaches: 15
Numbers: 3
Kiss: 1

Total: 34


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Yo it's your tournament so your call lol what do I get for getting my dick in for like 4 seconds?

We did some Oral and then there was a ton of LMR, at one point we were cuddling and I started fingering her, she was stroking my dick and pushed it in, then like immediately stopped lol

Just drove her home and my dick is literally wet but I didn't properly fuck her haha


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

Yo it's your tournament so your call lol what do I get for getting my dick in for like 4 seconds?

We did some Oral and then there was a ton of LMR, at one point we were cuddling and I started fingering her, she was stroking my dick and pushed it in, then like immediately stopped lol

Just drove her home and my dick is literally wet but I didn't properly fuck her haha
doesn't seem like the best sex but I would argue it counts ;)
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Reactions: Hue


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Aight cool lol

Day game number grab at a farmers market --> tea date --> food --> close at my place. One date model from day game LFG!

Brunette HB7.3


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024

Current standings:
Hue: 201
Kvothe: 34
Skippy: 32
JT: 13
Bismarck: 7
Swati: 5
Rest of the board: 0

Hue-man teaching us our ABCs…


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Sunday was on train back to [city where I live] and saw this stylish cutie sat not far from our group. The train was long but I wanted her. When we arrived she was waiting in the corridor to leave the traincar and I opened her situationally.

The interaction was quite short but she seemed keen so I grabbed her number. She said "call me," lol. Fizzled out over text the next day.

Today I was strolling around during the day and saw a hottie waiting an outdoor series of tables for a restaurant. Approached her situationally asking her if there was a sock shop around there and then she suggested there might be one further down. I found it, bought the socks, then came back and reopened her (using the same thread). Chatted a bit. She was pretty, slim, with a nice round butt. She had a nose ring. South American with indigenous blood. I suggested we go out but she said she had a boyfriend.