Lesser employees and 'All in One': Tips to avoid getting anal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

Since 2001 or perhaps, since the beginning of time or since when things are "falling apart" thanks to all out capitalism today and minimum wage and 'why share profits' mantra, it has always been this notion of employee doing more than one job scope and often times, that job scope itself is a another man's salary.

Here's most fundamental caveat:

If your skills are not marketable, Don't do it

Okay, so let's note down things to know to avoid getting fuck.

1)Know what is your function in the company
2)Work in an organization that shares the same values
3)Work in a relatively happy company where everyone helps each other out and there's not too much clutch like the retail industry, airline industry, service industry and so on (but then again, when everyone is here in the 21th century, i guess this doesn't help)
4)Tolerate the minor extra things that is requested but take note of that.

I hope this helps.
