Long-Term  Long Distance/ Opinion


Mar 9, 2014
I've known this girl for years through mutual friends and decided to date her when I was 22. We went out on three dates and she was extremely shy and quiet. She needed time to study for the MCATs. She returned back to school out of the state and we dated other people.

I dated many girls over the years while she dated one guy. She contacted me on facebook after not talking for 4 years. She wanted to go out so I said sure. She seemed the same in terms of being quiet but I gave it a another chance. The second date she was more comfortable with me. We went on 8 more dates over a few months and she told me how she was engaged to the guy she dated after me. She dumped him after he was manipulating her, it turns out he cheated on her early on when they were not officially bf/gf but she overlooked that and thought it was her fault for not asking what there status was. We got close and physical too, but no sex.

She broke up with me In Oct. because med school out of the state I was in was taking up all her time and she was quick to want to resume hopefully in a few months. I said okay but she heard how heartbroken I was on the phone. I texted her a few times during the month and try asking her out to dinner but she declined. She called shortly later and said she has feelings deep down, but she can't commit because of school and that she can't date in the next few months because of med school. I said okay and started to plan no contact for a month... she texts me less than a month.

We text and it seems like its normal and I ask her to dinner and she said that sounds nice and maybe when she frees up. A week later I ask her to get a drink and she agrees. We talk and she mentions how she is babysitting her niece on valentine's day and how she wants to date in the future. She then told me I should date other girls (I don't know if she is testing me or really means it). She did say she loved me, but her not doing well in school made her refocus. She also mentioned how she wished I was the guy that took her virginity twice, once while dating and when we met up for a drink. She said she regretted wasting it her ex fiance. I explained that if you loved the person and had sex, its okay. But if you have sex and it has no meaning, its a waste. She still didn't agree and she then started talking about her insecurities and I made sure to compliment her while dating from time to time. She said that was my opinion. Now she has been seeing a psychiatrist for years and improved, she finally explained some her past history while we met up that time. I met her parents and they love me (she still lives w/ her parents when not at school). Her mom keeps putting her down saying she's crazy for letting me go or its one of the biggest mistakes she could make. I'm willing to make it work long distance and I will busy myself going to graduate school hopefully in state or out of state for a few years.

So we text once in awhile and I usually am the one that initiates it. A mutual friend contacted me on facebook asking how I was and asked if I was over the girl I've been talking about. i said Im doing good and understand she has to do what she needs to do with school. I did mentioned how I care for her and Im doing alright. The friend had mentioned how she talk to the girl I dated and thought wtf, your busy at med school and wanted to date me but didn't have the time but did it anyway. So her mutual friend is talking to me wanting to hang, but I feel it may be a test to see how I am with her and outside with other girls. I know she will tell my exgf everything that will happen. My biggest thing is I don't know what to do. I texted her the other day good luck on her exam and she didn't respond, but it didn't need a response.

I don't know if I should give her space, not text her for awhile and see how it pans out. Her friend told me that she is going back to school today. I was thinking of asking her over my friend's house sometime next week for dinner, and a movie while I'm house sitting. I don't know where she is located as of now, but I plan to call and throw out the offer. I don't know if its a case of possibly reconvening when her school and my schooling is done that we should go out. i've never been friends w/ exgfs and don't know how to maintain that connection, I don't want to try too hard or not enough that she forgets me. Any opinions are welcome.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jun 13, 2013

I think the important thing to keep in mind here is her schooling. If this situation is affecting her grades, then I would cut contact completely until she graduates. Cutting contact completely is the only way to assure that it won't become an issue later on. Maybe you decide to remain friends only to later have emotions creep up and have it affect her performance again. You can tell her the two of you can try again when she is done school, but there's a good chance she'll end up taking it the wrong way and just think you're no longer interested and are using this as an excuse. If the two of you are already not speaking that much, then just leave it be.

Focus your attention on other girls. If the two of you find yourselves single when she's done school, you can always try at that point, but don't wait around for her.

Just my thoughts,


Mar 9, 2014
Thanks John, I appreciate your feedback. I don't want to compound her problems any more than what she has already, and maybe she is associates us talking on a regular basis as if we are dating and that is why she is distancing herself. She's not involved w/ anyone else and is focusing on school. I did tell her last the time we met up that if it's meant to be, it will be. And I think she knows I would resume if we are both free in the future. I realize I can't wait for her and need to live my life in the meanwhile.

Hanging out w/ her friends seems like it may be sticky, them being all girls. I don't know if it's her way of checking up on me or her friends' self interest. My exgf's friends are closer to her than me and she has used them in the past w/ some things here like finding out how I was or getting my address so me ex would ship me flowers sometime.

Im going to stop chasing her; texting her every few weeks to see how she is and see if she makes a move. She may not bc her friends could keep her in the loop. Also, if I hang w/ her friends, I don't want to mention my ex. If the friends mention her, I'll say I'm doing fine.We'll see how things pan out. Thanks again