Socializing  Minor differences that show the difference between a high value person and low value person.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021
I believe there are three categories with which we can group people based on the behavior they exhibit most of the time as in Passive, Assertive and aggressive.
Now people who remain assertive most of the time are higher in value than the aggressive and passive people.

There are some minor differences which I believe make the difference between high value and low value people.

For example as I have seem most cooler people don't attack you personally for your beliefs instead express their own opinion even if it's different than yours and try to listen and find out how another person got their beliefs whereas the aggressive people who bring about negative feelings generally attack you for your beliefs if it's different.

Another one I notice is that the cooler people don't try overly hard to be a leader and are considerate towards others and express how doing something is advantageous to the other person.
Ex - difference between a person who says "Let's hangout tomorrow" without asking whether you will be free and another person who asks when you are free and puts forth a plan which you both can agree up in and gives a choice to you whether you want to join or not.

Another is the difference between a person who shits on others who is not as good as him/her in a respective field vs someone who encourages you to grow.

What are some other things minor or not that makes a difference between a high value and low value person?