Most twisted things you've heard people say

Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
I've heard a few twisted things over the years, both said to me, as well as others. I'd just like to list a few of them here. I'm not talking about blunt or offensive things, but just down right twisted.

I once heard a girl on the bus, on her phone, say something very similar to the following: "no no, I never say hello to him unless he says hello to me first, and when he does I'll just kind of grunt it back.... or else I'll leave a slight pause before replying, to leave him wonder if I'm going to blank him; I love seeing that confused look on his face."

This was something I over-heard an off duty supervisor (when out one night) say when slightly drunk. I think it was in the context of not allowing a staff member's reasonable request, that would actually help both them, as well as productivity. He said it to another off duty supervisor. "if they try to explain the logic to it, you can always just pretend you don't understand what they mean; it confuses the fuck out of them them because they're thinking that we (as supervisors) are the ones who are supposed to know all this anyway.... when they then try to explain it they'll likely get tongue tied and lose they're initial thought, and you just interrupt them with 'no, I won't allow it'"! I stayed out of it, but I distinctly remember that individual (before he got promoted) giving out about unfairness within the company, about a year prior to this. Yet there he was saying all this so confidently! I'd really love to somehow have recorded both conversations and play them back to him, to see whether he'd be embarrassed or not.

Feel free to share some of the things you've heard!
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Dash of Englishness

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 21, 2022
I just thought of another

I was once talking to a girl (Megan) I met at a party one night, and we ended up talking about someone that we realised we both knew, by the name of Sandra. Sandra was fastidiousness, and Megan (who was her roommate) had picked up on how she didn't like the milk being left out in the warm weather when they had tea when Megan's bf was over. Anyway Megan said that she used to leave the milk bottle beside the tea pot on the table, so that they could have more milk for their re-fills. I said to Megan that, as a solution, she could always have poured some into a jug to keep the milk bottle in the fridge. But it was then that I realised how twisted Megan was. She said that she knew Sandra would eventually go to put the bottle back in the fridge having looked at it for long enough, and at such point in time, she'd stop her by saying we haven't finished with it. Sandra would then have to turn around and walk back to the table with the bottle, looking like a disobedient child. She enjoyed leaving Sandra wonder whether or not she'd have sour milk with her cereal the next day. And just expected me to be okay with her saying this! I didn't know how to respond at the time.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Had a wing cum friend who would literally abuse his parents behind their backs . And he actually hacked his dad's phone camera to spy on him to know that when he would come to his apartment.

And also Basic talking about how his mom is a slut . Never said it explicitly but more like hinting .