My emotions are getting in the way


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
In my relationship, Whenever there are small conflicts that need to get resolved, I have this tendency to brood over it before I talk to my girlfriend about it. My vocal tonality becomes lower and sounds serious, my body language becomes closed off, and my words become less diplomatic and more persuasive.

If I were only able to reframe whatever the problem is in a more problem solving, lets work together type of perspective I feel like these conversations would be lighter, the problems would get resolved faster, and there would be less stress on the relationship.

Luckily my tendencies haven't caused any major conflicts but it still would be good to communicate better.

The biggest roadblock is my emotions. I'll get frustrated and then I won't want to be friendly to my girlfriend even though I know it would be better for the relationship. There have been several times with my friends where I know the way I should be acting to get along and develop camaraderie maybe even be seen as the leader but my emotions will steer me in the opposite direction and I won't feel like doing the socially calibrated correct move.

How do I act the right way even when I feel like remaining negative?

I was thinking if I could do a quick meditation I could clear my mind and emotionally reset so I have freedom to create the right personality, but I want to hear your thoughts because this is a common problem for me and I feel it's gotta be for some of you too.