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NJ's Full List Of Field Reports


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
This is fantastic, NJ. I was actually thinking about going back through the Field Reports board and compiling a list of some of the best reports for learning, but I believe this is a solid list to get started with.

I'll go ahead and sticky this so I can refer newer members to it when they need some solid examples. ;)

EDIT: This topic has been moved to the "Field Reports" board.

- Franco


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports

After studying these, I came up with a bit of a roadmap.

The first three reports, I was still suffering from approach anxiety. The first two were women that had messaged me online (Facebook), and I took things from there. The woman in the second report (Non-Compliant HB9) actually was very experienced and we moved at her pace, and there were times she actually pushed me in the right direction as I made some minor blunders here and there. The third (HB8 Filipino) was a woman I got setup on a blind date with. The good thing about all three of these is that I got some valuable experience as far as applying the GC tactics & techniques that we use after the initial approach.

2/25/2013 - LR: Have your pets spayed and neutered...

4/26/2013 - LR: Non-Compliant HB9 Flips Like A Switch

5/3/2013 - FR to LR: Blind Date With HB8 Filipino

At this point, I'd somewhat conquered approach anxiety. The next report was extremely fun to write, and what I learned the most from it is being assertive and commanding women to do things (I'm going to give you a ride home, come in this room, come sit on the bed, suck my d*ck, etc etc).

5/13/2013 - LR: FWB Has "Sleepover" / Glad I Came With

The next two reports cover a timespan in which I was encountering LMR because I was not kissing girls or being sexual with them on the first date or meet, and ending up boyfriend-zoned. Also, I was still lacking some fundamentals (elite eye-contact, social calibration, confidence for examples), so my lover-value wasn't nearly as high as it needed to be to take a high-value, sexy woman to bed quickly.

5/23/2013 - FR/FU: Crazy LMR, Asked To Leave, Couldn't Close

5/28/2013 - FR: Shut Out By LMR Again- Different Girl, Even :(

The following two reports made me come to the realization that I could get a lot of fast, early compliance and before I knew it the investments women were making in the interaction suddenly went from really simple things like taking a walk with me somewhere to things like going to my hotel room with me or going to my house with me.

5/28/2013 - LR: Casino Fun

6/18/2013 - LR: First Instant Date (Daygame) Lay

The biggest strides I made throughout this entire timeline occurred in the time surrounding these next two reports. I'm starting to achieve true abundance mentality and learning to take more risks and be more mentally present and agile.

7/2/2013 - FR to LR: Date / Number Close With HB9 At Tanning Salon

7/30/2013 - LR: Girl Offers "5-Date System"

This next report probably shows the progress I made in the last two quite a bit. I'm starting to clean house now. Everything is coming together and I'm no longer consciously thinking about my process as I'm running it.

8/18/2013 - LR++: House Party

I had read one of Rolstad's FRs and noted how he used sex books to start a dirty conversation with a girl. I decided to try this out. Here I learned that not only could I use sexual innuendo with women very early on in an interaction, but if you set it up correctly, you can talk directly and blatantly about very raunchy sex acts and other things of that nature almost right off the bat.

8/26/2013 - LR: Naughty Nerdy Girl

The following report was very helpful from a learning standpoint because it was a very tricky situation. I had to really use my mental skill level and act intuitively in a lot of situations in order to pull this off. It was also pretty motivating for me as well, being that the girl was one of the best-looking women I'd been with, ever.

9/3/2013 - LR: Labor Day Weekend

In this next report, I didn't really learn anything at first until I read back through it a few times and noticed how socially calibrated I was through the entire thing. Seems I have the whole routine down to a T, even how to handle cock-blocks, other males, and other obstacles such as those.

9/18/2013 - LR: Taco Delivery Guy

These next two helped me learn the importance of shutting things down when women start to get too passive-aggressive. In the first report (HBRockerChick), the girl actually contacts me after I had NEXTed her for 2 weeks and I slowly warm back up to her. The second one (Petite Waitress) is an excellent example of how pre-selection works and how women compete for top-ranking males.

10/15/2013 - LR: HBRockerChick

11/1/2013 - LR: Petite Waitress

The next three reports, I'm really starting to just put all of this together and I'm not running into many obstacles because of my preparedness and ability to lead and influence. In the first report (Hair Salon Girl), you can see what happens when your fundamentals are very tight and you are scarce to the women that show interest in you. In the second and third reports, I'm seeing a thing that looks like women doing to me what most men do to women. It's almost like the process has been reversed. Almost immediately upon meeting them, they're doing things like qualifying themselves without being prompted, asking ME out on dates, and trying to get sex from me nearly as fast as they possibly can.

11/22/2013 - LR: Hair Salon Girl

12/17/2013 - LR: Christmas Shopping Insta-date

1/10/2014 - LR: Watch Out For These...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

Franco said:
This is fantastic, NJ. I was actually thinking about going back through the Field Reports board and compiling a list of some of the best reports for learning, but I believe this is a solid list to get started with.

Thanks, man. Yeah, I had planned on doing this quite a while ago, but never got around to it. It's too bad posts are not able to be edited after X amount of time, because I'd really like to keep the list up to date


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports


It's too bad posts are not able to be edited after X amount of time, because I'd really like to keep the list up to date

Send me a PM whenever you have a new Field Report and I'll add it to the list for you. =)

- Franco


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports

This list is a goldmine - the roadmap in particular takes the already high goodness levels and pushes them over the top. I'd pin this as one of the top recommendations for anyone new to the boards to spend a little time reading through, for everything from ideas to inspiration.

You had a very solid year in 2013, J ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports


Chase said:
This list is a goldmine - the roadmap in particular takes the already high goodness levels and pushes them over the top. I'd pin this as one of the top recommendations for anyone new to the boards to spend a little time reading through, for everything from ideas to inspiration.

You had a very solid year in 2013, J ;)


2013 was the best year of my entire life. So, uh, thanks for having your SEO handled ;) If I didn't find this haven via a simple Google search, I'd still likely be wallowing in my own filth.

A gargantuant thank you to you, as well as Franco, Tyme2k (who isn't around much anymore but was huge when I first started my mission), Ross, Laowai, The Vuanswa marriage (just messing around guys- Zphix & The Tool), Charming, PrettyDecent, PinotNoir, xcrunner, Landlord, TheDoctor, Marty, Drexel and Rolstad and all the other writers, anyone else I'm forgetting as well as tens more of you that gave me advice, confidence, and motivation.

I'm not done yet. You have not seen the end result; this is merely the beginning ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports

Chase said:
this list is a goldmine - the roadmap in particular takes the already high goodness levels and pushes them over the top. I'd pin this as one of the top recommendations for anyone new to the boards to spend a little time reading through, for everything from ideas to inspiration.

Yep. Looking back, I remember when each of these FR's/LR's individually came out (right when I was new to the boards) and I'd think "he's really outdone himself this time", but then another one would come out and I'd be like "no wait, THIS one" haha.

Thanks for the inspiration, NJ. Hopefully my 2014 looks like your 2013! ;)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports


You pack like a Navy Seal. :) with marksman.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports

LOL, Zac...

Also noticed that I forgot to mention you in my thank you's... so THANK YOU.

Anyway, Navy Seal? Hmmm.. I was thinking more like I have somewhat of a doctorate degree in women, now. A PHD in pussy, if you will :D



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports

PrettyDecent said it for me:
PrettyDecent said:
I'd think "he's really outdone himself this time", but then another one would come out and I'd be like "no wait, THIS one" haha.
Also, NJ:
NarrowJ said:
I was thinking more like I have somewhat of a doctorate degree in women, now. A PHD in pussy, if you will :D
I think you're definitely a practitioner :) No ivory towers for you, unless there's a princess in there with you :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Re: STICKIED - NJ's Full List Of Field Reports

This is great. I cannot wait to start reading from the beginning and see the progression myself. As I struggle tremendously with approach anxiety(during daygame) this I hope will help me a good deal.

Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in