Not escalating back at my place…


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2023
I almost started smashing my head to the wall for my stupidity of this one earlier.

I met this girl about 10 days ago, on Sunday. She was sitting at some free places outside a local train station. It was around 9pm, I passed by and stopped telling her she just looks really feminine and stylish, we chatted for a bit and we exchanged numbers. She was waiting for a train to pass in an hour so I thought going for an instant date made no sense as there wasn’t enough time to escalate. So I decided to leave after few minutes there and went downtown to game some more.

She felt like she was into me, was giving me the looks, and we both agreed on the polarity between men and women, how important femininity is and I complimented her on that. Also took some of her chips to eat.

Anyway a week later I propose a meet on a Friday. She agrees and says she will text me when she finishes her gym that night. The gym is quite close to my place so I agree. Quite later there was no response so I sent her a message saying to her to inform me, because I would be going out later. She said I can go and she got late and tired and returned home. I respond it’s ok and I wanted to tell her so that she didn’t come and waited for me, when I had left.

2 days later I sent a voicemessage asking how she’s been and if she has time to meet. She responds on Tuesday night after gym so I tell her alright I can do 10pm. That day ( this Tuesday, the night before the golddigger field report ) time passes and she tells me she can do 11pm. I tell her it works, and about 11+ she texts she is around but has a train in 10 minutes, so I get out and go to the station that is close to my place. In the meantime I tell her I am at the nearby platform and coming to meet.

I find her at the platform, tell her to stay and hang out a bit and she will get the next train, we check it is in half an hour and she agrees. The whole vibe is that she has been telling me through messages she likes my masculine voice and also how gentleman I am. We start walking, nothing is open at that time around so I tell her we can go for a drink at my place. She tells me: your place right away? I don’t do such things in the first time. To this I playfully say: what are you talking about, what do you think is gonna happen? You have a very naughty mind, I am only letting you up if you are nice and don’t jump on me, I don’t want you to spoil my place. All this with some breaks in between. She says fine.

We start walking, I ask her a bit about what she into and doing, find out she is into social work and I compliment her on how she wants to help people. I generally try to find out more about her and build some connection and we arrive at my place.

This is crucial though, at this moment I have already decided I am not sleeping with her tonight. I know it’s crazy but I just felt ok, let’s treat it as a first informational date, I’ll pour her a drink talk a bit and let the tension grow and nothing else. Let her get accustomed to my place as a safe place.


We get up, i have her fix the table in front of the couch as I bring wine and she also picks a cookie she wanted. We start talking sitting close, but I only touch her leg from time to time, nothing too much, no escalation. After a bit time for her train comes and I tell her to stay a bit more for the next half an hour and she stays.

We discuss again how I appreciate feminine women, she asks how men from my country are and I tell her how I am and I love women who go after their passions in life but also have a feminine side that can complete a man.

I ask how she is with men, she says depends on a man, she likes them masculine and her to feel feminine and taken by her man. At some point she also gave me a touch on the hand, the only one, don’t remember well when exactly. In a bit she has to leave again, I tell she she can stay more if she wants and I like her company and I can call an uber later. She gets up and says no I am not staying to do this at your place at the first time.

I tell her she only talks about that again and is very naughty and dirty, she asks ifI like it, i tell her I don’t know yet, I have to see. We get up and head together to the station, during the walk we talk more and she tells me she is glad I stopped her from taking the train and she had this experience. She also says that she likes dressing with heels and feminine and I say then maybe we should go to a nice place to see her in the heels and dress.

She realises she forgot her umbrella at my place but her train comes. There is some tension and we give a short kiss , one touch of the lips that we both break together. She was saying how she is a goddess and I was responding how i am a God and this is her gift from god. Then she goes and after some minutes she sends a text writing: Gift. I don’t really understand so I send a kissing emoji back.

Today I sent her a voice message telling her the umbrella has been useful, and that I am busy but i have a very fancy idea if she is free on Saturday and would like to steal her for the night. She responds: Oh, oh I got a new umbrella already. And I text: Nice, that’s not what I invited you to though ;) . No response to that yet.

Didn’t write this earlier because i thought it was going well and wanted the full story together. But I think I looked like a pussy, for not escalating at all at my place. All this when days ago I lost the other girl when I jumped on her fast without enough connection! That is what is driving me crazy that I went all the way to the other side and disappointed her. I have NEVER had a girl in my place before that I didn’t try to escalate with, don’t know what i was thinking.

Anyway, wanted to put it here, any suggestion on what I could do now with her, and any comment in general is more than welcome. Sorry for the bad writing here and there, I am completing it fast in my phone while walking to another date tonight. Let’s see how this will go :)

Update: Apart from making some small corrections in the writing I wanted to say that she did respond a bit earlier exactly saying:
"Describe me what you want to do"
"I like to hear your sexy voice"
To which I feel if I responded describing right away I am playing into her frame. That said I don't see any ways of taking her out if I don't tell her what I want to propose. For now I sent a voice message saying: " Oh someone cannot get enough of it, what to do? I've got to help the lady in distress"
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