Odysseus' Self-Improving Odyssey


Apr 22, 2014
OK, so this is my first post on here, so I'd like to to introduce myself. Like many others (I suspect!) I've been a lurker on the forum and the website for a little while, taking on as much information as possible, but not really tackling my own interactions as systematically or analytically as I ought to. I'm off travelling this Summer, however, and so this seems a perfect opportunity to properly kick-start my efforts to get better with people.

My aims (for the time being) are relatively humble: feel comfortable engaging with the people around me, whether just in a friendly way or with sexual intent; have more fun with the people I interact with - at the moment my game is pretty crude, and in need of refinement, so I figure that as I improve my interactions with people will also get richer; to get more options sexually/romantically for myself. Fairly standard really.

At the moment, I would say my fundamentals are pretty good - I'm told I'm good looking, I do a lot of sport, and other activities (which gives me ample opportunities to meet different people, and to lead a varied life), and I consider myself fairly successful at what I do. Current sticking points, however:

- approaching - naturally, as a newbie this is one of the first hurdles to be overcome. Especially with cold approach, I'm held back by the thought that people around might think I'm a bit of a creeper, e.g. approaching girls in a coffee shop out of the blue.
- allowing myself to be slotted into the 'boyfriend' category - I get a bit afraid of disqualifying myself as a boyfriend and trying to be more of a 'lover'. Again, more from a concern for reputation, and what other people might think.
- 'chat' - often doesn't flow very well. I can be quite quiet - currently working on translating this to being 'mysterious', but with mixed results. Generally interactions start out pretty well, but fizzle out with time as I fail to maintain interest and escalate.
- tendency to 'fall' for the girl very early on - told my first GF I loved her after only 4 weeks, reached similar emotional states with other girls I was only seeing casually (thankfully had the good sense not to tell them though). This was pre- reading one of Chase's posts on gaining/minimising own investment, which seems to have improved things somewhat. Probably also an abundance issue.

Other general background - I'm a Londoner, off to University in September. Still living with parents, and outside of the public transport network too, which can be a bit of a logistical nightmare! Had a couple of girls I've been with, one GF, but overall inexperience is another issue to be addressed.

Bit of a self-indulgent first post, but more meat and specifics to follow in the form of field reports etc. Here's to the start of something!
