OR  OR: Russell Brand Saved me from Quitting (Serious)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
That's right. This man....this beautiful man.


Back ground

So this has everything to do with game. I'm being a little cheeky with the intro here, so please humor me. You'll see why in a moment.

Case in point

Emotional control. Abundance. Outcome independence. I’ve heard that they’re all the crux of good game: the iron trifecta! I thought one of the legs was already mine.


Last night I was convinced that I was going to give up on learning game. Yes, cat's out of the bag you guys. I said to myself “this is impossible, you can never learn this, everyone’s lying to me, there’s no point, peacocking is stupid, Beta bux foreverrr, etc.” Then, after browsing through the dozens of pick up videos online, I stumbled upon this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHyXv_y7 ... xrBejLQaPA

Wouldn't you love to have that sort of effect on a gal you've only ever seen ONCE before? Bear in mind that a camera man is filming. Bear in mind that the studio crew is there. Bear in mind that all her work associates are there, yet they don't dare harm the obvious sexual tension. He creates an impenetrable bubble right then, right there. Imagine if, for a moment, everyone else left the room. A woman must feel great when receiving that kind of attention/energy. I thought to myself, how is he so good? What is he doing that just works so well? Is this game, or is it fame? Intrigued, I watched every interview of his that I could find until about 3am. The first interview with fifi was this:



There are countless others. The story goes that this was his aura even before the grace of fame. I believe it. One commentor on youtube claimed that Russell is the "definition of 'lascivious.'" Yet this same overt, expressed desire causes many a female interviewer to melt into a mass of feminine giggles and bashful grins. Explicit direct game, tempered with gut busting comedy:


Is this "flirting" done right?


I made two girls blush with indirect-direct game today. When I suggested a date, they both agreed. We'll see if they reply to my messages.