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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Here's where I'll be posting all my adventures with women.

I'm going to tell you about myself first. I am 23 years old. However, I look young for my age. I'd say right now I look between 18-20. The doctor says I'm 5'2 and weigh 124 pounds. I'm passionate about music. I make electronic music and I DJ. However, right now I'm focussed on producing music. I like to make trap and other forms of bass heavy music. I eventually will be going on tour to DJ around the world when I get good enough. I am also passionate about sound, and I will one day become an audiologist and help people regain their hearing.

I am a virgin. I have had plenty of opportunities to have sex, but never really felt ready. It was annoying having to disappoint all the girls I've ever been with by saying "no I don't want to have sex today." I feel ready now and want to lose it. I'm a bit picky though about firsts. I don't know whether I should lose it to a girl I'll never see again, or a girl I like a lot. I guess we will see won't we?

Ah, so I guess that's my first goal, losing my virginity. I have more goals too. I view my text game is super great, will be scaling that back to where I text just to handle logistics! I will be focussing on improving my fundamentals and getting better at cold approaches. I'm in college, and my goal is to sleep with 2 women a week, every week this year. Perhaps I am underestimating myself though, my buddy seems to think I should bump up that number to 3.

That's it for now. Feedback is always welcome.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I met a girl on tinder. We will call her "Mappie." Alright, so Mappies bio said she liked music and stuff, but it also said this "Not looking for a one night stand or a hookup." Yeah, I ignored that and we started talking. We connected right away over music, we were chatting for 15 minutes.

Then I started sexually qualifying her, and she was saying how she is a sexual girl when she wants to be. Also, she said she is into rough and public sex. Pretty cool. I am living with my parents right now but leaving in two days to go back to college. I will be living alone. I can't bring girls back to my place.

So I asked her to meet me at the bar! I said "wear something cute for me" and she said "you'll have to see." So I meet her at the bar and everything's going great, we were just sitting on a couch talking and I was escalating on her. Touching her and holding eye contact. She was interested, she was touching me back. As I got closer and closer into her personal space, she tried kissing me but I teased her and pulled away. A few minutes later we made out and she was a reallllly good kisser. I made sure to pull away first.

We were making out at the bar all night, dancing, grinding...towards the end of the night she says "WOW. I have never acted this slutty before!" Few minutes later, she says "hey wanna come back to my place? No sex though!" I did not say anything, just gave her a smile. I wasn't planning on losing my v-card to her but I wasn't gonna tell her that and spoil the tension. That would be a silly thing to do.

Alright so I went back to her place with her and we stayed up till 7AM and had some fun. Next day I was deaaaad tired. Got my buddy to pick me up, Mappie texted me later that day and we made some more plans to hang out the next day. We had some more fun then too. (She had to cut it off short - her parents were coming home soon)

Then, it's Sunday and Mappie says she's going out of town for a few days but she texts me wanting to hang out Wednesday night, just not at her parents place. Knowing she's a fan of public sex, I say "Hey lets go to a secluded place on the beach and we can bring some towels and get cozy." She replies with "That's hot. ;" and then says "What do you plan on doing to me. ;" Now, me and her had a chat earlier about how she hates bad sexters and gave me an example of a time where a guy was sexting her and was just soo general about it that it wasn't even fun for her. So I said something along the lines of "First I'm gonna touch you on the upper parts of your body, then I'm gonna kiss you somewhere on the lower parts of your body." That teased her so much! She says "Hahahahah fuck off youre too good at this I can't handle it!"

I told her I was tired, I told her she was going to have to wait to find out what I was gonna do to her on wednesday. SHE SAYS "i'm hoping it will be worth the wait. ;" Which is clear indicator she is expecting sex.

Now its Wednesday, I haven't heard from her since Monday night. Not too worried that I haven't heard from her. If she wants me she can come and get it, but I feel I will disappoint her if we do hang out again, considering I do not want sex.

I am so surprised that in her tinder bio it says she was not looking for a hookup, yet I was able to hook up with her really quickly and effectively. it goes to show that girls can change their minds, depending on the guy!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Met another girl on Tinder on Saturday, we'll call her Scorch. She's passionate about reptiles, so we chatted for quite a while on tinder about that. When I tried to sexually qualify her, she wasn't really too willing to open up about her sexual experiences. She said she had been raped before! Also, she's bi. She said she was leaving town on Wednesday to go to Montreal. We made plans to hang out on Monday.

Scorch and I hung out at the beach on Monday night, she was a little odd. When I first started talking to her she says "ARE YOU HIGH?" i inquired why she said this and she said something like "its the way youre looking at me and youre talking really spaced out." I was looking at her with a blank look in my face and talking slower than I normally would. Hmm...I'm really trying to get my facial expressions down pat lately. But sometimes I mess up and I guess it can be weird to chicks. Anyways, she had this weird energy about her. She's 18, and looked quite young, so it was a turn off for me. Also, since she was raped, I didn't want to move TOO fast because that could really trigger her or something. I do not want to get accused of anything myself. I didn't know how to handle it. Her body language was a little closed off at first, but it opened up a little bit as the night went on. She was holding eye contact with me for longer and longer. I touched her a little bit (mostly incidental touch. Didn't notice any bad reaction to that)

I did a good job of creating a sexual vibe. I was making really indirect sexual jokes. Like, for example we were on the teeter totter and I was laughing how the teeter totter would creak every time it went up and down. Also, we were chatting about hooking up with 40 year olds. She says she's into some older guy at her work. And then when she was pushing me on a swing, I said something like "I'm not expecting anything from you." I forgot what she said, but she made some remark that indicated her disbelief that I was not expecting anything from her. It was obvious she knew I was interested in having some fun with her!

We did this scavenger hunt thing at the playground at the beach, and she was intrigued by all the spiders and was touching them and treating them like her babies, i found that a little off-putting to be honest.

We went our separate ways at the end of the night, I DID NOT KISS HER or anything. She had told me beforehand that her place was not an option to hang out. My place wasn't an option to hang out either. Bad logistics eh? She texted me a half hour later saying "thanks for helping me with the scavenger hunt."
i told her we could hang out again before she left!

The next day we built more rapport through text and I said to her "I would kiss you all over your body." she replied "why is that?" i said "cuz it'll be fun!" and then she just ignored that and continued talking about how our astrological signs were very similar.....

Now it's Wednesday and she's gone. We did not hang out. I asked her to hang out, but she just kept ignoring me and would just text me about other things. I think it was obvious she just wanted to be friends. She was interested in me and curious about me, but not sexually. But maybe someone else can shed some light on the matter.

What'd I learn? Well um, I did a good job of creating a sexual vibe and building rapport. But I know for a fact I did make some mistakes. Coulda escalated more. I'm all confused after writing this. I'll have to do some thinking.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

This one's a funny story with a good ending. Well, kinda.

One of my best friends moved back into town Monday night. Me, him (Tussle) and my other friend (Cee) decided to go out to the bar to paartaay. I wasn't planning on getting drunk, but I ended up getting smashed. I regret that.

So, Cee is seeing this new girl (Dee). Cee said Dee was having a girls night with her friends and these girls were gonna meet us at the bar. Now, get this. Dee and her friend (Reba) were staying at Cee's house overnight. Reba was staying at Cee's because she lives out of town. I was excited to meet Reba considering Scorch had saved my name in her phone as Reba Mcintrye. LOL.

Yeah, we were at the bar and we were partying with these girls. I was talking to the better looking ones of the group but unfortunately I was very drunk, and probably came across as stupid. Well what do you know, I'm sitting beside Reba and all of a sudden she starts holding my hand. Whaaat!? I wasn't even trying to do anything with her.

So the night ends and Cee, Dee, and Reba head off in a cab to Cee's house. The other girls, well...I don't know what happened to them. But Me and Tussle were gonna catch a cab to each other's homes and just call it a night. Tussle was tired from travelling (he's got a girlfriend too) I was turbo mega wasted and wanted to sleep. So we get in the cab and all of a sudden I get a call from Cee. He says "Get over to my house! Reba wants you here!" Lol, I was so drunk that I was oblivious to the signs that Reba wanted me, and I wasn't even escalating. Good thing I had a little help from my friends.

So I get to Cees (Tussle went home), me and reba had a little fun after Cee and Dee went to bed. It was dark, and I was so drunk, I couldn't find her clit and got frustrated. I couldn't even get hard! I fell asleep on Reba, that poor girl. She was really drunk too.

So the morning comes along and me and Reba both have mind splitting hangovers. Low and behold, she is a solid 4.5. Fuck my life hahaahha. Cee leaves the house with Dee. Me and Reba had some more fun. She gave me a great blowjob. No sex though. She suggested having really lazy sex, I declined. Proceeded to puke my guts out, then she drove me home.

What did I learn? I need to stop getting drunk! Also, it was just cool how she kinda just fell in my lap and my friends really helped me out with this one.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I will get better at writing these. Excited to be going back to college in a few days. Since I'm gonna be living in my own place, it will be a ton easier for me to escalate with girls and have a place to have some fun with them. Maybe I'll even lose my virginity in the next week!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hello friends,

I moved to a new city recently and am now living on my own. It's gonna be a lot easier to bring girls back to my place. I'm starting my second year of college in a few days.

I was watching some videos on seduction and one guy was saying to never talk in the same energy of voice for the whole interaction. Sometimes you should talk louder, sometimes you should talk a little quieter. I usually only talk in a lower volume voice. So I decided I would try this out.

I'm kind of annoyed at myself because tonight I had a girl over to my place and I didn't close her! It is the last 5% that really gets me. Most of the time I just can't push myself to make a move. I start overthinking things. So I'm gonna work on that.

Anyways, her name was Fawn. I had met Fawn through Facebook several weeks ago and mostly had light flirty conversations with her. She just moved here yesterday and was eager to hang out with me. I was so nervous! I was afraid it was going to get in the way. When she came over to my house she said that me and her roommate were the only people she really knew here so far! I was surprised by that for some reason.

As soon as I saw her I started escalating physically. Light gentle touches on her arms. Gave her strong eye contact. I showed her my place and she was going "AWWWW!" She thought my place was really cute. I am living in a pretty cozy house.

We went into my room and we sat there for 2 hours. Talked about a lot of things, deep dived her. I could really feel sexual tension being built. And I was vibing with her. Sometimes I'd be looking at her and she'd be looking at me and then I'd just be so distracted by it I would forget what to say!

We found a common interest in our music tastes. We ended up talking about sex and she said she thought it was gross if someone were to have sex with two different people in one night. She thought it would be gross if someone were to have sex with two people in one week. And I was sitting there thinking "hmmm should i make a move? fawn doesnt seem like the type who hooks up all too often. maybe i should wait till next time i see her." Hate those thoughts. When we were sitting I was observing her body language. I was a little bit concerned about the way she crossed her legs. I was on her left, and she was crossing her left leg to the right. Gonna take a look at my body language books after this. Otherwise she was playing with her hair a lot and was willing to hold eye contact with me. I was doing more light gentle touches on her leg, closer to her bum, she seemed okay with that.

I also did compliance tests, she was willing to come upstairs with me to get a drink, and she was willing to sit at the computer with me so we could pick some songs to listen to.

I was talking with different energies. Sometimes I would talk slightly louder, especially when I was telling a story or something along those lines. She would actually start hooking really hard and be REALLY into whatever I was saying whenever I did that. Quite interesting, I'll be using this some more.

During the interaction she was talking about seeing me again so I know theres gonna be opportunities to close her in the future. She lives close to me. This was a really good experience. Tried out a new technique, practiced holding eye contact, and I am getting better at touching! I regret not closing her though. I was confused by her remarks about sex in general. Too much overthinking.

I walked her to the end of my street and she initiated a hug. As we drew away I brushed my arm along her torso. that was a lingering, kinda sexy touch.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hey, never really heard back from Fawn but thats cool. Today I got a story about my weekend and a lady named "I Guess."

I learned so much this weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I went to some parties. Friday I went to a small party and got pretty drunk. Me and my friends were pre drinking with a group of girls before we went to the party. There was one girl who was the "mother hen" of the group you could say. She wasn't really drinking and was taking care of all the other girls. I spent most of the night meeting new people and flirting with girls. I saw my exes friends on a couch and they said "Wow! You really cleaned up." I started dressing a lot better this summer and I'm glad people are noticing! I decided to sit with them. There wasn't enough room on the couch so I just sat on a girls lap who was on the couch. I didn't ask her. She didn't care, I was tracing her leg with my finger and playing with her hand a little bit. They ended up leaving later. It's towards the end of the night and mother hen is on the couch. I was chatting with her except I found her to be particularly boring. My eye contact wasn't too good. I left and was talking to the host and she was looking at me so often. I was thinking about asking her to come home with me but didn't think it would be worth the effort. I should have done it anyways, I need to get better at asking girls to come home with me.

Saturday night was a huge party at my friend's house. I knew a lot of people there. I was sober, and approached a few girls. My eye contact and body language was good. I built rapport, but I must admit I was being boring. You know, I'd see guys talking to girls and the girls would be having fun! My interactions were not like this that night. I was not particularly interested in the girls I was talking to, I didn't do a good enough job of having a fun time with them to build some attraction. I did practice some compliance tests. I was talking to this one girl. She was with her friends. I got her to move away from her friends with me. At first her friends resisted that, but I told them we'd be "just over there for 5 minutes" and they were okay with that. Unfortunately while I was talking to this girl, people I knew were coming up to me to say hi. And I hadn't seen these people in 4 months so I didn't wanna be rude and ignore them. I didn't get this girl's number because I assumed I'd see her later. I didn't get to see her later, funny enough I matched with her on Tinder the day after and got her number then. I'm going to schedule a meet up with her soon but she is proving to be a little bit of a challenge.

Ahh, Sunday night was my favourite. I did a tiny bit of mushrooms. When I do a very low dose of mushrooms and go out to meet women, it can either go really well or really awkward. I spent the whole night having fun with whatever girls I was talking to (which I was unable to do on Saturday). I will admit I cockblocked quite a few other guys. I would just burst into their interaction, start making the girls laugh and have fun, then I'd move the girls away from the guy. This resulted in some guys looking at me quite resentfully. I had met a girl from Saturday who wanted to go to a party with me. Me and my friend Ad-Lib picked her up at her house. Her name was Rique. I had told Rique I was sober. Now, when we got to her place Ad-Lib says "Yeah we are both on drugs! I'm high on weed and backstory is on mushrooms!" I was pretty pissed at Ad-Lib for that, girls think guys who are on mushrooms are weird. I messed it up with Rique, I was acting a little awkward and my eye contact wasn't very good and I was panicking because I had no clue where to take this interaction. Anyways, that doesn't matter. There was this girl named Seashell who I've known for a while. Whenever I talk to her, it's a lot of fun and we are always laughing! She was at the party so I was flirting with her. I should have invited her home. Yeah, I need to get better at doing that. Funny how things can go so well with one girl but not so well with another right? But all night whenever I was talking to girls, sometimes another guy would bust in and try to say something. What I did was ignore them, but sometimes I forgot to ignore them and then the interaction would be ruined and the girl would be taken from me. I'm going to have to read up on how to deal with cock blocks.

Here's my favourite conversation from the night. It was kind of a short one. I was standing in the backyard on the deck leaning against the deck railing looking into the backyard. There were these two girls walking in my general direction, I motioned them over to me. I started talking to one of them while she was on the grass and I was on the deck:

Backstory: Hi!
Girl: Hey.
Backstory: I had to get you to come over here because you look like a bunch of trouble!
Girl. What?! Why do you think I'm a bunch of trouble?
Backstory: It's your smile.
Girl: Well I am not a bunch of trouble! I'm an innocent girl.
Backstory: Hahaha, come on, I know you have at least a little bad in you. What's your name?
Girl: Sam

At this point she lost a little interest and was kinda walking away so I started addressing her friend.

Backstory: Your friend over here says she's totally innocent and and has absolutely not one single ounce of bad in her.
Friend: *pulls Sam into her and they start laughing* Hahaha that is so not true, Sam is a really bad girl!

At this point I could have gotten them to come up on the deck with me but I didn't. It was a short interaction, and fun, I didn't really care.

As it neared the end of the night I was still empty handed. But I had been talking to a girl named "I Guess" for the past few weeks. Hadn't met her yet. She moved to town on Sunday actually. She's the most boring girl ever, but she's into me. I met her at her residence at 2AM and invited her home with me. We were fooling around for a while when we got back to my place. But she wouldn't let me take off her pants even after I persisted several times. Boorrringg. Yeah, and now she's being super clingy. So I will see her again but make sure to not hang out with her as friends or give her any ideas about being her boyfriend or something like that.

Yeah so this weekend was valuable experience because I used compliance tests, I was dominant, practiced persisting, did a good job building attraction, used good body language and eye contact, and dealt with cockblocks. What I could have done better was moved quicker! I will continue to focus on moving quicker and having fun in the initial few minutes I meet girls, and inviting girls home with me. I now have enough references to know when a girl is interested and when she is not interested.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Here's something that happened a week ago that I should have written about then.

It was late at night and my friend (Shaw) had not yet met his roommates yet. He says they were all girls. He lives in the basement, and they live upstairs. Now when we (me, him, and two other friends) got there, he says "Let's go downstairs and take off our shoes and pretend we are doing something till they get curious." HAHAHA what? No way. I took off my shoes then ran upstairs. I noticed a redhead, introduced myself and immediately started teasing her about having red hair. We were vibing a little bit over that. Then she introduced me to her other friends. (Redhead, Adele, and two bigger girls. One of the bigger girls was single, the other wasn't). Me and my friends were sitting on one couch, the girls were sitting on the other couch. We were all talking. Now I'd quite often catch Adele staring at me, as well as the single big girl. That was a little bit startling for me, I have never really seen any girl looking at me like that. For some reason during this whole interaction I was quite shy to begin with.

Me and some friends went out for a smoke and redhead got up off the couch and was walking by the window, you could tell she was interested in us. I knocked on the window to get redhead's attention and went inside and started escalating with her a little bit. Teasing her about her zodiac sign and touching her on her arm. She touched me back. We went and sat down back on the couch. It was getting late so we left, and while I was leaving I caught adele sneakily taking a picture of me with her cell phone! Haahhh what. Anyways, I didn't even invite any of them home with me, although I should have. Didn't even get their numbers. That was dumb of me. How do I ask a girl to come home with me in front of her friends? I guess I should isolate her first. Yeah, I'll work on that.

Turns out they weren't even his roommates and were just friends of the bigger girl who wasn't single. Anyways my buddy called me the next day and says "yeah adele came downstairs at 3am and said 'I'm bored everyone's gone to sleep'" and then they proceeded to hook up. Its obvious that Adele was quite horny and I should have jumped on that opportunity really quick.

I miss a lot of opportunities due to my shyness and not moving quick enough.

Yeah, so then I met Jaw at a pub really close to campus and he was with a girl. I'll call her brows. The interesting thing about this girl was that she had really good facial expressions, so it was interesting to see the way she reacted. When I first got there she was ignoring me, even after Jaw introduced her to me. She did start interacting with me, but it was constant shit tests. I handled them well and eventually she started showing more interest. We went outside for a smoke then went back inside. I approached Brows from behind when she was sitting on a chair and poked her to get her attention. Bad idea to approach a girl from behind but whatever. When she turned around she raised her eyebrows at me. They seemed to say "That was a questionable decision you just made." I started deep diving her but she cut it short and said she had to leave. She probably really did not want to talk to me, or she actually had to leave...who knows. She gave me and Jaw and a hug and left.

Jaw is a poker player and says he can read people real well but was unable to read brows well. He said that in order to get the attention of brows you have to ignore her. He said that she came up to him and introduced herself to him cuz he was ignoring her. When me and brows were talking at some points, I would pretend to get distracted for a few seconds and ignore her. When that happened, it made her hook onto me harder. It was kind of weird. Anyways. Brows was a interesting kind of girl.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

This post isn't about any girl in general, it's just some quick thoughts.

I am hard on myself. I am still learning, yet am unforgiving of myself when I make mistakes. I feel sad that I am not able to bring girls home all the time. I feel like I should be able to do perfect every time even though I have just started my journey.

There are guys out there who are going to take an opportunity when they get it and they are not gonna waste any time with it! If a guy gets a girl alone, he's not gonna question it or second guess himself. He's gonna take her right to bed. That's the guy I am going to be eventually. I need to get better at assuming attraction with women and not second guessing myself.

There's so much opportunity for growth so I am excited.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

This post is about an interaction that happened about 5 minutes ago.

Me and my friend J were making a song in a classroom at school, and we stepped out of the classroom for a few minutes to eat some snacks. There were a few other people from our program standing in the hallway as well. As we were hanging out there, I saw a guy from my program with his friends walk down a different hallway. That was at least 30 feet away. Two of his friends were girls who I didn't know. One of the girls was looking my way. I motioned for her to "come here" with one finger. This motion is effective for me lately. It's so effortless. Anyways so this girl walks 30 feet to come see me and I practically ignored her and just talked to her friend who was in my program. We're all goofing off then, I decided to playfully lightly kick the girls. One of them (the other girl who wasn't the girl who I had motioned over in the first place) kicked me back and we started talking. It sucks that I can barely remember this even though it just happened!

I complimented her on her pants which were yellow, asked her for her name. She says her name, it was a really complicated name...sounded like daurisha or something. I said "Da...What!?" Everyone laughed. I said "I'll just call you Dada." So then after that she started touching my hair. I said "Are you trying to fix my hair?" She says "yes." I said "You can't touch my hair!" and then she was touching my hair more. People want what they can't have, ahha. I have messy hair too.Then, shortly after when I was talking to my other friend and she came up and grabbed my bum! I turn around and my friend says "hey can you guess how old backstory is?" She didn't know. She thought 20. I told her I was 23 and she says "oh well I'm 17." Not sure if she was actually kidding or not. I said "oh thats too bad, i dont think we can talk anymore!" everyone laughed and then they walked down the hallway and left.

my friend J called me a player after they left. I was being playful, silly and flirty with this girl and she was touching me a lot even though I barely touched her. It was interesting how she grabbed my butt even though I didnt know her for 5 minutes.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

"I guess" is being super clingy. Won't stop texting me and messaging me on Facebook. Non stop, all day. It's very annoying. I just ignore her mostly. Last night my ex texted me asking me if I wanted to go for lunch today. I hadn't seen in her in 4 months and we ended things on good terms. We were texting and I told her to come check out my new place instead of going for lunch. She was really enthusiastic, she said she could come over around 2.

My class ended at 1 and I decided to go see I guess at rezz for a little bit before I had to head home for 2. We met up and she started playfully punching me and touching me! She showed me her place in rezz, but she was giving me really weird vibes. It was just awkward.....no clue why. We made out a bit and then I told her I had to head home. She really didn't want me to leave but...I left.

Okay so it's around 2PM and my ex shows up at my place and even brought me a chocolate bar. That was nice of her. We go into my room and we're chatting and sitting on my couch. Her body language was really open, it was obvious to me that she missed me! I started getting more and more physical with her. We were kissing a little bit and she was scared she would regret us hooking up. She's a virgin too! I didn't really say anything. I know if we were to discuss that then all chances of us doing anything fun would go down the drain.

We had some fun. No sex, although we did try. She's really tight and it hurt her when I tried. During the whole time she kept on asking me questions like "how many girls have you seen since we last saw each other" and "do you miss me." Sheesh, those were a pain in the ass to answer. I tried getting her to leave several times as it neared 8PM but she kept insisting we talk and have more fun!

She left just a little while back and we made plans to hang out tomorrow. I do miss her blowjobs...but I have no intentions of getting back together with her. She's really changed, she used to be a girly girl and now I feel like she's more of a tomboy.

That's enough of that story, right now I'm heading to a party to practice my game and meet some more girls.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Didn't bring any girls home last night. That's long story short.

Here's the long story. A friend and I went to two parties. One of them was a party where there were mostly guys, it was lame. The other one was a party for my program.

We get to the sausagefest and theres a redhead standing in the corner alone. I go up to her and I started asking her if she knew the difference between having red hair and being a ginger. She started getting testy real quick especially after I asked her if she had a soul. I was teasing her but she didn't like it and ran off. I went into the living room and she's talking to her friends and her friends say to me "why are you being an asshole to her?" What! I wasn't trying to be an asshole. My body language wasn't aggressive.

Theres a group of people standing outside in the backyard, I went over to the group. There were no girls who weren't in a conversation with another guy. I noticed an Asian girl who was facing me a few feet away talking to another guy. She has a necklace on that looked like an amethyst. I caught this girls eye and motioned her over to me with my finger. She came over and we were talking about her necklace. It wasn't an amethyst, it was just a bluish green heart. We joked about my bad vision. I started deep diving her. I didn't find her too interesting though. Some guy came and interrupted us, I guess they met last night or something. I introduced myself to him then kept talking to the girl. Sometimes he would talk and me and the girl would ignore him and he left. The girls arms were crossed, I viewed this as a bad sign of body language. However, I realize now that it was a little bit chilly and this could have been the perfect way to get her to move inside with me to take the interaction further. I didn't really think about this because ..well..I was mostly thinking about what I was gonna talk to her about next. It was a pretty boring conversation to me.

I'lll finish this entry later I'm tired.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hey this was a pretty good weekend! Went to a party last night. I'd say there were about 300 people there so there was some great opportunities to meet people.

I saw my friend's girlfriend who I hadn't seen in a while, she was the first girl I talked to. A nice warm up. I went onto the deck and opened a girl. Her name was "Story." Story looked like a girl who plays guitar so I opened her about it. She was giving me these skeptical looks! She had a friend beside her. I started talking to her friend (Wave) and we were getting along really well. She knew some kids in my program and I was deep diving her. Story left for a bit but when she came back we were talking about the super powers we would choose to have. That was fun! As the interaction progressed my touches felt more "normal." I touch girls alll the time during conversations now but it doesn't really feel "right." But when me and this chick were laughing with each other it felt right. I could have moved this girl somewhere else but didn't want to spend too much time with her. I wanted to go meet some more people. So I told her I'd talk to her later (when i got home i found out she had added me on Facebook) and walked back in the house.

Me and this girl named Thursday had been talking on Facebook for little bit. I never met her but most of our conversations are sexual and she says she is sexually confident but not confident in herself in any other aspects of her life. Recently she told me one of her biggest fantasies was having sex in a classroom and she's always wondering how I manage to pull this information out of her. Well I was walking in the living room then this guy I had talked to before (but never met), said hello to me. His name is Write. Well it just so turns out the girl he is with is Thursday. Thursday and I start vibing instantly and we're laughing and touching each other. If a girl is touching you, that means she is most definitely interested. That's what I've learned, ahha. Sensing immediate interest on her part I moved her over to a couch and we started making out. She was saying that Write had met her last night and already wants a relationship. Hahaha, I stole Thursday from Write I guess. Eventually we went to go dance in the kitchen and then came back to the living room to talk and kiss some more.

Now, it was still kinda early in the night and didn't wanna go home just yet. I still wanted to meet more people! Thursday was begging me to go home with her but I told her I had to go to the washroom and talk to my friends and that I'd come find her later. She wouldn't let me leave! Yeah I did end up leaving though. I am feeling so flaky and non-committed and I feel as though I am starting to develop an abundance mentality. I really couldn't care less if I lose opportunities with girls because I always know there will be more opportunities in the back of my head.

Yeah so I guess I talked to two girls at that party and both of those interactions went well. That party got busted so I went to another party. I opened this one girl, we connected but I didn't sense too much sexual interest on her part. I opened a group of people. two guys and two girls. one of the girls was practically staring at me the whole time but she was the quiet one. I should have gotten her number or something, why didnt i? then it was like 1:30AM and i knew it was time to pull but i was tired and didn't feel like putting in the effort. There was a tall girl who thought I cute but I didn't feel like shouting up there to her. I guess I could have brought her to a couch or something. I have her on Facebook so I'm just gonna get her number and go on a date with her.

More to come later. I am very tired from 8AM classes and staying up too late this weekend.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Today I hung out with a girl named "A." A is a virgin and sexually inexperienced in general. Her and I have been talking for a little bit through text and Facebook. She had gotten disinterested in me 2 times but I pulled her out of it by deep diving her. I met her at the college and we went back to my place. As soon as I saw her we instantly started vibing. Laughing and joking around with each other about how she had gotten lost inside the college and didn't know where to go. She was touching me, good sign.

The plan was to my house, hang out for a bit and make supper. We talked for a little bit, I tried kissing her but she wouldn't let me. Two months ago if that had happened to me I would probably have been hurt and wouldn't have tried again. After she rejected me I just kept talking to her like nothing had happened. We were talking and she claims shes super innocent. She said that she never kisses guys the first time she sees them. But then she was telling me how she went on a date with a guy the other day and they were making out and he was being rough with her and she really liked it. I was using sexual humour and sexual framing with her and we kept touching each other. I was escalating my touch, keeping my hands on her longer. She was sitting right next to me and I put my hand on her chin and turned her face to meet mine and kissed her. She kissed me back! But after I drew away she got really shy and was hiding her face.

Anyways, I kissed her again before she left. And then I got a text from her afterwards saying "You're a really nice guy but I would appreciate it if you didn't try kissing me again." I replied with "Alright. :)" Not really sure how to handle something like that.

I did a good job of escalation with touch. I persisted, which is rather new to me. I used sexual framing and sexual humour, as well as a bit of chase framing. Maybe it was possible for me to take it further than kissing but I didn't try. Lately with girls I keep the mood light and make them laugh and it really helps develop the interaction. I am easily able to see the mistakes I have made in the past (like with Fawn) and how I could have handled it differently.

Tomorrow I am hanging out with Thursday. She has been sending me naughty pictures through snapchat the past few days and she is begging to see me.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hey guys, haven't posted on here in a while. I'm going to have to provide some background information in order to tell you what I've been up to.

I have anxiety and depression and an addiction problem. I've been dependent on drugs before, yes. Right now I'm not dependent on any sort of drug. Once in a while I'll slip up and do coke, or get really drunk. It sucks! It really impacts my anxiety and depression for weeks afterwards. Especially coke. It's the worst mental hangover.

Also, school's been tough on my sleep schedule. I have some 8AM classes and I generally gotta wake up pretty early for my other classes, so I've been losing a ton of sleep trying to get myself waking up at 7AM. I'm always exhausted the past few weeks. And I need enough sleep, otherwise my anxiety and depression start kicking in even worse than they usually are.

Last weekend, I had a rough week and then I started watching porn, I did coke, and got wasted and was hungover all weekend. I hadn't watched porn in like a month, or did coke in 3 weeks. I was doing pretty good but I gave in and it doesn't feel good. This week you can imagine was pretty tough on me. Lack of sleep, a hangover, really bad anxiety and depression...makes me feel like a piece of shit. And I started breaking out too ahaha so that didn't help.

I don't really feel like talking to girls when I am in this sort of mood. I find that I'm not very sociable and am not confident in myself. Should I go out and talk to girls anyways? Yes, I probably should....but I don't.

So I haven't been talking to women. School is really important to me anyways. All the free time I get outside of classes, I'm in the studio working on my music. I'm really impressed how hard I've been working lately. I find an escape in music that helps me deal with anxiety and depression. So why do I still do drugs sometimes? I don't know. Anyways.

In about a week or two I'll be feeling better once my sleep schedule has finally adjusted. I made plans with a bunch of girls a few weeks ago and never followed through with them. I havent talked to them since, so I know they aren't in auto rejection and I can pursue them once I'm feeling better.

How do I balance music and girls? Especially when I want to hole myself up in the studio and do nothing else. I'm more serious about music right now than I am about girls.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I hung out with Thursday on Friday and she gave me a ton of hickies all over my neck. I am curious as to if this would act as a sort of preselection when talking to other girls. Saturday night I was in the studio till about 11:30PM. I was coming down with a cold and I was feeling like shit. I was thinking about going home but my friend invited me to a party so I decided to go.

I talked to 4-5 girls that night. First I will discuss the most promising lead I got from that party.

There was a fight in the house of the party, then it moved outside. A bunch of people went outside to watch. I walked onto the lawn and there was a girl who asked me what was going on. I'll call her Compressor. I started joking around and being sarcastic, I said "I think this is what you would call a fight or something." Haha. She said she was pretty drunk and she had lost all her friends. I told her I would take care of her and moved her from the edge of the lawn over to the middle of the lawn to avoid the scuffle. We introduced ourselves to each other. She really liked my name and told me I was cute. We were really touchy with each other, I was holding her. All of a sudden her friend appears and is yelling at her to leave with her because the cops are coming. Compressor asked to take down my number, but then I told her I'd take down her number instead. I get her number, and they leave. I text her right away. If I had had five more minutes with her, I would have easily hooked up with her. What I regret not doing is kissing her immediately as soon as she got touchy with me. If I had moved quicker I could have brought her home with me.

We were texting the next day and I was screening for some logistics. She's a freshman at my college and lives off campus with her grandma. Here's how the conversation went.

Compressor: I live with my grandma
Me: Does your grandma let you have boys over?
Compressor: I don't really know. I don't have boys over all too often
Me: Haha! You are so innocent.
Compressor: I am not that innocent!
Me: Well last night you couldn't keep your hands off of me. (Chase frame)
Compressor: Yeah? Well I would have to say I am a touchy person. :)

After this I started asking her if she was a sexually open girl. She says she is sexually open and is open to experimenting. However, this part of the conversation didn't really flow, I couldn't get her opening up about it. It felt clumsy and a tad forced and awkward. Different from other girls I've talked to about this. Anyways, I told her to text me soon and we will make plans to hang out. She was down and definitely excited about it. I'm worried that she might be a little bit flaky because we talked for less than 5 minutes when she was drunk. Anwyays, when we do hang out, it's gonna be good for me. Why? She claims she is naturally touchy so I will get to do some work on my touch escalation.

It's 4:22AM and I'm sick with a cold so I'm gonna post more about this night later. It was a pretty good learning experience.

Things I did well this night: Had no approach anxiety, moved girls around (compliance tests), used sexual framing and sexual humour
Things I didn't do well: Wasn't very smooth, I was tripping over my words and stuff because of how tired I was. Also, I didn't ask any girls to come home with me. I could have gotten some more numbers. I really need to work on my sexual vibe.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

A girl who has a boyfriend messaged me on Facebook a little bit and we've been consistently talking almost every day. She messages me first every day. I don't message her first. And I'll often stop replying to her because I'm busy, but she always picks up the conversations later. She never mentioned that she had a boyfriend but it's on her Facebook.

Here's what she said to me today:

Her: Good morning sir. I know this is kinda random and we don't really know each other but I'm having like the world's shittiest day. Do you want to hang out?
Me: Hmm. Are you single?
Her: No??? Just seeking friendship????
Me: I'm going to have to pass for today. :)
Her. Okay. (Some crying/laughing emoticon)

I'm gonna have to read Chase's articles on girls with boyfriends. I could have hung out with her and escalated anyways, that would have been fun. I decided not to because I didn't think it was worth the effort.

I don't know why she wants to hang out. Does she actually want to be friends or is there something else? Either way I screened her and showed my intentions with her. If anyone has any comments on this, I'd like to hear it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

This is a continuation of my post from Saturday. I realize I need to post better journal entries that have examples of conversations in them. I also need to make them more detailed so it's easier for me to dissect where I went wrong.

As I said, I approached 4-5 girls on Saturday. When I got to the party I saw this picture on the kitchen wall of these two cats smoking cigarettes in a bathroom. It was awesome. There were two girls really close to me. One was sitting, one was standing. I started talking to the sitting one. I opened her by talking abut the two cats smoking cigarettes and how cool it was. We were talking and she says she goes to the university in my town and she says shes taking Kinesthesiology. I wasn't really feeling good and wasn't too interested in her. Perhaps I should have gotten her off the chair so that she was standing with me. That would have been a good compliance test and made the conversation more equal. I told her I'd come find her later and took off to talk to someone else.

It was like 12:30AMish during this time. I failed to realize it was getting late and that I should be focussed on pulling. Gotta keep that in mind for next time. I didn't wanna take any girls home cuz I was feeling shitty, I'd just rather get some experience. I went into the living room and was talking to my friends. Then I saw a girl who was drinking a four loko. Only the most awesome drink around. I went over to her and started talking to her. She was with a guy and the guy put his arm over her. I didn't care. I was talking to the girl about the drink but you could tell she immediately put some walls up. It felt awkward. I said goodbye and walked off. It wasn't the greatest target to choose.. but I'm glad I put myself in that situation. I don't want to overthink approaching girls. In this case I saw the girl and walked over to her immediately. Patting myself on the back for that one.

The girl who was in kinesthesiology had a tall friend who was standing up, but I didn't talk to her. People were playing music off an ipod, which was close to her tall friend. I started talking to the tall girl. We were talking about music and it was not going very well, I was stumbling over my words and finding it hard to talk. It was a little extra effort to speak with her because I'm a short guy and she was tall so I practically had to raise my voice for her to hear me over the general sounds of the party. She was willing to hold eye contact and was smiling a lot. Seemed like she was definitely interested. I should have moved her over to some couches/chairs but there were no couches and the chairs were all taken up by other people. I could have moved her outside but I didn't. I deep dived her a bit and then I made a stupid mistake of including a guy in our conversation who was sitting directly behind us. By the way, I felt like I didn't have a sexual vibe during this conversation. I felt like I was being a little too playful and excited. Anyways she started talking to him and I left to go find someone else to talk to. He was her height so we has leaning into her ear to speak with her. Looked like he had a better sexual vibe than I did. I didn't worry too much about it though.

I was in the kitchen again and I started talking with a girl who was sitting on one of the chairs. I'll call her Tracy. I told her I was looking for some alcohol, she offered me a sip of what she was drinking and I sat on the chair beside her and we started talking. I didn't ask her if I could sit down, I just did it. I assumed dominance. We were talking. There was a lot to talk about but I wasn't really feeling it. Then tall girl came and was looking at me and Tracy, kinda just hovering around. I wasn't really sure if tall girl and Tracy knew each other but I realized me talking to tracy was some good preselection for me, especially if tall girl was interested. I wasn't ready to ditch my conversation with Tracy yet. Tracy and tall girl talked about something, then tall girl left and I continued talking to Tracey. I noticed a door across the room from us which led to a room that had a giant chalkboard in it. This was gonna be a good compliance test. I asked Tracey if she wanted to go on the chalkboard with me. We went into the room but couldn't decide what to draw. I made a mistake because it got boring. I should have had something fun in mind to draw WITH her. Here's what she said:

Tracey: I just wanna draw a huge dick on this chalkboard right now.
Me: Really!? Is that what is on your mind right now?
Tracey: (Laughing) No!

I can't remember what I said after that. But there was stuff written all over the chalkboard so she couldn't draw what she wanted to draw. We were standing around not really drawing anything!! Ugh, it was getting boring and I didn't know what to do, I should have moved her again. Well a guy came and talked to her. He was like "I bet you've been talked to by a bunch of guys tonight but I'm trying to do a survey" Couldn't catch the rest. LOL what!? So he finishes talking to her and then the host comes and kicks us out of the chalkboard room because we ain't supposed to be there apparently. The girl wanders off into the kitchen and I didn't feel like chasing her. What a bummer, I should have pursued that. I did a compliance test and used sexual humour but I didn't do a very good job of escalation.

I saw my spanish friend (she's seeing someone) and we were being all touchy with each other and laughing. Good preselection.

I went and talked to my other friend in the kitchen, he was sitting beside a girl and not talking to her at all. I started talking to her but she was pretty busy on her cell phone so I didn't pursue it too much. Gonna call her TT. While I was standing there, a girl was saying "excuse me" trying to get by me. I said "If you give me 5 dollars I'll let you through." She laughed and said she didn't have 5 dollars. I asked her to give me a kiss and pointed to my cheek. She laughed and said no and went by me. It's fun to try to get kisses from people you don't know. So then TT's friend comes and starts talking to her saying she's gonna leave and go to another party. I started talking with her friend and flirting with her. Can't remember what I said but...I was touching her and she was touching me back. Then she started to leave and I said "Don't go! Stay 5 more minutes. We're never gonna see each other again." She left anyways.

That just about sums up the night. I already mentioned the very last girl I talked to during this night in my other post. I gained some experience from this night, it's a shame I didn't have much energy. I wish I would have gotten some more phone numbers. The university in my town is like 9 kilometres away from where I live so its impractical to try to meet with girls from that area. Too far away.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I have been talking to this guy from Dubai who is interested in going out to game with me. His name is Sah. He arrived in Canada yesterday and he is going to my college. I was in the studio at school and he asked me to meet him at the Subway on campus near the studio.

We met and he bought me a drink. Then he says "I met this girl today, we're gonna go meet her." We go over to the food court and she's sitting in the food court. She's wearing mouse ears and I immediately start commenting on them. Then she says "Is that a hickey on your neck!?" Hahah, Sah started saying something, then I said I had a fight with my vacuum cleaner. Then she says to Sah "Well look at him! He's attractive. And his hair is perfectly Quaft"

What the heck does quaft mean. Anyways, I can assume that was a compliment on my hairstyle. :) Sah said he was leaving and so was the girl. I didn't really understand what was going on (still feeling sick and tired). But it seemed like the girl said to me "you can come with me back to my place." I didn't know if her and Sah were going to hang out at her place, or if they were going their separate ways and the girl was inviting me back to her place. I could have pursued it further but I was plenty more interested in going back to the studio to finish my song.

I'll have to ask Sah what ended up happening so I can get some clarification.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Last night I went to two parties. Unfortunately I was not escalating with touch and maintaining great eye contact. And I didn't do very well with bantering. However, I did really well with approaching. I didn't think twice about it, I just did it!

I did some cockblocking. Sounds rude, doesnt it? I saw this guy who was shorter than me talking to a girl. I went up to the girl and started talking to her. Pulled her off the guy right away. This guy was trying so hard to interrupt us. He started talking in a high pitched voice and grabbed my hand and gave me a high five. I was not paying attention so he looked like an idiot. I continued talking-to this girl and it turns out I had met her before. I got bored of her quick and moved on.

Will write more later. Going to see an orchestra tonight.