Post a good indirect opening daygame infield


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
To the guys who do indirect daygame, do you have any good infields of indirect daygame from open to close?

Stationary sets in my daygame is practically non-existent. How to do indirect daygame on walking sets? Step in front of her when she walks towards you or circle around street stop and then say "Wow you know who you look just like?"


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
So where you live people constantly walk and never sit down or take the buss lol.
Yeah lol. I rarely see a girl sitting on a bench alone. Bus stops occassionally. There are bus stops, but i generally don't see alot of people waiting at them, let alone hotties. I could take a closer look at those. I remember a few months back there was a hottie at a bus stop but i didn't open her (i regretted hard). Another thing is when they stop for street lights. I could keep a closer look out for that, but still not anywhere near the same volume as walking sets. Nowhere close. For every 30 hotties i see walking i will see 1 waiting at a street light/bus stop/on a bench. I'm very much trying not to have a confirmation bias or get too ego-invested in certain styles of game. I'm trying to have an open mind, and after doing compliment-opener daygame since summer, i'm willing to try new stuff out. Started doing the cold reads more and rainbow ruses and reality paces and generally talking more "tastefully" and emotionally about subjects, i have improved my approach to hook and the phone numbers are more solid now (I would go hard for the close in the past, even if she wasn't hooked or anything, and get alot of ghosting/flakes as a result). Following a good structure of using attraction material and then vibe with her and then hook her and then getting investment and qualification and then close.

I used the "You look just like someone" today on a girl and she just went "Hm?" and i said "Ah i cant tell you, you will get mad at me" and she just looked weird and said "uhh okay". Not as an opener, i used compliment opener. Maybe the rainbow rusing/deep insight stuff doesn't have the same punch when you open with compliment? She didn't knee jerk say she had a boyfriend after my opener... Maybe the knee jerk reaction happens subconsciously regardless?

Idk man. When i circle around and street stop it makes way more sense in my head to open with your intent than saying "Wow, you reminded me of someone. Have people ever told you who you look just like?" Or some variation of that.

P.S. it's fucking weird. Even when girls hook now (Cross their legs and asks questions about me) they STILL boyfriend reject me. Happened today a few times. I hook them, we chat i close and oh "I have a boyfriend, sorry". Or i open and then chat for a bit "i have a boyfriend", i let it slide and keep talking like nothing, run more game, they hook, we chat, get them laughing, build rapport and then they say no to meeting up because of their boyfriend. I feel like i could tweak something here. From my experience, sometimes girls have the brakes on and won't hook and i suspect the reason is they have a boyfriend and i'm usually right. But getting a girl saying she has a boyfriend, she hooks anyways, keep talking with me and won't give the close because of said boyfriend is something new to me i think...

Anyways i went way off topic. Do you have any good infields of indirect daygame @Teevster ?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

How to do indirect daygame on walking sets? Step in front of her when she walks towards you or circle around street stop and then say "Wow you know who you look just like?"

"Exuuuuuuse meeee... do you know where the XYZ is???"

You can use the policeman stop with this:

You can also just come around the side and ask her.

Ask for directions to monuments, shops, government buildings, certain streets, etc.

If you check out my street stop article, go down to "What to Do After the Street Stop" for how to keep things going and not have it just be you asking directions, her answering, you telling her thanks, then parting ways.

One other tip: the naturalness of your approach makes a big impact in how women receive you. Pay a lot of attention to your nonverbals: facial expression, eye contact, body language, approach angle. Voice tone matters a lot too. The more natural it comes across, like you really just wanted directions, then you really just happened to notice how cute her smile was, the more comfortable she will be, and the fewer weird reactions you'll get.

P.S. it's fucking weird. Even when girls hook now (Cross their legs and asks questions about me) they STILL boyfriend reject me. Happened today a few times. I hook them, we chat i close and oh "I have a boyfriend, sorry". Or i open and then chat for a bit "i have a boyfriend", i let it slide and keep talking like nothing, run more game, they hook, we chat, get them laughing, build rapport and then they say no to meeting up because of their boyfriend. I feel like i could tweak something here. From my experience, sometimes girls have the brakes on and won't hook and i suspect the reason is they have a boyfriend and i'm usually right. But getting a girl saying she has a boyfriend, she hooks anyways, keep talking with me and won't give the close because of said boyfriend is something new to me i think...

Keep in mind, 80% of girls have boyfriends. Only 1 out of 5 is single.

If you're used to night game or online it can be a little surprising. Those venues have a much higher proportion of single women than the proportion single women make up in the average population. During day game it's much more inline with population numbers, so you approach a lot more attached women, unless you're specifically screening for AIs or signs a girl is advertising herself hard.

IOW, on any given day, you need to make 15 day game approaches to find 3 women who are single.

If you want to filter for this sooner, you can either open with Ricardus's "Are you single?" opener, or throw it into your approaches earlier on:

Knock 'em dead!


P.S., we did an article on day game pickups sometime back. 2 of the videos we reviewed are gone now, but the one by Sasha Day Game's still up. You might give that a watch, since you're looking for in-fields:



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
P.S. it's fucking weird. Even when girls hook now (Cross their legs and asks questions about me) they STILL boyfriend reject me. Happened today a few times. I hook them, we chat i close and oh "I have a boyfriend, sorry". Or i open and then chat for a bit "i have a boyfriend", i let it slide and keep talking like nothing, run more game, they hook, we chat, get them laughing, build rapport and then they say no to meeting up because of their boyfriend. I feel like i could tweak something here. From my experience, sometimes girls have the brakes on and won't hook and i suspect the reason is they have a boyfriend and i'm usually right. But getting a girl saying she has a boyfriend, she hooks anyways, keep talking with me and won't give the close because of said boyfriend is something new to me i think...

How sexual was the conversation? If a girl has a boyfriend who she's a bit iffy about but not ready to break up with, then if she's going to go for it, it will be for the kind of guy who represents a 'sexual holiday'. That's the way I see it. She doesn't want to have to think very much about it or arrange her schedule or wait for days, but if the stars align and her pussy is wet and you're leading hard, she may go for it.

So maybe try being more ballsy, sexually qualifying her, ramping up the intensity, and pushing for an instant date and pull. The sort of stuff that's 'too much' for most women but may work for her.

I sort of had this last night with a cold approach on the street - she kept saying she was seeing someone and 'not ready for this!' while pawing the air in front of me, and that I should go find someone else, while giving IOIs, and would not give the number.

So I got her to the bar with me, and she let slip that her girlfriends had been telling her that she should 'put herself out there'. I touched her a lot (caressing her back) as we talked and drank, and as we were leaving she even said that she had this feeling where she 'just wanted to fuck' but it didn't feel right (obviously telling me 'make we want to!). Anyway I rambled too much and moved too slowly, fumbled the logistics handling and she was gone.

But the point is that the number would have been useless, and what gave the opportunity was persisting and leading hard, taking advantage of the fact that she was obviously horny then and there.

For indirect, I can't say much for it as it's not my style at all. The most low-key I'll go is to say that she's stylish or 'looks really good'. I think it's the way you say it and your body language that determines if it's not too much. If I want to be more low-key I'll be a bit more smiley and 'bubbly' both in my tone and body language - imagine her male hairdresser saying she 'looks really good!', I might run my fingers through my hair or tilt my head to be more disarming.

I started doing more walking sets lately, which I usually felt a bit weird about, and from my limited experience a bright, confident friendliness is EVERYTHING at the start. I sort of jog up around the front, waving with my best 10,000 megawatt smile, and when (if) she stops, I'll say something like 'Hey! I know this is kind of random but I just saw you walking past and you look great, so I had to come say hi'.

The key here for me is that she should see you as being in the vulnerable position, someone who has innocently just 'put it all out there' who she couldn't ignore without feeling like she's not being a nice person, and besides 'heck why not, he looks so nice!'.

Then it's up to you to fuck with that niceness with strong eye contact, touch, a little bit of teasing, qualifying her etc.

I'm sure this way of doing it is not necessary (I've seen some guys on youtube being quite assertive and not smiling a lot even with fast paced walking sets) but this is my way of easing into it, and I have no trouble ramping things when the time comes.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019

"Exuuuuuuse meeee... do you know where the XYZ is???"

You can use the policeman stop with this:

You can also just come around the side and ask her.

Ask for directions to monuments, shops, government buildings, certain streets, etc.

If you check out my street stop article, go down to "What to Do After the Street Stop" for how to keep things going and not have it just be you asking directions, her answering, you telling her thanks, then parting ways.

One other tip: the naturalness of your approach makes a big impact in how women receive you. Pay a lot of attention to your nonverbals: facial expression, eye contact, body language, approach angle. Voice tone matters a lot too. The more natural it comes across, like you really just wanted directions, then you really just happened to notice how cute her smile was, the more comfortable she will be, and the fewer weird reactions you'll get.

Keep in mind, 80% of girls have boyfriends. Only 1 out of 5 is single.

If you're used to night game or online it can be a little surprising. Those venues have a much higher proportion of single women than the proportion single women make up in the average population. During day game it's much more inline with population numbers, so you approach a lot more attached women, unless you're specifically screening for AIs or signs a girl is advertising herself hard.

IOW, on any given day, you need to make 15 day game approaches to find 3 women who are single.

If you want to filter for this sooner, you can either open with Ricardus's "Are you single?" opener, or throw it into your approaches earlier on:

Knock 'em dead!


P.S., we did an article on day game pickups sometime back. 2 of the videos we reviewed are gone now, but the one by Sasha Day Game's still up. You might give that a watch, since you're looking for in-fields:

So going indirect-direct? I have done that before, it's fun enough. But i'm asking for infield videos of indirect daygame of guys using something like the "You look just like someone" from Gunwitch's SMMA or something else indirect. Sasha is a classic direct daygamer.

Indirect-direct works really well with the policeman stop, but going to direct straight off the policeman stop always felt awkward, it felt much better walking past a girl and turning your gaze at her and look back at her and being like "Damn" and then going in with a "Hey i was just on my way to the gym, but i saw you and i thought you quite cute!" Feels like it has a better flow and more natural for me. But you must REALLY get in front of her while she slows down to the point where you are standing exactly in front of her, getting that lock-in so she doesn't just walk off. I did a really high pressure one last night on a busy shopping street where i circle around stopped her but she was really busy but i just kept holding her hand trying to outmaneuver her haha it felt really ballsy.