FR  "PureWarmth"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Linked from my daygame log.

Loved this.

I spot her as she's checking an informational banner at the river. She's got long, black, curly hair. Trim body. Dark skin. Cute face. Overall very sexy. Looks like Brazilian or Cuban. Upon getting closer I notice she seems a bit too young, but I'm not sure. I'm about to let her go, but then I think "screw it" and open informational.

And I'm glad I did: she's one of the warmest, sweetest girls that I interacted with in the last few weeks at least. She's 23, super open, smiles a lot, gets close to me so that our arms touch each other. Great interaction.

She's here on a company trip or something, so her schedule is quite tight and we can't hang out now. I tell her that "damn, you just entered my life and you're gonna disappear so soon", to which she laughs. I then add, in a very non-needy way, that "i really wanna hang out with you" and that "it's too bad that your schedule is so tight". She suggests we might catch up after her company dinner tonight, but "dunno when it ends". I tell her "it's cool, lemme grab your number and we'll see". She happily agrees. I suggest we go for a short walk and we continue our chat.

At some point I tell her I gotta go, so I hug her and "maybe we meet later, if you're not too drunk after dinner, you know". She laughs. I'm about to leave, but she tells me that she doesn't have my number yet, almost worried that I'd leave her without giving her a way to get in touch with me later. I say "oh damn yeah, i'll drop you a text soon". She smiles and waves.

I send her an icebreaker text half an hour later:

ciao <name>, great to meet you earlier! enki
(after a couple hours) holaa enki!! it was really nice to meet you
(still her, sends a pic of her luxurious hotel) greetings from my palace hahaha
damn, hey, you sure you're not a princess in disguise? (btw, i know her company dinner's starting now)
hahaha maybe i am a missing member of the spanish royalty
i knew it! shouldn't have let you go ;)
i didn't give you many options :D :D (it's one hour into her company dinner now)

An additional hour passes. It's like 9pm, and at this point it dawns on me that I probably won't see this girl again: her situation allows for too many changes in her emotional state. So I send her this text:

how's dinner looking? any chance they let you free for the evening?

I want to accomplish two things with this text:
  1. let her know that I'm still game, and
  2. give her a "get out of jail free card": if she no longer wants to hang out with me because maybe she met another cat, she can simply say "sorry, we're still locked in here". Which could even be what's really happening, but she would let me know later if they free her up
She replies:

dinner just finished!! the problem is that the hotel is a bit far from the city center :(
hmm where you at?
(sends location)

It's really far, like logistically challenging even to just meet. She would have to take a bus and a train, and travel for 20+ minutes to get to an area of the city where it wouldn't be too inconvenient for me to meet her. Could I try to persuade her to do all that, "for the sake of love at first sight"? Maybe. I decide to text her this instead:

damn, they really kidnapped you. they're against us, i'm sure
(sends a pic of the bathtub in her room) i wish all kidnappings were like these :) :)
well, they wanna spoil you, right? (should have sent something like "hey, you trying to make me picture you in that thing?" instead)
as i deserve :eye-roll:
haha enjoy then, and please don't send me any more pics, or i might get too envious (what i really meant was "send me a couple of sexy pics of you in that thing")
hahaha sooooorry
haha all good :)

Her bathtub picture could have been the perfect transition point to more sexual texting. Too bad. Everything that followed was way too friendly.

Anyway, that's that for now. I doubt I'll see her again: she mentioned she'll travel throughout the country in the next few days, and then who knows.