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Sad story


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
I'm looking for a really sad story, since girls love them.

I mean us guys won't call one another and invite them over to watch a sad movie and cry together with wine, well if they did we'd probably not see that guy again.

Anyways considering the power of emotional and sad stories I'd like you guys to give me one to use to unlock some hearts, since it leads to emotional attachment
(Very powerful, don't abuse women. They like sex like we do, no point in hurting them.)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

Dude, I think you are coming from the wrong place here. The way you presented this post makes it seem like you want a sad story to seem like a sad sack in need of girls' pity fuck. I don't think this is a very good strategy man. If what you actually meant by 'sad story' was a deep story to help her connect with you, then the only place you can find that is in your past, unless you make one up (which I don't suggest, fabricating your own life to others never turns out well).

Point is, a girl doesn't want to hear a sad story to prep them to have sex with you. You can't begin speaking to a girl, set a sexual frame, then relive 9/11 with her. If you want to depress a girl, you can, but it won't help you get her in bed.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
I respectfully disagree with you there Jay. I know a sad story sounds like a sex killer, but what it does is you see
It gives you a 2nd dimension, girls won't see you as a horny teenager looking for sex and makes you look like a person (important)
Creates emotions, leading to her investing in you (thinking about you and your sad story)

It leads to bonding

2nd, I don't believe in pity fuck. As I man I've never felt bad enough for a girl to sleep with her and I think girls think the same way on this
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

So you do mean a personally emotional story. When you say 'sad story' you imply that you are telling her a sad story that doesn't relate to you. If the story relates to you, then what you say is true, a bond is created between you and the girl with the girl feeling empathetic towards you and more understanding of you as a person. What I was trying to say is that any old sad story does not create a bond between you and a girl, it has to be a story that is ultimately about you. For example you can't bond with a girl over your friend's sad story, unless it affected you in some way. Or you can't sit down and tell a sad story about children in Darfur unless it is a personal crusade of yours. This can show your sensitive side, but you have to connect it back to you for this to work. See what I'm saying?If you want to connect with a girl on a personal level through a personal story, make it personal.

As for a pity fuck, you're right, they don't exist. Which is why I was puzzled by what I thought your strategy was.
