Observations  Screening, Opinion, Judgement are 3 different things.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

I will like to share a few things i notice in socializing. Especially in conversations with people.


You will not just be screening people, People will be screening you. During conversations, guys and girls, mostly happens on the first encounter will make a joke, as an example. Let's say, it's a racist joke, and people will look at your reactions. The people who are more socially aware than others will curb their racist jokes if you're not comfortable, (and some unfortunate people who are less socially aware, they just dish out jokes with only the care for himself, that's a different story!). People wants to know your level of comfort and whether you cool to hangout with them.

This is called "Screening".


During conversations, you accidentally jump into a negative thread with a girl about her ex boyfriend whom she didn't like because he was a jerk who ask her to pay for meals every single time. She complains to you about how he was such an a$$. Now, Please do not judge her, This is just an opinion!When she gives you a reason behind her action, whether that's bullshit or not, That is just an opinion. Cut thread and move to more positive things and some other topics that you like. I noted that some guys take things personally with what girls generally talk about. This happens more with guys who never had experience with women. So it's good to ask yourself why you feel that way, too.

This is called "Opinion"


This is very easy to spot on. IT's a recurring thing. If you see a person who speak negatively with you about certain things, and you see what they do with other people, Chances are this people are no good to mix around with. Another point is office politics, where things have already settled and the problem is brought upon again, and the reason they give is unconstructive. "I don't like this person", "He has a bad attitude" even when the person clearly has no problem with him, anymore.

So it's good to detect judgement early. This is "judgement".
