Should I BREAK UP?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 6, 2014
I told my girlfriend we should only talk 3-4 days a week.
I found out she was flirt-texting with a workmate - she wrote me a 10000 charachters text apologizing that she only did it because I made her jealous in the first place.
5 days passed - she became every day more distant, cold and stopped texting me.

Today, we talked for about an hour, she then told me she would go to sleep (at 9PM on a Friday) and that she would text me.
At 11PM she wrote me a "hey" message. I asked "Why didn't you text me right away - where you afraid that I wouldn't miss you that much?"
She answered with "not today..."
Anyways, after coming home at midnight - she made an effort for me to see that she was talking with my workmate again.

How should I react to this? She is obviously playing games and trying to make me fall in love and make me jealous - should I break up?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Don't even bother breaking up, not worth your time. Just walk away and cut all contact if possible. If she decides that she wants to see why you did, then if you so choose tell her.