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Should I vary Direct Game for Busier Environments?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 20, 2018
I've started getting some success (some conversations & a phone number) using direct openers. Basically I approach, give my compliment and tell her I wanted to meet her. The thing is I've been limiting myself to situations where there is no one else within earshot. My backwards rationalisation for that is that I don't want to put her on the spot by knowing that there are other people who could hear our interaction. I do feel that I am over limiting myself doing this though. Any thoughts?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
anyone within earshot will think you got serious balls and will likely be interested and amused. no worries there.

however if a girl has a bitch shield up upon approach and you continue to talk to her, that's when people within earshot will start intervening.

don't limit yourself!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 20, 2018
Thanks songbird: mea culpa, I didn’t define my question so well. My assumption is that most women, being highly socially conscious, have built up a narrative about the ways it is apropriate for people to interact, that she likes to portray herself as following. One of those could well be ‘I don’t allow myself to be picked up on the street’. I am thinking of it a bit like a girl who believes stealing is wrong & likes to portray herself as someone who would never to do that. If she meets a ‘bad boy’ who persuades her to steal something small from the store in a way that would be unnoticed it might be quite exciting for her. If instead she knew that there would be a bunch of people watching her then that would add a lot more pressure & she probably wouldn’t go through with it. I guess I’m saying I don’t want to be the guy who makes her have an audience. At the same time I think that this is probably just an inner game issue I have to find some way to overcome.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers