Slav dark triad princess out of their natural habitat


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
Slav dark triad princess out of their natural habitat

locals are quiet, there are attractive tourists AND this one was one of them

Once upon a time... have you been to a country where most of the girls are ugly, you think to God, thank you for not birthing me here. Also, their accent was annoying and hurt my ears listening, I couldn't understand much of it.

2 well-known Western clubs

So I was mostly approaching inside a mega club, doing shit, having bad hooks, lacking sleep. When this popular DJ was playing in the background, eventually I just grew tired...

Anyway, as I was walking out of the place to do a lobby game, I saw this blonde and had to chase it down.

I approached in her language but got a response in English and took it, continuing with the flow. She was receptive to the approach, we started chatting, I can't remember exactly what the conversation was about.

(FYI, she's a tourist/expat not a local)

I take you for a wine and if you don't like it I'll call you a taxi home..she agrees.

me: "You went to Dubai before? to sell..."

girl: "NOOOoO! WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO SAY..I'm not going with you if you say I sold sex..."

HAHAHAHAH she took the words out of my mouth

me""A lot of Slavs go to UAE to sell real estate yeah?"

(then I disengaged proceeding to look for our taxi)

At this point, I was holding hands and she was super compliant with me

I got the piece of shit of a taxi driver, one of the worst, getting pissy attitude at me on the phone, when we got into the car she was ranting about how she was waiting, bullshit, bullshit.... my girl started arguing with her low key. I just told her to relax is fine, I didn't want this fat-ass bitch driver to fuck up my pull. she was probably mad about her having to drive Uber and I pulled a beautiful blonde.

fat ass stupid cunt....

As we get to the hotel, no cockblock receptionists, no bitch ass doorman to check ID. that's the peak of a decently safe country. I could imagine some of those low-life bitch ass trying to block you from entering your rooms when you have the key. make sure you can streamline your pull or CHANGE hotels immediately, you can bribe them... the long term is not advisable

Once we got into the room, I took off my shoes and told her the same. she went straight to the bed and sat down, THEN I noticed her shoes, Steve Madden, the watch was Rolex, and purse YSL. She looks around 24-27 at at most. I'm getting a gold-digger vibe, BUT no gold-digging behaviors. Maybe because I managed to put her on guard with the amount of pre-frame that got her defensive and knew I wouldn't be a victim, I don't know...

I poured the remaining water into a glass drank some, and gave the remaining to her, we had a little back and front, if she didn't drink it to give it back to me, she refused, drank a bit, and poured the water on my carpet (wing's hotel), I remained unreactive, I didn't care... my frame was unshaken, but if you are irritated I believe at this moment you SHOULD react to this.

we talk about some unconventional topics, about avoiding the rules and how to circumvent them,

when I asked anything personal in detail like her name, why she's traveling around the world, and why she's been to so many places, she managed to dodge all of the questions in a super low-key way, you could tell she was an experienced veteran in this covert behavior,

the escalation phase,

she was one of the hottest girls I've pulled from so I wanted to make the interaction perfect and make sure I didn't escalate at the wrong time, which didn't help.

she was in and out of sleep and snored a bit, I woke her up to continue to chat, I unzipped her dress from the back, started rubbing her ass try to move my hand near the pussy she managed to slap it away a bunch of times when I tried to go inside of her, fractionated in and out, I get up to use the bathroom, she leaves the unzipped dress I again do the dog and pony show couple more times, at the same time I was manging texting with my wing, to see how much I had left, where he's at.

finally at last when I turned off the light tried to go for a final push, didn't work and I just ended up saying I had to go see my friend at the cafe shop,

girl: "HA, you think I was going to go to sleep"
"Can you call me a taxi"

Me: "NO...."


(HAHAHAHAH it was so funny)

I call her a taxi, the basic one, bitch didn't earn a premium and overnight charge too, and proceeded to take her downstairs. Then she tried to play fight with me and shit, lightly projecting her voice in the hallway, then I told her to STFU.

out of the blue, she stated

"you look like mafia"

"i don't know, it's a good thing?"

I replied

"Thanks. Mafia has a lot of girls, I could replace you"

Didn't even get a kiss. We hugged each other and flipped each other off as goodbye, she did this seductive gesture inserting her middle finger into her mouth and taking it out..... fuck I immediately got a boner...

conclusion: I believe if I had more time I would have been able to close, since she needed more comfortable I needed to establish more social frame with her. The social frame may be the forcefulness of the escalation, needing to be more powerful instead of the slower phasing type of escalation, at the same time I didn't have enough time because being more aggressive when needed wasn't the issue for me, but the social/sexual frame. another well-respected modern human said the social frame is the sexual frame for this type of archetype, I agree once she opens the window for escalation.

My wing found the girl from Instagram, before being pulled by me. She was near the DJ booth, with modeling management or something, with different shoes...

Something my wing mentioned was that when I'm excited about a girl it shows on my face and it reflects and is more likely to be reciprocated by the girl as well. Which is a key reason to approach the ones you are attracted to.
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