Some intro methods and kiss closes

Cody Lyans

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 8, 2019
Fun and bubbly:
Laugh and look to the side, step in a way that you seem to not be in control of your direction. Similar to when something is crazy funny or nostalgic, like remembering the time your cat jumped cuz of xyz.
Enter her proximity sideways or backwards, turn to her so she looks and give her a huge buzzing smile
(works on her curiosity and want to share in positive feels)

Candle play:
Play with an object as looking at her intensely, typically in a bar setting with the candle in the middle of the table. The more she knows you the more low key you do it. Have soft facial expressions, relax like a cat, but be clear with who you are looking at with your eyes.
If she does not respond great right away just look to the side and turn your body language to another thing. If she keeps looking back, approach without having had her see you looking again.
(advanced move, works on the feeling of being singled out)

Start talking to her, don't wait for her response, and kind of ignore what she does, select fun trains of convo without needing much from her to add
(works on her not feeling like she exists, and her want to be seen... She is asking to herself if he doesn't see me why is he talking to me)

"I have a problem but I can feel the solution is close... What's that thing when?"
No one wants to hear about problems unless it is close to the solution.
Treat women like you almost have it solved. So "I am looking for that woman that blows me away with how well we connect, so many girls are beautiful, but it is about that connection, otherwise we don't feel appreciated how we ought to. Do you know that feeling when you are just.... So excited you can't trust your own decisions. You are overlooking something but you don't care... "
(this works on her yearning to feel complete even if vicariously through the interaction)


Simple polite:
Do you trust me
Close your eyes
(slowly cheek kiss her)
Then tell her that you think she looks amazing and caress her arm or hand
(breaks down the borders, enhances tension, adds excitement, very risk free)

Hug and love:
Cheek kiss
Hug her tenderly
Pull head back and say something warm and appreciative
Kiss other cheek and move back slow
Eye contact
(highly physical and affectionate)

Aww no way:
Take her hand and pull her in gently, so she can stand a bit nervous in front of you
Reach your other hand out to touch her ear line, nape of neck, or cheek
Have an awww type face and say softly something like "you really are... X" depending on previous convo

The smile kiss:
Haha being around you is so fun
Arm around her and a kiss to her forehead
A big smile at her, cup her face, rub her cheeks, and smile in front of her lips


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
These are the ones i use:

old school triangular glazing:

look at left eye right eye and then mouth then repeat as you get closer then boom kiss

The shut the fuck up with a finger:

As she is rambling taka taka taka, pleace your index finger on her mouth say shhhhh take it off then kiss her.... (calibration crucial a lot of girls hate your putting the finger in her mouth....

This one is one i invented:

I have a little _________ fill in the blank, sister, niece, cousin, whatever little girl, (is the context), she is sooooo cute when she sees me she always so happy like a little dog so exited to see me and then she hugs me like this and then she kisses me like this: now here you will kiss first the forehead, then the right eye, then the left eye, then right cheek then nose then left chick then chin(this one last is crucial).... ok don't really kiss the mouth is more to build compliance and to get rids on how comfortable she is with you letting her kiss.....