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Stepsister. Yes you read it right. I need help. Considering contacting psychologist. Long-read.


Jan 19, 2025
Non native english speaker. Sorry if broke some rules on this forum, i follow GC for 10 years now, but i just need some help, im at the rockiest bottomest bottom i ever been in my life. All this report is just a prequel to the main one.

Im in my mid 20ies and living in Russia. My lay count is somewhere around 15 or 20.

So the stepsister, huh? Thats why you all clicked it... yeah right... Where should I begin?...

I recently left Saint Petersburg for my hometown Adler since i had no money to live in Saint P due to my ex gf who was paying the full rent left for her hometown(well now im kinda see it was smoothest break up ever since there were no drama when we were parting ways).
So be me, 20 something, moved in to my parents apartments recently.
The funny thing is, i met my stepsister on Tinder, we matched each other. She massaged first and conversation was something like this:

She: Say hello to dad for me
Me: What?
She: *sends photo of her when she was a kid and my dad*
so we text each other back and worth where she tells me she is my stepsister. I was shocked. I tell her we should meet soon. Hour later we meet each other near my parents apartments where i was living for that time. I think she was 17 at that time and i was 21 or 22. She hasnt made impression of very beautiful girl on me i think due to het clothing style, baggy clothing kinda like Billie Eilish or smth. So we were just chilling by the beach smoking cigarettes, getting to know each other and she randomly out of nowhere asks me "Could you date me?"
I was a little surprised and just sighed and changed topic. While we were strolling near the beach, the hot blond girl i met on and were texting on tinder (maybe i already set up a date with her at that point?) walked near us eyeing me like crazy. My stepsister noticed that and told me. I havent recognized her at that time and did so only later hours after we parted ways with my sister. Nothing particular happened after, we were just talking about dad, music and stuff.

I once randomly stumbled into het in the smoking goods shop when i was on my way to Sochi to meet the blond milf i met on tinder too(the other blond, yeah i fucked her). We just say hi to each other.

Nothing happens after, maybe we text a little bit and thats it. Weeks later I leave Adler and Sochi for Saint Petersburg the same as before. The only thing changed is that i now follow my stepsister on instagram and a few lays under my belt.

A few years passes. I wanna say nothing particular but during those years the luck was not on my side. I had to leave with roommates so I had sex very rarely. I started smoking lots of weed and watch porn. My stepsister started uploading very sexy pics on her instagram and i started fantasising about it. Ya know about what. I started watching stepsister porn and stuff. On top of that my stepsister became more feminine in all the right places of her body. I was hooked but i never texted her or did something chasey i think.

2022. The war starts, in September i was sent to October to be training to be sent to Ukraine. I text my stepsis telling her ill be in town for some time and that im going to Ukraine. She tells me odds of me surviving are slim and that shes not in town. She said that i never texted her. Approaching Ukraine i decided to call her. We talk. Just some laughs and good vibes. She tells me she has to go since she arranged date with some dude. I say ok.

2023. Im in Ukraine doing my duties. I soon will be fired from the army due to my bad behavior. At that time i knew that. On some rainy day she texted me. We talked on the phone for like 1 hour. I told her that i most likely soon will be in town(sounds kinda funny when you are at warzone). Then we were texting following weeks but not much. On my way back to Russia she posted a story hugging with some dude. At that point I was fucking frustrated and new its 99% over.

I arrived home to Adler again. Few days later I text her saying we should meet. She says shes too lazy and not in the mood. Bruh... you brother arrived alive from warzone what the hell? I mean even if she hasn't viewed as some romantic prospect, it just... strange... I was fucking pissed. I deleted the conversation. She asked why i did that. Dont remember what i answered. I told her i will be leaving for Saint P in a few days and that thats last chance for us to meet. She says okay. We meet and talk. The vibe was colder then the one years before but still good vibes. She says she wants to visit Saint P. I tell her she should come to Saint P and like hangout with me there. She says maybe. We part ways.

A few month later she texts me saying she will be in Saint P i like in a month or two. We text about that. Im kinda waiting for her suggest she "stays" at my apartment for some time. She responds to me very lately. She says she works some shitty job to save money for moving to Saint P. She didnt suggest staying at my apartment. Few days before her arrival i broke and asked her where she be staying. She said with her boyfriend i havent knew about but she added "im moving to saint p not because of him".

She arrives to Saint P. She now lives on opposite side of city meaning our logistics are screwed. She suggest we meet somewhere in city center. I tell her im busy and she should come to me. She is hesitant to that. I leave her on read. Later she says okay and we schedule our meeting near my place the same or next day ( i don't remember).

The """Date""".
Im cleaning my apartment. She arrived a little earlier then planned. I leave my home to meet her. Shes waiting for me. We meet near subway station she arrived at. I suggest we head for some place to drink(non alco) or eat. We head for cheap but okay restaurant to eat. On the plus side , my place is in 10 mins walking. I haven't felt any romantic vibe for some reason. When we were smoking near the restarant she asked where do i live. I show her the location with my finger. I think here i should have suggest we head to my apartment but i felt that she hasn't earned that since she kinda hasnt given me any signs and she has a boyfriend she staying with. We just talk. She asked when the last time i Had a girlfriend. I answered something. She joked that im a virgin. I dont remember how i managed that. Later i remember i mentioned that most of my relationships last for a one or a few nights. I feel that was tryhard and uncalled for. We part ways.

Second """Date""".
After the previous date i suggested we cook something at my place. She answered something like: "Dont even dream about it". We schedule our date in city center to visit some stupid art museum. The date was complete failure. She is very moody, i once touched her she said" Dont touch me". We visit some shop since she wanted to buy candles. We part ways. At that point i knew its over 100%.

I tryed to schedule the "cook at my place" date to no avail. She said she is busy, she needs to do house chores. I try again later following days but she says she already planned something with her friends. I go no contact. Few month later she sends me some old photos of her and my dad saying im his exact copy, i reply with just "yeah".

At that point i was very hurt, heartbroken and stuff. Following months i found i little better job as athlete goods sales man(that i sadly work to this day) in the athletes goods store, started going to the gym and lost a lot of fat. Got a few lays under my belt. Half a year have passed since the last time ive seen her. Feeling the winner effect i text her saying we should meet (near my place of course). Her responses are entusiastic but a little hesitant. I ask why she such bitch but in a little more polite way(dont remember exactly). She gets bitter and doesn't want to go out even in city center now. I try a few more times (months apart from each time) and eventually she agrees. But....

I cancel it myself since my heart got broken by another girl. On the plus side right now im kinda dont even cared about my stepsis, at least almost. Kinda wish I had banged my stepsister. Would be so cool.

Following month she posted some stories with her and her bf in restaurant. I instantly knew break up was coming soon. Not so long later she posted a story of her in Adler. I texted her. She said she broken up with him and that she didnt liked living in Saint P. She said she had no time to meet me since she was rushed moving out of her boyfriend. Thats it for this report.

Stay tuned for one more report. I think im loosing my minds because of my next heartbreak report. Sorry if broke some rules on this forum, i follow GC for 10 years now, but i just need some help, im at the rockiest bottomest bottom i ever been in my life. All this report is just a prequel to the main one. Ill add this to the heading.

Thanks for you time. Any advice will do. Maybe you noticed any mistakes ive made(i made lots of them especially after the first "date"). Feel free to point it out.

Never give up,
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers