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STICKIED: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Hey gents,

I just wanted to share a quick hack I came up with the other day I really found useful in writing field reports to get the most learning out of them with the least amount of effort as writing field reports can be very time consuming, especially if your writing them like their supposed to be in great detail for every interaction.

When your first getting into journaling and learning I think its best to write out every detail of every interaction but once you have a solid foundation you can get to the point where your spending much time writing and not getting a huge return on your investment.

Solution = 80/20 Rule applied to field reports

For those that don't know the 80/20 rule the idea is that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort/activities so pinpoint that 20% and do that and you'll get more results in reduced time.

How I apply this to field reports is to think of the 1-2 interactions on any given outing meeting girls (nightgame or daygame) that you felt the most emotional response to losing (i.e. you were really enjoying a girl and her into you but for whatever reason you made a mistake and things didn't go your way).

Then simply detail the 3 minutes leading up to the point where you lost the girl and what you would do to prevent this if you could do it over again. Include any other major mistakes made that led to the point of no return as well if need be.

Typically in every interaction there is a point where you do (or don't do something) that leads to a clear moment of the girl losing attraction. Sometimes its a string of small mistakes or other times its a deep glaring mistake and her attraction goes out the window or is noticeably dampened.

THIS is the moment you detail in your report and resolve to fix moving forward.

Ya your going to miss learning opportunities but again if you have experience for a few years you already know your making those mistakes in the moment or right after you make them anyway and you just course correct. Here we're just detailing the glaring point that made the difference in you getting laid like a champ and going home empty handed. You might also want to note any reoccurring bad habits or fundamental ticks you notice pop up regularly and keep a list but no need to detail the minutia of this.

Anyway for those that are journal-ling regularly and have a good overall handle on things you might want to try this out and see if it doesn't help your game without spending so much time detailing everything. Also if you don't journal regularly but know you would benefit this is a good habit to get into maybe just on the nights when you got really close but didn't pull.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

yooo rob, thanks!

prior to reading this post, i was writing down just the general details of my interactions, and not even really bothering to improve as much as possible. wtf was i thinking.

but after i read this, i started writing down my interactions in great detail to analyze why they failed, and decide on what to improve for next time. i've done this for 25 approaches and already have seen way more improvement than the last few hundred approaches before that.

Once i get a solid handle on things I am definitely gonna start using your 3 minute hack.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)


According to the rules of the Filed Reports section, there are OR, FR, FU, and LR types of reports. I've read your post carefully. Your 80/20 description clearly describes writing FU (fuck up) types of reports, and only those. What about all the others?

Now I don't want to totally derail your thread, just maybe a little if you don't mind as I wanted to write about it this separately; but from all the forum sections one of the two that just 'doesn't work for me' are the Field Reports section, at least in its current form. Both reading it, let alone writing it (I wrote zero).

They are long and the ones I got into, what did I learned from them? Even though only 35% of site visitors are Americans, it's highly likely a greater percentage of forum members are. Chase says international perspectives are not that important - well, as long as most people come from the same country, they aren't important to you, for sure -, and I've learned that you guys Americans live somehow differently. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe it's the culture, maybe it's because we are different personalities, I don't know. But I've found your stories has no relation to my life.

Speaking of FU (fuck up) types of reports, what did I learn from my fuck ups. Maybe because I'm a strange animal, but I simply learned that when I fucked up there simply wasn't a connection. Either I wasn't really into her, really, or she wasn't really into me. But hey! Both happens.

Except for one case, where I suspect it may have been some cultural thing. An Asian girl in Europe. Asian Asian, not American Asian, aka. banana (yellow outside, white inside). As Chase says culture doesn't matter that much, so how to learn from it? Not to mention that our new member leadersuleyman is from Istanbul. That's definitely a different culture to most of ours. Sadly, he hasn't found the connection with members here, hopefully he figures out how to use the forum. I'm at least totally interested in different perspectives that he may have.

What I would learn from, could learn from, are solid basics. I'm the type of person who likes to fill in the blanks.

The Journals section is the more interesting one, but I imagine them to work better (at least for me) in a slightly different form. But I write about it separately.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

Mr.Rob said:
Then simply detail the 3 minutes leading up to the point where you lost the girl
I wonder how did you came up with 3 minutes. I mean, not every interaction, not every style of interaction is 3 minutes long at all. For reasons such as logistics, public transport, she is a hired gun, you name it.

Related side question: what's the shortest amount of time you can generate a number that doesn't flake? Chris "60 Years of Challenge's" answer is 23 seconds flat. Even though he sure is a very gifted man when it comes to ladies, when it comes to teaching what he knows, he is far from being the best. So I haven't adopted his method yet to my personal circumstances.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

OK Space, your either a mediocre disguised troll or your one of the types of guys that spends inordinate amounts of time consuming seduction/PUA/manosphere content but only goes out does a few half assed approaches with women a few times a year.

Either way you cut its clear you don't get laid much and it would likely be a productive use of your time spent seriously assessing your life to determine how to actually become a powerful man in a domain other than professional keyboard jockeying that likely consumes weird porn genres in his free time.

Space said:
but from all the forum sections one of the two that just 'doesn't work for me' are the Field Reports section, at least in its current form. Both reading it, let alone writing it (I wrote zero).

Sounds like your a real winner. Why are you on the forums again?

In the case you aren't a troll has it occurred to you that perhaps the reason your the only person truly worried about the UX/software of the forum here is because it doesn't matter?

We all know the UX on the forum sucks, way to go captain obvious. The reason people frequent forums isn't because of great UX its because of great people that make up a great community. Everything else is just extraneous.

If your so worried about the UX/software then dish out your own money and upgrade it yourself. Chase said he's working on it and I'm sure he has a 100 things taking priority over the UX of the FREE forums here, we don't need you to point out what we already know.

Go get laid and post a lay report.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Great post! I went ahead and moved this to the "Field Reports" board and stickied it for everyone else to read. :)


- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

Mr.Rob said:
OK Space, your either a mediocre disguised troll or your one of the types of guys that spends inordinate amounts of time consuming seduction/PUA/manosphere content but only goes out does a few half assed approaches with women a few times a year.
Either way you cut its clear you don't get laid much and it would likely be a productive use of your time spent seriously assessing your life to determine how to actually become a powerful man in a domain other than professional keyboard jockeying that likely consumes weird porn genres in his free time.
You know what, Rob? You seem like you have very advanced cold reading skills. And you are right. The very reason I was away from this forum for a month is to use that time as well to consume more porn instead. I hope you are satisfied with my answer!

Mr.Rob said:
If your so worried about the UX/software then dish out your own money and upgrade it yourself. Chase said he's working on it and I'm sure he has a 100 things taking priority over the UX of the FREE forums here, we don't need you to point out what we already know.
Regarding the forum UX. First I mentioned something about that the forum doesn't really look good (doesn't look usable at all) from mobile devices - devices many people these days use as their primary devices. I think that's a reasonable concern. Chase said he and his team are working on it... which is totally fine with me. I didn't insist then on the same topic over and over again. So you probably didn't get the story about this right.

Here's my field report. Peace.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

Space said:

Obviously not Rob but... where's your field report? It links to a post about logistics, which are very important, but that's not a field report. Not sure if you meant to link to something else or not.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

Regal Tiger said:
Space said:

Obviously not Rob but... where's your field report? It links to a post about logistics, which are very important, but that's not a field report. Not sure if you meant to link to something else or not.

lmfao its just him rebelling saying he doesnt understand the importance of field reports


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018
Re: How To Write Efficient Field Reports (80/20 Rule Time Hack)

Regal Tiger said:
Obviously not Rob but... where's your field report? It links to a post about logistics, which are very important, but that's not a field report. Not sure if you meant to link to something else or not.
The third paragraph of my linked post has my thoughts of field reports in general. The fourth paragraph in the linked post from the third paragraph of my linked post has my additional thoughts on the topic, if you can follow me. To sum it up, I don't find it time well spent to write them. I'm sorry but I don't find it time well spent to read others' reports, either.

You are a respected member here. You know what? Here's a different field report to you.

songbird fog said:
lmfao its just him rebelling saying he doesnt understand the importance of field reports
This is certainly the case. I find this forum unique among men's personal development/pickup online communities on its keen insistence on field reports.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018

How to do this. To answer you. I'm here for more than a year. Stats say I've almost wrote a post a day. It didn't feel like. Some long rants. Some long rants into other people's topics but to what end? What did I accomplish with my long posts? Well, to be honest I'm curious to what extent did I influence Chase to take up this seemingly gargantuan task to renew the forum and whatnot. But even if that, what else? Something related to women? A little community feelings but I certainly don't have to write elaborate long posts for that. I can get it by simply reading the forum or by some quick remarks. Some broken conversations with friendly members because I simply can't keep up. For that, see my signature (just the text, you don't have to follow my links). It seems I haven't managed to crack how I should use the forum.

Of course I have a long, elaborate answer to you in my head which would take two hours to phrase in English (which isn't my first language) with links and all to my previous posts so at least I won't have to write the same stuff again. Let's say I'd write that long post that would took me two hours. What for? Would you or me or any 3rd guy benefit from it to a similar extent that it would took me two hours to write it? I'm here for more than a year and my experience so far is it's not so much worth writing such long posts from my part. Or I just haven't cracked the code how to use the forum effectively.

Field reports. My quick take. Basically what I've answered (in May) to Chase (his March post). Yeah, it took me two months. You see my issue with the forum. Too few users. Ideally I wouldn't write a lot here. Heck, I'm not writing that much here. But ideally I would be in read only mode much more.


Oct 1, 2024
Great hack, you nailed it! The 80/20 rule is key, and writing field reports can take ages. Your method saves time by focusing on the emotional tipping points. It's usually in those crucial moments where we lose or win. Perfect for maximizing learning with less effort.

Also, writing detailed reports is awesome in the beginning, but later, once you've got the basics down, it's smarter to focus on the big mistakes. Glad you pointed that out!:)