Telling a Girl You Have a STD


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

The good news on genital warts is that they're caused by HPV, and the body normally clears itself of HPV (reduces viral load down to undetectable levels) within a year or two... I forget the exact numbers, but it's something around 75% or 80% of people cleared in a year or less, and 90% or 95% cleared in two.

Something around 90% of sexually active individuals in the West will contract one strain of HPV or another somewhere in their lifetimes. The low risk (low cancer risk) come with warts; the high risk (high cancer risk) do not.

Meantime, you can reduce the risk of transmission by lubing up with a lubricant with carageenan in it. Condoms only cut your risk of skin-transmitted STDs (herpes, HPV, etc.) by about 70%. Carageenan does a much better job of preventing skin transmission (though you still need a condom for avoiding fluid-based STDs).

For telling partners: I'd suggest the next time you see a girl, hang out and eat with her and whatnot and, ideally, wait until she tries to initiate sex, then tell her to hold off, and say:

Maybe let's not do that right now - I just found out I have HPV, and hopefully I haven't given it to you, and I don't want to give it to you. I took some medication that cleared up the external symptoms, and I shouldn't be very contagious, but it generally takes anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to fully clear from your system. You can largely prevent its transmission by using the right lubricant during sex, but this is one of those things you can get kind of freaked out about and I don't want to be causing you undo duress. So maybe let's not do that right now, and you can think about if you want to keep seeing me or if maybe I'm some kind of sexual liability to you and let me know later.

Basically, just let her know the deal; let her know it clears, and it isn't permanent - it's mainly cosmetic, and sort of ugly for a while if you get it, and it eventually clears on its own in healthy people usually. But leave it up to her to decide if she wants to keep seeing you, and give her time to think about it - don't force her to decide then and there. Some girls will probably tell you it's fine and they're not worried about it; some might seem concerned, and ask some questions, then decide it's fine; others may seem concerned, ask some questions, and take you up on having a think about it, then either let you know later they think it's okay, or let you know later they're really sorry but they can't see you anymore / have decided to get more serious about their romance / sex lives, etc.

Anyway, sorry to hear about the warts, but worse things they could be, and the infection normally clears on its own in time. Hope things go okay with your girls.
