The 10 Minute Workout!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Hey guys!

I think we all suffer being inconsistent when it comes to working out (at least when we stop doing our high school/college sports). It is just hard to stick to a system.

I've done it all: gym memberships I would never use & eventually cancel, group classes, sport clubs (they would only get together once a week), jogging, infomercial products (P90X, Insanity, etc.), gym equipment at home (treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, weights), and other thing I can't remember.

Anyways, I think I've finally came up with a system that works. If you read my book you know I want to keep it simple, simple, simple!!! And what is simpler than a 10 minute workout you can do almost everyday (I do it Monday-Friday, rest on the weekends).

The 10 minutes are broken up into 30 second blocks. Basically 4 exercises followed by 30 second of rest.

Here it is:

Warm up: Do some high knees, butt kicks, and side to sides. Get the blood flowing in your legs.
Get your Heart Pumping & more Warm up Part
Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds - move fast and get your blood pumping!

High Knees - 30 seconds

Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds

Dragon Crawl - 30 seconds - Youtube it! May be too much on your arms if you are out of shape. Leave it out until you get stronger!

Rest - 30 seconds
Yoga and Stretching Part!
Downward dog leg lift to knee tuck - 30 seconds

Downward dog to Extended Side Angle Pose - 30 seconds

Plank leg lift to knee tuck to knee tuck with leg open to side - 30 seconds

Chair Pose - 30 seconds

Rest - 30 seconds
Hard Workout Part!
[Blank] - 30 seconds - These next ones are blank for a reason. These are your weightlifting exercises. You have two choices: 1.) Focus on one body part per day 2.) do the entire body...keep it light so you can repeat each day. If you do the whole body I would suggest one pull, one push, and one leg exercise. Be careful with the legs the burpees coming up will work them. Use these three spots to work in variety in your workout.

[Blank] - 30 seconds

[Blank] - 30 seconds

Burpees - 30 seconds - These will work you!!! I remove the push up part since it interferes with my weightlifting exercises above.

Rest - 30 seconds
Cool Down/Work the Remaining Junk out of the System

Somersaults - 30 seconds - careful if you are out of shape. You can jam your shoulder or sprain your wrist. Take it slow!

Front Kicks - 30 seconds - It is a cool down so don't do it too intense. But enough to create a whip motion in your legs (muscles should shake like jelly) to clean out your lymph node system. Many prostatitis sufferers have been cured doing karate classes and many believe it is from the kicks moving stagnant fluids in the prostate.

Side Kicks - 30 seconds - Same as above. I also like to do 3 kicks on one side with each kick getting progressively higher before switching to the other side.

Power Posing - 30 seconds - You probably won't find this by googling. Check out the following Youtube link:


Okay that is 9 min and 30 seconds, but with the warm up that should be about 10 minutes!

Besides exercise you should also make sure to be active during the day. This means don't sit in your cube for 8 hours straight. My favorite way to be active is walking. I try to walk my dog in the morning and walk 30 minutes during my lunch break.

The other type of exercise you need to including is sprinting (not jogging) at least once a week. I try to get this in by doing a sport (tennis, basketball, etc.)

I don't do this workout if I do a tennis, yoga, or pilates class for the day.

Remember, look at working out like brushing your teeth. You wouldn't skip a day from brushing your teeth would you???


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Second day doing these and I feel amazing!!!

Unlike an hour at the gym, you are not worn out afterward. You are out of breath, but FULL OF ENERGY!