The Concept of Burning Bridges


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
So I just reread one of Chase's posts about 'I don't Chase em, I Replace em' as quoted by the notorious B.I.G.

Anyways, I've been really thinking about the concept of burning bridges. Reason being? I lost a lot of friends through my experimentation of becoming a cold-hearted ass hole. I've toned it down a lot, almost to who I was before I changed up my behavior. Anyways, I realize I've lost touch with a lot of people, but the thing is, I don't see how or why it is necessary to keep contact/be friends with these people. All of them settle for average, want the white picket fence, etc. I, like many of you, aren't about that lifestyle; it feels too boring/predictable, where you have the same old routine all the time...

I've also got a list of personal self improvement projects on the way, so I don't really want to waste energy on keeping contact with people who aren't going to benefit me in any sense. At the same time, who doesn't enjoy kicking back with their buddies once in a while? I mean, I think life's about balance and it's not good to take things too seriously, but for some reason, I don't feel any need to restore most of the lost relationships that have been cut off in the past. I feel as though the people in my life weren't offering me half the value I was giving them; and if they wanted me around they'd have to do more than just show up. With that being said, there is this girl I was a bit of an ass hole to that I'm considering restoring things with, mainly because that was one of the few friendly relationships I had that ended on sour terms. All of the other ones, I just lost touch with people after high school ended, and I feel like I could just go to them at any time and rekindle the flames.

So my question for you guys is firstly, what constitutes burnt bridges? Does it mean you have cut contact but can go back to the person years later and things are cool, or does it mean you intentionally forced people out of your life and ended things on poor terms? Have you had any experiences with burnt bridges, if so, what are your experiences & views?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Garrett said:
So my question for you guys is firstly, what constitutes burnt bridges? Does it mean you have cut contact but can go back to the person years later and things are cool, or does it mean you intentionally forced people out of your life and ended things on poor terms? Have you had any experiences with burnt bridges, if so, what are your experiences & views?

Burnt bridges means showing a kind of 'black' face when that person is around today or in the future. You can say ended on poor terms. Most of my bridges are still intact although we quarrel, friends always fight on certain things but there are a few people where i have this emotional distance because what they did was terrible. And you don't want them in your life but also do not want to hold on and be bitter, bad mouth and spread rumours. So you make peace and just leave it as it is. Usually that person knows they fucked up, and some of them don't really care about what they did to you.
