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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

but Chase reckons open from behind is not good BUT maybe can make a thread on forums asking about it




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I don’t know. Are you aware of this? Have you noticed this change in yourself?

It’s like you’re a different guy now, Zac.


I am.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
"You know, you're a long-time member on here, of a fairly high rank. That carries a certain responsibility with it."

I been wrestling with this for awhile this year.

Knowing that I am striving to have my own platform by end of year, so that I can have indepth conversations and also have tips in the same content that people can apply right away.

Because immediate results, do matter, innately to Humans.

And I been given a gift. I sincerely believe it is a gift from the Heavens. I can bitch about it in short form answers and i did. I will eventually outgrow this even though online comments and stupid people are fuel. I will persist being Trump-lite but it will not be on this platform too often. The key here is the gift being utilized to the best of my ability for the good of humankind.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

When the sex feels dry/interest in women feels 'off'

This might help. Go to this link.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
"It's a kick"

I don't think that you need motivation.

You need to take the advices that guys here gave, but that it also revolves around respecting your need that you like girls but You like putting things together more, kinda like Legos.

Example: She do this. She do that. *Brain be like LEGO moves here*

The issue is that I don't think that you will take the advice of Girlschase members even if the advices they gave, is good. This is not done out of malice. In my opinion, you are viewing it kind of like a macro strategy game.

@Chase recently noted that I'm a guy who probably doesn't see the value of pickup as it is.

I never thought about it until he mentioned it several times throughout the years. It floats at the back of my mind but it just doesn't seem to register. It was something that I value, the processes but I value the 'seeing the big picture' and then the spontaneous of the date itself (if that makes sense at all).

I'm just not sure how to reverse engineer this today in a way that can be put out on the physical world without compromising the fun and joy of 'dismantling' females.

It's a balance of staying in the fun yet assertive in your compliance ladders.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 26, 2015


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
What would that be?

I just don't see talking about pickup as more valuable, compared to the rest of the guys.

I love the seeing how 'things are moved', more than talking about pickup as pickup.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
When the amount of media coverage is dramatically out of proportion to the actual threat level, then yes, it is a killer bees story.

When you one of the only Asian in here, and that you start talking about things in this forum, that has actual threat level to yourself and your reputation but it's sort of an unspoken rule dynamic in Asia.


I guess my problem is the same as investment: Timing of the recession is too far ahead and that I am planting banana trees on strawberry fields (someone else's platform instead of mine)

:rolleyes: I'm going to cut your nose hair, Chase! (At least before I become less active here!)



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I'm going to cut your nose hair, Chase!

Is this like a Malaysian saying that gets lost in translation?

Otherwise I'm just picturing you with a pair of little scissors helpfully keeping my nose hair from brushing up against my mustache.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The smart phone plugged all these women into the global dating market. It's almost a level playing field now globally, especially if you use apps or try to simp in any way (impressing with money etc.)

This is the issue here that you answered it yourself. Most of guys, are not in positions of power, in terms of job/money.

where does one draw the line between the phone using you versus you needing it because the world lives on it.
And to add, even in the upper echelons, there's politics.

The issue is most ppl are not in positions of power.

Does one ignore the everyday chatter? That's half true.
Does one knows how to create false signals and redirect where the social circle goes? That's true too because ppl do wait for your reactions for their worldview to click. (Chase wrote a great article recently on people waiting for you to 'click' because they have anxiety themselves)

Basically, I'm requesting everyone to be more aware and sympathetic and cautious to not dismiss out the issue.

We are all in anxiety. That's for sure.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Girlschase, everywhere has a real problem when Chase reads the Marvel narrative wrongly. We have been talking past each other. Oh God. We are in deep shit. Not Chase. But society in general. We all are in deep doo doo. Back to sketching. Bye



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
It just worked.

That was, until about 3 years ago. What changed? Maybe it was just me. Maybe I just got older. Maybe it was any number of other things. But at the end of the day, I now come back to drawing board, seemingly back to square zero, asking the same question I asked a decade ago, when my lay count was less than three:

"How do I get a freaking date with a cute girl, get her to like me, have sex with me, and date me?"

And now, nothing seems to work
It doesn't help that I look around and suddenly half the women I see are married or single mothers. I'm constantly asking myself, "Did I miss the boat?" And I'm feeling more and more pressure to just bite the bullet and lock down something lest I wind up alone for the next 30 years.
.I feel like I need another paradigm shift. Another eye-opening revelation like the one this site first offered. Maybe I'm in the failing minority, and my position isn't relevant to the bigger picture. But I doubt it.


This is Zac. I am still here (2009. Reading articles). This child saw the world change in 3 times.

And he is not even 35 years old.

Biting the bullet you may.
Let me shed some light.

Your issue here isn't only pickup but aligning everything that is in your life. And it just so happens that you are shedding pickup from your life, because it is no longer something that can be incorporated in your life.

But you believe in Girlschase. It had something. Something different from other pickup companies. You believe it had things that transcends beyond pickup.

Now.. You cannot blame Girlschase for this. Nor i don't think that you plan to blame it. Hell, i did even blame Girlschase. Because i expect it to be my dad per se. Because it had something more.

We, Humanity, in my opinion are just in a limbo position, stuck between what has always work (traditionalism), that is now broken, and the idea of liberalism, what's next.

Ask me for an example. It is everywhere.
- First world females and blatant hypocrisy
- Muslims needing to convince Christians that Islam is the true religion
- Woke-ism

And so on. Too many.

The next phase of humanity will be very crucial. I need Chase and Girlschase, to keep pumping his knowledge, because he doesn't realize it that this small nuance that he knows, is what builds the bridges of society in the next phase of humanity.

At least this is what i believe. I am writing this post. This is what i have seen. It is undeniable. The patterns are too 'in my face'. But this is a pickup forum.

I can't help you beyond pickup because this is not just a pickup issue. And that this is actually your whole life. Our whole life. And that asking someone else to write down your life, is just unfair.

But this is where humanity, is.

If the universe permits/Insyaallah/God willing.. my platform will be up and running well late this year, where i also help people address this questions. It be like a complement to Girlschase, a counter balance, yet its own platform of content.

Man is only Human. Men is also an Ideal.

z@c+ (Quran 2:30)
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Recently, there's 4 things that pops up in my mind, thanks to the forum

- Warped Mindless on PUA rationalizing a lot of things
- Skills and humans tend to project
- Is game too hard
- How a senior member manage to get Zac on a flame war in the forum

Looking at this, I'm like 'ah ha'.
I realize that Girlschase must recognize this or risk another pickup company have a competitive advantage over them. PUA is no longer the unconventional conventional knowledge. It is mental sequential.

Simply, PUA is still needed to be unconventional, that is still under the radar BUT the conventional way of educating on Pickup is dead. It is mental sequential.

i don't know what happened but the world seems to change, and now we are that.

Now, What do I meant by 'Mental Sequential' or what I tell the members here as 'Continuity' (where females will die mentally if you don't do things)
. To make it fun, this video kinda helps, if it makes sense.

I hope Chase gets my drift. He is the big cheese on here and I care about Girlschase needing to transit 2.0. Dear Chase, I hope you get my drift. I avoid annoying you with this 'out of Pickup' ideas. But this is important.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I hope that Girlschase catch the idea of this and make sure that this becomes part of their Girlschase 2.0.

Everything is now, 'Mental Sequential'.

I have seen this happened way too many times that it bothers me. No one talks about it.
There's INCONGRUENCE between all reality levels, and it happens on the x-axis (social) and y-axis (causality).

I'm on my own for now. Different life goals.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Seems like a lot of 'none listening' on all sides, even on this forums. I guess that's life. Now i can't change the world. The world is perfect as it is, for Every states exist.

As we approaching end of year, I hope that I get up to speed.

Bless everyone :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

1)Humanity have never agreed shared basis on PUA
2)Lost in Translation (Definition)
3)Lost in Transition (West vs Asia as example or Vehicle of)
4)Lost in Transcription (Different definition at basis level, thus affecting definition at process level)

TLDR: Takeaway my jargons. :) I feel the argument on the forum doesn't bear fruit, and feels like Free Will vs Determinism. It doesn't change anything.

We are already here on Earth.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

As I work to get up to speed so I be on my own platform by end of year. Yea, I hope the members here recognize this.

That you can no longer convince anyone.

'Mental Sequential'



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I should not post this because i am striving to have my own platform by end of year. This is a personal post.

It is weird but kind of enlightening that personal feelings on topics that i have had over the years, has always reflected into the physical world years years later.

When members talk about things i was already aware of. My job now is to look inward. And hopefully able to lay it out the method in simple terms sl that just maybe humanity will understand a glimpse of it and apply it for themselves.

I am a man out of time.
That child at the tree that saw the world change at least 3 times. :)

It does feel lonely.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Excerpts from Email Conversations with Chase. Part 3


Yeah, 95% of the time it's one of those cases (open wound, sketchy folks, homosexuals... and homosexuals tend to very often both do sketchy things and have open wounds in their anal/genital areas).

You can eliminate most of your risk factor by a.) sticking to girls you meet via day game / no online, no nightlife, b.) screening women for wild/loose behavior.

And yeah, of course, if you have an open wound, don't shag till it's healed.

Got to screen social circle girls too. Guys tend to trust them more because "she's in my social circle, I'm sure she's safe" or "I've known her forever, she must be clean" which is not how that works. Every girl is in some guy's social circle and has some guy she's known ages... including girls with every disease imaginable. I know two guys who shagged tons of girls from cold approach without problems but caught chlamydia by shagging girls from their social circles or whom they'd known a long time. In both cases, they assumed the girl was safe, raw dogged her, and caught clap.

People will tell themselves whatever disease they have is "not that big a deal" or "s/he won't catch it from me" and will downplay, minimize, or hide it. So you can't really rely on this person telling you.

Just have to look for risk factors.

And you never get to 100% safety. There's always that random sweet girl with two lifetime partners who's never had a one-night stand but whose unfaithful boyfriend gave her herpes. That's always sad for that girl.

But most of the time the folks with this stuff have obvious risk factors you can avoid... if you're careful.

Then again, when it's 3 AM and you're drunk and this hot girl is all over you, it can be pretty darn tempting to go raw on her in the back alley behind the dumpster.

So there's that...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

- Why Guys don't wear condoms (because other men won't wear them)

- Why Guys go the friendzone route/use religion to manipulate their way (because other men will use them)

- Why Guys will do whatever means necessary and shaming them for not learning Girlschase/PUA, won't make us, win (because other men will do what's necessary

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers