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The single most attractive trait is living a passionate life


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 20, 2015
This is something that Chase and the guys talk about, and I wholeheartedly agree. When a man or woman lives a life with great passion for something, they will inevitably be sought after and found highly attractive. What I think it ultimately comes down to is

Whether you are religious, spiritual, or atheist, it is imperative to your own ultimate happiness and attractiveness that you believe that you are a part of something bigger than yourself.

Some concrete examples:

My first serious adult relationship was with a Yale educated lawyer who devoted her life to anti-corruption research. She wrote award-winning papers and published articles that actually influenced international litigaton.

The girl I'm dating now is a vet tech, in school to be a veterinarian. Working with animals is truly sacred for her; she volunteers to do euthanasias (when most people try to avoid them) because she wants to give them a dignified death and be there for the families.

In both cases, the thing that drew me most to these women -- after looks, sex, etc -- was there passion for what their lives were really about.

I have searched my entire life for something to be passionate about this way. I'm still relatively young, 24, but I've yet to find it, and it really bothers me. I've had a successful career as a software developer, but it's hardly something I'd call my passion. It's just a job.

I've though about being/doing many things over the years, but I've never found one thing that's inspired me enough to devote my life to. In the absence of that, and I've seen it many times, one winds up devoting themselves to their families, and that's not healthy in the long run.

Anyone have any thoughts or similar experience? What can I do to find my passion?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Since you have already been looking and want to be a part of something bigger than yourself, you might want to ask

"What kind of message do I want to send/deliver to the world?" or
"What purpose do I have, and who should benefit from it?"


  • Your ex wants to put an end to corruption (I assume).
    Your current girl wants to give animals a dignifying death.
    Some medical students become doctors or scientists to cure certain diseases such as cancer
    Former pro-woman movements fought for women's right to work and vote just as equally as men.
    Chase created GC to give men a toolbox to their love lives

One thing I will bet a trillion dollars these examples have in common, is that the people usually have some experience that led them to choose this path. Maybe something happened to them personally or to someone close to them. And they were usually helpless in their past, but they wanted to change that helplessness by finding ways to change circumstances.

If there's anything you can think of from your past that you seriously wanted to be different, you could use that to find your passion/purpose.