Throwing back rejection in girls' faces


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 3, 2020
If I ever come across a girl who rejected me over text, ignored my date proposal, or rejected me in person; Is it a good general rule of thumb, to throw the rejection back in her face? I heard Hector Castillo talk about this on the GirlsChase podcast.

For instance:

*girl doesn't respond to your date proposal and you see her in person later on*
Me: Hey, how are you doing?
Girl: Good, how are you?
Me: Not too bad. I wanted to go out with you, but in hindsight, it probably be a bad idea...

*girl says no over text*
Me: Hey, let's grab a coffee.
Girl: I'm sorry, I'm just not interested.
Me: Yeah, I'm just not as interested anymore as well. It wouldn't have been a good idea for us to go out...

*girl rejects you in person*
Me: Hey, let's grab a coffee.
Girl: No thanks.
Me: Yeah, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

I have not tried the "throwing back the rejection" card yet in any situation. Any improvements on these dialogues are helpful.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
The things with rejections is that you do not know exactly if she is actually rejecting you or is a test :)

Best to play it like you are not butt hurt , but if she is super rude or something like that it is ok to respond in the same matter , it will not help you with anything though

better I think is to just get used with being rejected , it happens with a lot of thing as it is not limited only to girls . This is how life is :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I don't throw things in their faces directly, that is nothing else but providing validation. In other words rewarding their crap. It is more intelligent to remain nonchalant and do your own thing. Like Bigpapa said, you don't know where she is coming from, if she is testing you. The last thing you want is to come across as butthurt and thus weak.

However, if a given girl really misbehaves or rejects me very harshly (which is rare) I have laughed more than once in their faces directly. But that's because they are being ridicilous. I think nonchalance is the better exit theory. In one of his articles Chase wrote that women are evaluating your exit's very carefully.