Trigger Her Result, Engagement, Approval.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
One of the biggest things I learn from 2020, and 2021

is how amazing people all turn on each other. Because they want results, engagement and approval. Here's what you can do to get girls back, get more girls to turn on their friends and get more. By utilizing the same fucking 'results engagement and approval' variable against them.

I see how amazing they turn off their likes on Zac because the tide didn't go too well.

So fuck it. Here's how to abuse this weapon.

It is important to understand this 2 things. This 2 principles holds every variable dearly. the result, engagement and approval.

1)Everything starts with attention
2)State Stacking

When a female grows up, did she receives attention from her father? Is her father there? Is her father very nice to her? Is her father a pussy boy?

That is reference to number 1.

I'm sure you should know this by now. Feminism, Women Empowerment and all other horse shit. This is the state stack.

This is number 2

Ever curious as to why people don't get Girlschase lessons when you talk to them in public? Theyre already 'state stacked' from family, religion, school, friends and then intersectionality and all other horse shit.

This 2 things Is key in holding everything.

It holds all the variable of result, engagement and approval.

Now go out there and abuse this weapon, implode the system, get more money, and get more pussy because this is ALSO used in advertising by businesses.

Remember, It's nothing personal, we all imply. And history always rhymes. We can only accelerate it's decline.

So fuck it. I'm pissed.
