type of girl being warm but refusing compliance


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
From time to time , I meet this girls that give approaching signs and are warm , but refusing compliance after a certain point .

What I noticed about them though is that they just have some sort of trauma in their past . Basically they are just stubborn and are till a point control freaks , and just want to call the shots in the courtship process . Usually they have a lot of girl friend , and not that many orbiters , etc

Me personally I love a good challenge , and enjoy trying to seduce this type of women , but I do not have the best results when I draw the line , as she is trying to step down on my masculinity , so I end up either in a frame battle that never really yields any long term result ( I win a battle , but not the war ) ,either I neg her when she shows teeth and then after a while she goes into auto rejection , from which I never recover .

Also noticed that this type of girls , deep down also have actually a low self esteem , or are anxious in general , but masking this by looking with a high self esteem , near narcissism almost .

Did anyone here dealt with this kind of women? And if yes , what technique works best ?
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Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
I'm not the most experienced but I've had a few encounters with this type. I find there's two types within it though, those that are anxious with self esteem issues that mask it and those that have high expectations.

Those that are anxious and masking I find respond better to being warm and raising their value. Showing interest and qualifying them is usually the best call. You need to direct the frame and redirect their worries to make them compliant so a little persistence and showing genuine interest with deep dives goes a long way.

The latter I have less success with, they have high expectations to match their self viewed high value and seem big on ASD. This can be caused by low self esteem and being masked but I find they're very closed. Qualifying them doesn't seem as effective with these, I find self depreciation in socially clever ways helps more because it shows you don't take yourself so seriously and they'll loosen up. You kind of have to tease them but show that you'll target yourself more.
