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VOCAL FUNDAMENTALS and purr in your voice


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
According to a number of studies, speaking with a deep voice shows Leadership and Attracts Women

Chase mentioned this in vocal fundamentals chapter in his book under the Purr topic, which is basically having a deep voice.

Some of the famous actors with deep voices are;
George Clooney
Sean Connery
Sylvester Stallone
James Earl Jones 「Darth Vader」

(Please don't imitate Darth Vader to pickup chicks unless if you're wearing the full uniform)

One study that took place in Tanzania showed that men with deep voices, have more children and they had children at an earlier age.
The study was made by recording the voices of the members in various camps. In conclusion those with a lower pitch had more success with women.
Margaret Thatcher had vocal training before becoming the prime minister.

Tips for deepening your voice.

WARNING! Do not scream like a metalhead constantly to deepen your voice, it will damage your vocal cords.

Having a deep voice will take time and exercise.

1- Try humming for about 15 minutes each day as you do lower your tone without hurting your cords (You must do this daily, or it won't work)

2- Tilt your head down and start humming, now tilt it back upwards and keep humming. You will notice a change in your tone
Keep your chin up as they say, you will look and sound sexy.

3-It shouldn't be tiring for you to speak when lowering your pitch

another exercise

4-Once a day repeat "Ding Dong Bing Bong King Kong" while holding the "ng" sound for 7 seconds on each word. First do it with your natural voice, then try again with a slightly deeper voice. Don't do it anymore until the next day, or you could hurt your vocal cords. Continue to do this for a week, and then move onto saying it while tilting you head toward the ceiling. Once again, wait a week of practice before doing this, or you could hurt yourself. This stretches out the vocal cords, giving you a deeper voice. This method is used by a lot OS radio jockeys and some transvestites to get a deeper voice

This video will help you out a lot

More info on deepening you voice is available on your search engine


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Neat post. Hadn't heard of the humming trick before for deepening your voice - good to know also of the risks of overdoing it. I've heard of singers developing lesions on their vocal cords that require surgery and lots of healing from overusing their vocal cords, though I think this is pretty rare and you need to be operating at pretty high volumes to damage your larynx like this.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers