What are some questions to ask yourself to figure out if giving a 'thank you' will sound weak/overly grateful?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 1, 2020
Going to move in w/ GF for a few months. That's a big favor and getting driven back to her place by her from an airport is the first favor. So my instinct w/ a stranger is to thank them for every favor. But I think this could look overly weak/overly grateful if you think a GF for everything given how many favors she is doing? How would you word phrase things as they come up?

Idk I just don't want to sound like some kid thanking a mom for everything, I'm not sure how to give off the right vibes and judge situations on the right responses


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Bro you overthink a lot of stuff when it comes to dating,sex and your gf. No disrespect,but you have to learn to think for yourself sometimes and just let things play out.

Microanalyzing every single little tiny action that you could do and say and predicting every single possible negative reaction is impractical,unrealistic and you're gonna drive yourself nuts. Creating posts that ask how do I say this,how should I phrase that,what should I say as a response to prevent how my gf might think is you trying too hard to control everything. An impossible task. You wouldn't go to work and say what should I say to my coworkers and manager at work today I didn't plan out any responses.

I used to be overanalytical too and honestly I probably still am to some degree. You have to be aware of it and understand that you just need to live life, experience the present and be at peace with whatever mistakes you might make. You can't control everything that may or may not happen to you. You have to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them after they happen. Something i've been learning in the philosophy that i've been reading.

To answer your question saying thank you isn't a problem. Just don't think saying thank you in itself is weak or beta otherwise you will project that energy. The more you think or believe a certain way the likelier you will manifest that same energy in your behavior and vibe.

You should not be tallying up things your gf does as "favors" that I need to reciprocate and pay back. She does them willingly because she's your partner. You don't always need to thank people for everything they do. If she cooks dinner for the both or you every night you don't have to say "hey babe thanks for making dinner" every night. That's a bit repetitive. I hope you get the gist.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
If you come from weak, it doesn't matter what you say, you're going to sound weak.

If you come from strong, it doesn't matter what you say, you're going to sound strong.

If you come from sexy, you're going to sound sexy.

If you come from X, you're going to sound X.

If you want to come across as strong, learn how to come from a place of strength.

You can say "thank you" a million times from a strong, masculine place and she'll wet her pants every time you say it.