But the argument that trannyfucking is some type of heterosexuality makes total sense if you take into consideration the etymology of the word - because a tranny is different than a man - when it comes to Gender that is; and thus, fucking trannies is as much "heterosexuality" as if you were to fuck CIS women.
I know you're in academia so the gender stuff is inescapable for you, and necessary for you to cotton to to some extent for academic survival.
Personally whenever I hear the term 'gender' applied to anything other than masculine and feminine words in romance languages, I can't help thinking of John Money (the coiner of the term in its now-dominant meaning) and the Reimer brothers (the horrific Case Study #1 'proving' gender to academia that violated all ethics of scientific experimentation on human beings) and keep wondering, "How the hell can an entire ideology be based upon
Some may argue that, trannies have the same sex as us, and thus fall into "homophilia" and "homosexuality". But many trannies are post-ops, so this argument won't hold. Secondly, many (the majority) may still have a penis, yet it would feel odd to consider them men - as I (and most of you) have little in common with trannies aside from perhaps a cock. Are they women as many woke people claim? Hell no! that's just bullshit. Transwomen are transwomen, not women! Let us get that one straight (pun intended).
In Southern and Southeast Asia there is a long tradition of considering transsexuals a 'third sex'. There's a Wikipedia article on this, although they've switched to calling it 'third gender' now (part of the creep of this John Moneyism everywhere in the West):
The basic human tradition is to consider such individuals neither male nor female, but a separate thing.
I think it's probably fair to consider dudes who fuck trannies as not out-and-out homosexual. But I don't think it's fair considering that straight either. I think it just goes into its own category... "tranny chaser" or "tranny acceptor" or some such. "Transpenetrator" or "transpenetrated"
You can even listen to trannies themselves... the post-op ones tend to complain quite loudly how they realized at some point that the men who wanted to get with them were all gay, and this annoyed them to no end because they considered themselves women and wanted a "straight" guy. All the operations and drugs are employed to this end -- "passing" as a woman and getting guys who aren't gay but "straight."
(if we wanted to be perfectly accurate, I'd say guys into trannies fall probably somewhere between 1s and 2s on
the Kinsey scale. Probably the ones who will only do trannies who highly pass are 1s, and the ones who will do any type of tranny are 2s)
Anyway, JMULV aka John Anthony is therefore heterosexual (unless transphilia is a thing....).
Well, the issue with "it's all heterosexual" is you get guys who are beginners who get very confused.
If, for instance, JMULV has game that fails with women but works with trannies and escorts (because women need to be seduced... whereas escorts want money, and trannies just want dick or butt), and he is teaching that to dudes as, "Here's what you do to get women," guys are going to be trying that out, failing, then wondering why these great secret methods from JMULV are just getting them bored, platonic reactions from women.
You need to be able to differentiate it.
You need to be able to say to a dude, "You can go up to a tranny and spit 'game' like JMULV's and be back banging the she-dude's butt or getting your butt banged in no time! However, if you are going for WOMEN, this approach is probably not usually going to cut it."
On my end, I think some of them can look pretty good, but there is something with the whole vibe that is a bit off-putting. I also don't freak out when I see a dick, but it doesn't exactly excite me. I like pussy and when the pussy is not there, something important is missing. But I can understand and see the appeal with trannies... as trannies are very popular these days for reasons unknown to me.
I'm 99% sure it is a hedonism / sensastion-seeking thing.
The guys I have known who've been mostly straight but also fucked trannies have all been big sensation seekers. Their attitude was basically "I like women... but if a tranny looks good enough, what's the difference!" A lot of these guys have also been big into drugs, doing a ton of coke, etc.
Another one you will see a lot in Southeast Asia is the steroid dude with the tranny. I can't figure out if the dude becomes so hypermasculinized from the steroids that he wants to just fuck EVERYTHING, trannies included, or if it's something like his hypermasculinization makes him want hyperfeminized women, and no one's more hyperfeminized than a hard-working tranny, or if it's something else, like all the extra estrogen the body produces to compensate for the testosterone awash in the body on steroids.
Would be interesting to talk to some of the trannies the steroid dudes fuck and ask them if the steroid dudes fuck them or they fuck the steroid dudes. Who's the top in that relationship? Would kinda clear up the whole "is it all the testosterone from the steroids, or all the compensatory estrogen the body makes in reaction to the steroids driving the whole phenomenon?" question.